Chapter 8. Tense changes in passive voice

Зведена таблиця часів пасивного стану

  Simple Continuous Perfect
Present The harmful effects of smoking are studiedby researchers. Is this problem studied by researchers? This problem is not studied by researchers   The problems are being discussed at the conference now. Is the problem being discussed now? The problem is not being discussed at present     This year the investigators have been concentrated on pulmonary and cardiovascular systems. Has this problem been discussed?   This problem has not been discussed today
  Simple Continuous Perfect
Past The harmful effects of smoking on various organs were studied by several investigators last year. Was this problem studiedlast year? This problem was not studiedlast year   The problems were being discussed when I came there. Wasthe problem being discussed when you came there? The problem was not being discussed at that time   The discussion had been completed before I came there. Had the discussion been completedby 5 o’clock yesterday? The discussion had not been completedby the time he came there
  Simple Continuous Perfect
Future The harmful effects of smoking on pulmonary and cardiovascular systems will be studied next year. Willthis problem be studied next year? This problem will not be studied next year Не існує The point will have been consideredbefore the professor comes. Will the point have been considered by 6 o’clock tomorrow? The point will not have been considered before you come

Active Voice – активний стан. Дію виконує підмет. А Passive Voice – це пасивний стан; дія спрямована на підмет.

Our surgeons do some open heart surgeries. Наші хірурги роблять деякі операції на відкритому серці.

Дію виконує підмет (хірурги) – це активний стан, тому що підмет діє.

Some open heart operations are done (by our surgeons). Деякі операції робляться на відкритому серці (нашими хірургами).

А тут дія спрямована на підмет (operations) – це пасивний стан, тому що не підмет діє, а над ним виконують дію. Підмету залишається тільки «страждати».

1 Translate the following sentences:

а) 1 The patient complains of a bad cough. 2 They went to our
district doctor's consulting room. 3 We shall be taking these patients' temperature while you are filling in their case histories. 4 Our scientists have eliminated many infectious diseases. 5 The doctor had already examined his patients by 12 o'clock.

b)1 Severe headaches are often followed by vomiting. 2 Some operations were done on the open heart yesterday. 3 These patients are being examined now. 4 I informed you as the case reports had been written. 5 Will the patient be sent to the hospital? 6 Hospitals and outpatient clinics are built with state funds in our country. 7 Dozens of medical and diseases prevention establishments have been built this year. 8 Blood for transfusion must be taken from a healthy person.

2 Pick out the verb in each sentence and say whether it is the active or passive voice:

a)1 I have just read this article in the morning newspaper. 2 They will soon be back here. 3 Last week we saw a nice film about medical news. 4 Last night I was sitting in my room and watching the television when he came in. 5 Yesterday I learnt from my friend that I had missed the most interesting lecture. 6 They are doing the experiment now. 7 Every morning he examines all his patients and prescribes them the proper treatment. 8 Does the doctor come here on time? 9 When does he come? 10 What do you do in the morning? 11 What are you doing now? 12 What text have you translated?

b)1 That lecture was attended by many students. 2 The letters have been posted today. 3 You are being waited for. 4 The tickets were bought beforehand. 5 New hospitals are built every year. 6 Many new houses had been built in this town before we came here. 7 This hospital is situated in our district. 8 Special attention is being paid to these patients. 9 This patient has been discharged from the hospital this week. 10 Is this plan fulfilled by them? 11 When was the programme discussed by them? 12 Have you fulfilled your plan?

3 Explain the difference between the given pairs of sentences:

1 The doctor has not prolonged the treatment because the patient feels well. The treatment was prolonged because the patient still feels bad. 2 The doctor has not yet discharged the patient from the clinic. The patient was not discharged from the clinic last week.

4 Transform these sentences into the interrogative form:

1 The bread was cut with a sharp knife. 2 When I came home, I saw that my son's finger was cut to the bone. 3 The patient is given first aid. 4 Penicillin is indicated in the treatment of different infections. 5 Special attention is devoted to mother and child welfare. 6 The operation on the heart is preceded by various examinations, which enable the surgeon to make a correct diagnosis. 7 The injury is accompanied by bleeding. 8 Annually check-ups are made to reveal TB patients.

