Transform into the passive voice. Pay attention to the phraseological units

1. He took great care of his clothes and always put them straight on to hangers.

2. Surely, he'll pay attention to her smashing dress.

3. He never made fun of his girl-friend.

4. At last she put an end to this awful mess in her flat.

5. Mary is a sloven but she thinks that her mother finds faults with her.

6. Jane takes care of her old grandparents as they are helpless.

7.We had not taken notice of the changes in the time-table and so we were late for classes.

8. Ann is very absent-minded and her friends always make fun of her.

9. I don't know what has happened to Mabel. Unfortunately, I lost sight of her in the crowd.

10. I have never made use of your lecture-notes.

11. If Cindy accepts the invitation, they will make a fool of her.

12. She was short-sighted and didn't take notice of her neighbour in the cafe.

Ask all types of questions.

1. The airport was lost sight of.

2. He was overwhelmed with the fear and the attraction of quick driving

3. Don't speak until you are spoken to.

4. I was sent for by a cousin who had made a mess of his family life.

5. She (the maid) was a breaker: she broke four of the glasses before she was got rid of.

6. I was fascinated by the glass which had survived.

7. He is being told off for nothing!

2.10 Give the corresponding passive construction and translate the sentence:

Example: Active - They sent for the doctor.

Passive - The doctor was sent for.

1. They speak much about this film.

2. They always look at this picture.

3. They often laughed at Ann.

4. They seldom speak to the rector.

5. She is looking for her slippers everywhere.

6. The students listened to the record with great interest.

7. I shall look through these texts tomorrow.

8. He was glad that nobody took notice of his muddy shoes.

9. You should send the sick man to hospital. They will look after him much better there.

10. They pay great attention to their pronunciation and rate of speech.

11. They often make fun of him.

Answer the questions in the Past Indefinite Passive. Give grounds for your answer.

Example: -Why did you send for the doctor yesterday?

-He was sent for because the child had a fever.

1. Why did they look into the matter?

2. Why did they take any notice of her?

3. Why did they lose sight of the boat?

4. Why did they put an end to this sort of practice?

5. Why did he turn down your offer?

6. Why did you find fault with him?

7. Why did they take care of little Tom?

8. Why did he speak about the trip last night?

9. Why did they make fun of her?

10. Why did your refer to his book in your article?

11. Why did she reject your proposal?

V. The first element (the subject) of the passive construction corresponds to the adverbial modifier of place of the active construction. This construction is used with intransitive verbs, such as “live, sleep”.

Oh, look, the bed hasn’t been slept in... Where can he be?

The cottage looked as if it had never been lived in.

The construction is seldom used.

Translate into English.

1. В комнате не живут.

2. В постели давно уже не спали.

3. В этом доме будут жить?

4. В этой кровати будут спать?

5. В каких комнатах этого дома живут?

6. В спальне не спали больше месяца.

Passive constructions with modal verbs

Passive constructions may be used with modal verbs and their equivalents: must, may, can, should, ought to, be to, have to.

You must do the work.

The work must be done.

Put all types of questions to the following statements. Mind the usage of the modal verbs.

1. Your shoes must be taken to the shoemaker's immediately to be soled and heeled.

2. Salad of fresh vegetables can be made in no time.

3. The children may be allowed to go for a walk if they are warmly dressed.

4. A wide choice of textiles can be found at the Central Department Store.

3.2. What do these words mean? Use “it can...” or “it can’t...” Use a dictionary if necessary.

If something is

1. washable, it can be…

2. unbreakable, it…

3. edible

4. unsable

5. invisible

6. portable

7. understandable

8. drinkable

9. eatable


Change into Passive.

Example: You must do it at once. It must be done at once.

1.You must leave your hats and coats in the cloak-room.

2. Can anyone fix this lock?

3. May I take the dinner things away?

4. You had to iron the dress for tonight.

5. They could build a better house.

6. Mustn't we put the dictionaries away?

7. No one can answer your question.

8. They may never invite you again.

9. Did you have to hand in the papers on Monday?

10. He could pass this exam a week ago.

11. We could catch the 2.30 train if we hurried.

12. You must write the answers on one side of the paper only.

13. You may take my text-book for a couple of days.

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