A) Future Simple B) Present Simple

1. If I ____ (to be free) tomorrow night, I ____ (to go) to the concert.

2. He says he ____ (to look in) to see us before he ____ (to leave) our town.

3. Jane ____ (to stay) at home until she ____ (to feel) better.

4. When ____ you ____ (to visit) your grandma? - Probably next year.

5. When my brother ____ (to finish) school he ____ (to go) to college.

6. I ____ (to tell) you as soon as I ____ (to know).

7. I’d like to know when Dan ____ (to be hack).

8. Give my love to Laura if you ____ (to sec) her.

9. I ____ (not to know) when she ____ (to take) her exam.

10. I don't think we ____ (to finish) our work in time unless you ____ (to help) us.

11.I ____ (to give) you my bike for tomorrow providing you ____ (to bring) it back the day after tomorrow.

12.Mother says we ____ (to have dinner) after she ____ (to un­pack) our things.

13.Don't get off the train until it ____ (to stop).

14.You may take this book so long as you ____ (not to keep) it too long.

15.________ Your boss ____ (to give) you the day off on condition that you ____ (to work) on Saturday morning.

16.______________ Provided that they ____ (not to do) anything stupid, they ____ (to win) tonight's match easily.

17.________ Unless he ____ (to arrive) soon, we ____ (to have to) go without him.

18. I ____ (to wonder) if they____ (to follow) our advice.

Test 4

Mixture of tenses. Put in the correct auxiliary verb in each sentence.

A) do; B) did; C) are; D) have

1. I ____ not see Andrew yesterday.

2. How long ____ you lived there?

3. Why ____ you learning English?

4. ____ you seen anybody today?

5. What ____ you think of your new teacher? To my mind she is very nice.

6.____ you angry about what happened?

7.____ you read a newspaper yesterday?

8. My mother knows Mrs. Dave better than I ____.

9. ____ you ever forgotten about your friend's birthday?

10. How ____ you get to the station when you are late?

11. ____ you disappointed with you exam results?

12. ____ you been abroad? ____ you enjoy it?

13.I ____ known Jane for three years, but I ____ not know what she's thinking.

14.They ____ a lot of crying last night.

15.You ____ always making mistakes.

Test 5

Past Continuous / Past Simple. Put the verbs into the correct form, Past Continuous or Past Simple.

A) Past Continuous B) Past Simple

1. ____ you ____(to wait) for me at 5 p.m.? -Yes, I ____ .

2. They ____ (to finish) their work at 11 o'clock and came home.

3. It ____ (to grow) dark, so we ____ (to decide) to return.

4. While Jack ____ (to sit) biting his nails, we ____ (to work) out a plan to cover up our traces.

5. A young man ____ (to run) out into the street. He ____(to car­ry) a strange placard.

6. What ____ you___________ ____ (to do) when I ____ (to phone) you yester­day?

7. John ____ (to listen) to the radio when the batteries ____ (to run) out.

8. The robbers ____ (to steal) the car and they ____ (to drive) away.

9. She ____ (to go) to buy a dress, but a thief ____ (to steal) all her money.

10.She ____ (to slip), ____ (to fall) over and ____ (to break) her an­kle.

11.The Royal Carriage ____ (to come) round the corner. Every­where people (to wave) and ____ (to cheer).

Test 6

Past Perfect / Past Simple. Put the verbs into the correct form, Past Perfect or Past Simple.

A) Past Perfect B) Past Simple

1. Jane ____ (to wash) all the test-tubes after she ____ (to com­plete) the experiment.

2. She ____ (to do) the cleaning by 6 o'clock yesterday.

3. After the stewardesses ____ (to serve) lunch to the passengers, they _____ (to calm) down.

4. I ____ (not to have) my watch, so I ____ (not to know) the exact time.

5. He ____ (to feel) sick because he ____ (to eat) too much.

6. She ____ (to finish) her report, and was feeling rather tired, so she ____ (to go) to bed.

7. By two o'clock he ____ (to answer) all the letters he ____ (to receive).

8. The bus ____ (to leave) before I ____ (to reach) the bus station.

9. As soon as they ____ (to finish) breakfast, they ____ (to run) out to play.

10.When we ____ (to meet) our friends they ____ (already to know) the news.

11.When you ____ (to call) me, I ____ (not yet to do) the sum.

12.She ____ (to intend) to make a cake for you, but she ____ (to run) out of time.

13.Hardly we ____ (to go) to bed when somebody ____ (to knock) at the door.

14.No sooner she ____ (to come) than she ____ (to fall) ill.

Test 7

Positive / Comparative / Superlative (2). Fill in the blanks with the correct form.

1. Susan is ____ person in the whole band.

A) a wonderful; B) a more wonderful; C) the most wonderful

2. He is also ____ person than Paul.

A) a polite; B) a more polite; C) the most polite

3. She has ____ job of all.

A) a difficult; B) a more difficult; C) the most difficult

4. I think dogs are ____ than cats.

A) intelligent; B) more intelligent; C) the most intelligent

5. Don't talk about them. Let's talk about something ____.

A) an interesting; B) more interesting; C) the most interesting

6. Money is ____, but isn't ____ thing in life.

A) important; B) more important; C) the most important

7. Which instrument makes ____ music in the world?

A) a beautiful; B) more beautiful; C) the most beautiful

8. This room is not so _____ as that one on the first floor.

A) comfortable; B) more comfortable; C) the most comfort­able

9. Happiness is ____ than money.

A) important; B) more important; C) the most important

10. This cost is ____ of all.

A) an expensive; B) a less expensive; C) the least expensive

11. That painting is ____ than the one in your living room.

A) impressive; B) less impressive; C) the least impressive

12. Betty is ____ than Jane, but Kate is of all.

A) a hard-working; B) less hard-working; C) the least hard­working

Test 8

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