Use the Present Simple, the Future Simple or the Future Continuous in the following sentences

1. If you ___________________(to want) to see us, come to Tom’s on Sunday. We ___________________(to wait) for you at midday. 2. At this time next weekend they___________________(to sit) in the train to their way to Moscow. 3. Don’t ring her up at 12 o’clock. She ___________________(to write) her composition then. 4. It’s nearly autumn, soon the leaves __________________(to change) the colour. 5. They___________________(to have) English from 9 till 10 at this room. Don’t let anyone disturb them then. 6. When we___________________(to arrive) in Moscow, it ___________________(to rain) probably. 7. “I ___________________(to call) her at eight.” “No, don’t. She still___________________(to have) her breakfast then.”. 8. We ___________________(to play) chess in half an hour. 9. You’ll find me in the reading room. I___________________(to work) there from 5 to 7. 10. I’m dead sure when we___________________(to come) to her place, she___________________(to idle) away her time.

The Future Continuous Tense

The Future Continuous is used:

1) to denote an action which will be going on at a definite moment in the future. The definite moment is indicated either by another future action expressed by a verb in the Present Simple or by an adverbial phrase.

We shall be having classes at 10 o’clock tomorrow.

We shall be working when you return.

2) to talk about things which are already planned or decided.

-Will you be using your car this evening?

-No, you can take it.

Contradict the following sentences, say you will be doing something else.

Example: I know you will be having a lecture on Phonetics at 10 o’clock on Sunday.—No, I will be having a rest at 10 on Sunday!

1. You will be sleeping when your classes begin tomorrow.

2. You will be watching a football match on TV when I ring you up.

3. Your group will be writing a dictation from 10 till 11 to morrow.

4. When the teacher asks one of you to speak the rest will be chatting.

5. You will be doing a translation when we drop in at your place tomorrow.

6. You will be working in the lab from 12 till 2 tomorrow.

7. Your mother will be cooking your favourite meal when you return from the University.

8. Your father will be watching World Cup at 8 o’clock tomorrow.

9. You will be leaving home when the performance begins.

Complete the sentences using the Future Continuous.

Example:I’ll be working at my English …at this time tomorrow.

1. The teacher will be explaining a new grammar rule…

2. Mary will be taking her exams…

3. We will be having dinner…

4. We’ll be making arrangements for the party…

5. My sister will be doing her room…

6. My mother will be washing up…

7. The students will be working at their course papers…

8. Helen will be doing her exercises in…

9. Ann will be speaking over the phone…

Make up sentences using the Future Continuous.

Example: to watch a film in English..….from 8 till 9.30 this evening

I’ll be watching a film in English from 8 till 9.30 this evening.

1) to study English ……the whole evening today

2) to play football..…from 7 till 9 tomorrow

3) to play the piano …..from 5.30 till 6.30 this evening

4) to tidy up the room…all the morning tomorrow

5) to dine …at 7 o’clock tomorrow

6) to work ….from 8 till 17 tomorrow

7) to cook….. from 6 till 7 this evening

8) to wash the linen…... all day long tomorrow

9) to watch TV….. all day long tomorrow

10) to sleep…. when the mother leaves home for work

11) to revise for the exams…..when your friends go out tonight

12) to work hard….. when the whole family goes out of town

Ask questions using the Future Continuous

Example: You want to borrow your friend’s CD-player.(you /to use /your CD-player/ this evening?)—Will you be using your CD-player this evening?

1. You want your friend to give Jane an invitation.

(you/to meet/Jane/this afternoon?)

2. You want your friend to post a letter for you.

(you/to pass/the post-office/when you go shopping?)

3. You need a car.

(you/to use/your car/tonight?)

4. You want your friend to accompany you to the shopping centre.

(you/ to go/to the shopping centre/later?)

5. You want to go to the cinema with your friend.

(you/to do/anything special tonight?)

The Future Perfect Tense

The Future Perfect is used to denote an action completed before a definite moment in the future.

I will have finished the translation by 6 o’clock this evening.

I will have reached the station before the rain starts.

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