5Give the subject and the predicate of the following sentences:

1 Не was shown the way to the station. 2 She was told the news when she returned home. 3 They were offered the goods at a low price. 4 The buyers were granted a credit of six months. 5 They have been given detailed instructions and have been told to fulfil them at once. 6 Children are taught foreign languages at school. 7 They are paid twice a month. 8 He was offered some interesting work. 9 He was promised immediate help. 10 The patient was treated by him conservatively. 11 The temperature was taken regularly. 12 Both children were healed (or: were cured) of a dangerous disease. 13 Skin preparation is usually commenced in the evening before operation. 14 The skin is first washed with soap and scrubbed with a brush. 15 The skin is thoroughly rinsed with sterile water.

6 Translate the following sentences:

1 In the first term medical students are taught basic theoretical subjects. 2 The chest is divided by the breastbone into two parts on each side of which there are seven ribs. 3 Two basic groups of muscles – static and dynamic – were established by Prof. Lesgaft. 4 The name of the great Russian surgeon Pirogov is known not only in our country but in all foreign countries. 5 Tissue therapy is used for the treatment of grave eye diseases. 6 When the patient's abdomen was X-rayed again, it showed some signs of pathology. 7 His vision was further impaired. 8 The iris is composed of thin layer of smooth muscle which controls the diameter of the central opening, or pupil.

7 Translate the following, note the passive in different tense forms:

1 Severe cases of scarlet fever are often accompanied by vomiting and headache. 2 A patient whose case is diagnosed as tuberculosis is prescribed a special treatment. 3 Case reports will be read by the ward doctor. 4 Tissue therapy is often used to treat chronic ulcers. 5 After the patient is discharged he will be asked to come to the clinic for a checkup. 6 The analyses will be shown to the professor tomorrow. 7 The drug which we use for intravenous injections must be always freshly prepared. 8 The paralysis was caused by the injury of the nerve trunk. 9 Happily the bones of the pelvis, the vertebral column and internal organs were not injured. 10 When he was admitted to the hospital his heart beats were hardly heard, his blood pressure could not be obtained. 11 All measures were taken immediately to relieve his condition. 12 In such cases the headache is not relieved by analgin. 13 The patient's heart disease was influenced by rheumatism. 14 Occasionally severe cases of pneumonia may be followed by tuberculosis, therefore the suspected cases must be carefully watched. 15 Some distilled water is being added to the solution. 16 When the food is being ground up by the teeth the salivary glands become active. 17 The operation will have been finished by the time the second professor comes back.

8 Make these sentences interrogative:

1 I am sent to a sanatorium. 2 The patient will be given some heart drugs. 3 The child will be given food rich in vitamins. 4 He will be paid the greatest attention. 5 I am often asked about his health. 6 The patient was given a bath and was asked to put on a hospital gown. 7 He is advised to come to the polyclinic for the treatment with warm baths. 8 The patient was first seen in the out-patient department in May. 9 He will be shown all the case reports. 10 We were told about your disease yesterday. 11 The patient will be asked about his complaints. 12 We were informed that he had been sent to a sanatorium. 13 She was promised immediate help. 14 He is offered some interesting work. 15 The doctor was invited to see a sick girl. 16 Patients with this disease are not advised to eat animal food. 17 You are treated with a new drug. 18 There are several characteristics of X-rays that make them useful to physicians in the diagnosis of disease. 19 The X-ray record of the renal pelvis and urinary tract after injecting contrast medium (dye) into a vein is called intravenous pyelogram (IVP). 20 Unlike X-ray diagnosis, thermography requires no physical agent applied to the body. 21 Ultrasonography is used by neurosurgeons and ophthalmologists to detect intracranial and ophthalmic lesions.

9 Translate these sentences, pay attention to the passive followed by prepositions:

1 The patient will be well looked after. 2 The wounded were taken care of. 3 The works of Pavlov are often referred to. 4 A conclusion was arrived at after a heated discussion. 5 His data can be relied upon. 6 This case was much spoken and written about. 7 These terms were insisted upon. 8 The young children are being taken care of by their elder sister. 9 This method will be soon done away with. 10 This story was much laughed at.

10 Translate the following sentences, notice the present perfect active and passive:

1 Since the day of discharge from the hospital this patient has never complained of any pain in his heart. 2 Of late more and more means have been developed for reducing the synthesis of cholesterol in the organism. 3 Ukrainian medicine has made great progress in treating many diseases. 4 Several products containing plant oils with unsaturated fatty acids have recently been made available. 5 Corn oil has been shown to lower cholesterol levels and is now used by some individuals. 6 The doctor has prescribed him some tranquillizing preparations. 7 Therapeutists have proved that spasms are largely due to disturbances in the central nervous system.

11 Pick out the sentences with the predicate in the continuous passive:

1 No changes are being observed in the patient’s condition now. 2 The blood was dripping from the wound for a few minutes. 3 The functions of the left lower extremity were being restored rapidly during the treatment of the patient at the clinic. 4 The total number of platelets in the blood of the patient is being counted by the laboratory worker now. 5 The exact amount of salt was being determined during the experiment which we were carrying out yesterday at 10 o’clock. 6 We can clearly observe that a favorable effect is being produced on the patient’s condition by the administration of these drugs.

12 Pick out the verb in each sentence and say whether it is the active or passive voice:

1 The patient had been treated for pneumonia before entering the surgical department. 2 The lecture has just been finished and the professor has gone out from the lecture hall. 3 Have you already been operated upon for appendicitis? 4 The fractured bones of the extremities had been set and put in plaster of Paris. 5 In the dressing room the surgeon took out the stitches which had been put after the operation. 6 Great success has been achieved by investigators in treating cancer. 7 The surgeon replaced the affected vessels with a plastic transplant. 8 The doctor was examining this patient when we came into the ward. 9 This problem is being investigated at dozens of clinics, medical faculties, sanatoria, hospitals and dispensaries under the general guidance of the Institute of Pulmonology. 10 This professor had delivered a lecture by 5 o'clock yesterday. 11 Modern medicine has already created quite a number of artificial organs. 12 The scientific institutes have been opened in some cities of Ukraine. 13 A group of physicians headed by professor Chumak is doing very important and interesting work. 14 These scientists have created a few experimental models of an artificial heart. 15 After the patient had suffered profuse external bleeding he developed severe anaemia. 16 While the surgeon was performing the operation he revealed the ulcer on the anterior side of the stomach. 17 The dullness which was revealed on percussion was associated with the pathologic changes in the left lung.

13 Make these sentences affirmative:

1 Will the curriculum of different terms be varied in future? 2 Is the vital capacity of the lungs in an infant changed with age? 3 New experimental findings were not established by the young scientist.

14 Define the tense forms and voice of verbs in the following sentences:

1 As soon as this doctor had finished his morning round he began to fill in some cards. 2 The mechanism of this influence hasnot been fully discovered. 3 Such operations are done even on such big vessels as the aorta. 4 Cardiovascular diseases are being discussed by the scientists of all the world. 5 These cardiologists in recent years have shown definite results in the battle for a healthy heart. 6 These drugs are also used in aerosol form. 7 The scientists who suggested this method believe that it will soon be widely used in our country. 8 Today the heart is operated on not only in cases of congenital heart failures, but defective cardiac valves are replaced completely and operations are made on the heart in case of coronary diseases; when the vessels feeding the heart are affected. 9 Vascular surgery and, in particular, surgery of coronary vessels has made great progress. 10 Now more than 150 variations of congenital cardiac failures have been described by many scientists. 11 The achievements of electronics, physics, chemistry, mathematics and cybernetics have greatly helped the surgeons in their work. 12 Now, more than 150 variations of congenital cardiac failures are studied by many scientists. 13 These scientists have taken the lead in the solution of this problem. 14 They are studying many questions of organ and tissue grafting. 15 Research is being done on the grafting of vessels, skin, bones, etc. 16 Neurosurgery, one of the youngest branches of medicine, has greatly advanced in the scientific investigations. 17 Over 25000 major operations have been performed at this institute. 18 Neurosurgical operations are performed with practically no loss of blood.

15 Put in the necessary words. Write questions to which these sentences are answers:

1 The aorta … from the upper part of the left ventricle. 2 The shape of the vessels … when they dilate. 3 The right lung is … than the left one. 4 The lungs are … with the pleura.

varies, covered, extends, heavier

16 Pick out and translate those sentences in which the verb tense of the English subordinate clause does not correspond to that of the Ukrainian translation:

1 The blood supply of the diseased lung will be restored as soon as the consolidation in it disappears. 2 The coagulation of the blood will be associated with the properties of the medicine which the patient will be administered. 3 The specific features of phagocytes will be destroyed if the environment becomes unfavorable.

17 Put the verbs given in brackets in the appropriate tense:

1 While the properties of filterable viruses (досліджувалися) the scientist (проводив) numerous experiments. 2 When the physician (наближався) the patient’s bedside loud coughing (почувся) in the ward. 3 Now the professor (читає) a lecture in which the properties of anaerobic microorganisms (аналізуються). 4 The brain (розміщуватися) in the cranial cavity. 5 The left and the right heart chambers (розділятися) by the septum. 6 Many books on medicine (видаватися) last year. 7 The left lung (ділитися) into two lobes.

18 Make up sentences with the predicate in the passive. Translate them:

1 are, with, the oral cavity, connected, the salivary glands; 2 the oral cavity, are, the soft and hard palates, located in; 3 of, main, are, the arteries, composed, three, coats.

19 Use the verbs in brackets in the appropriate tense and voice:

1 Many new hospitals (to build) in our city every year. 2 Ten patients (to examine.) by this doctor yesterday. 3 They (to send) to work to that hospital next month. 4 A new modern sanatorium (to build) at present. 5 This hospital (to equip) with devices this month. 6 This patient (to operate on) yesterday. 7 Products of protein, fat, and carbohydrate digestion (to be absorbed) from the gastrointestinal tract by the liver in which they (to undergo) further chemical processes. 8 The liver (to destroy) toxic substances which usually (to be formed) in the intestinal tract as well as some poisons which (to enter) the body. 9 Jaundice (to be known) to be the disease which (to be due to) the presence of a large amount of bilirubin in the blood and tissues.

20 Put questions to the italicized words and phrases:

1 The head consists of the cranial and facial parts. 2 The part of the body between the ribs and the hip is the waist. 3 Each hand has five fingers. 4 The abdominal cavity includes the small and large intestines. 5 The bone is covered with periosteum. 6 The heart is situated inside the thoracic cavity. 7 Striated fibres are striped transversely. 8 Voluntary muscles are capable of complicated movement. 9 Involuntary muscles are controlled unconsciously. 10 The fibres of cardiac muscle contract rhythmically.

21 Choose the correct form: active or passive:

1 Walt Disney created/was created the cartoon character Mickey Mouse. 2 This problem discussed/was discussed at the last meeting. 3 In 1964 Martin Luther King won/was won the Nobel Peace Prize. 4 In 1968 he assassinated/was assassinated in Memphis, Tennessee. 5 The president arrived/was arrived in Rome yesterday afternoon. 6 Later he interviewed/was interviewed on Italian TV. 7 Teachers have given/have been given a new pay rise by the government. 8 The news announced/was announced earlier today.

22 Put the sentences into the passive beginning with the words given:

1 They showed Sarah the photographs. Sarah … . 2 Normally, they pay me my salary every month. Normally, I … . 3 I think that they have sent us the wrong tickets. I think that we … . 4 I hope that someone will give Sally the message. I hope that Sally …. 5 They didn't ask me for my address. I … . 6 I thought that someone had told you about the meeting. I thought that you ... .

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