Tell about your native city. Use the Vocabulary from the text

Volgograd is the city which is associated with major events in the history of the people. It is an ancient city on the right bank of the river Volga. The city extendsalong the right bank of the river, it stretches for 70 km.

Tsaritsynwas founded in 1589 as an outpost (fortress) to protect Russian territory from aggressive nomads.Up to 1925 it was known as Tsaritsyn. Tsaritsyn played a heroic part in our country's history in 1918. During the Civil War the Red Army delivereda crushing blow to the White Guards.

Stalingrad.The name of this city has been forever etched in the history of World War II and the history of the struggle against fascism. During the Second World War the Soviet Army stopped the advance of the fascism and dealt them a death blow.

For 200 days and nights life and death struggle continued. The city laid in ruins. The whole country helped to build it up again.

The battle decided the fate of the Soviet land, the fate of the humanity.

The war is the history now, but the memory of those who fought on the banks of the Volga still lives in the hearts of the sons and daughters. A majestic war memorial stands on the Mamayev Hill now. In the honour of the 30th anniversary there was built a Memorial Complex on the Soldiers Field. An eternal flame burns in memory of all defenders of our city. No one and nothing have been forgotten.

Peace Streetwas the first street of the rebuilt city. Today this street
is blocked off by the city Planetarium. There is a majestic bronze figure
of a young woman, holding a globe and a dove in her up-raised

You can see broad streets and avenues, squares and shady parks.

The city’s institutes of higher learning graduate doctors and teachers, engineers and agronomists, lawyers and economists.

Volgograd is a big cultural centre. There are many theatres, museums, musical schools. In the museums of Volgograd you will find relics of its history and military glory, as well as masterpieces of Russian and world art.

Volgograd is a great industrial centre. There are a lot of big plants and small factories.

My city is justly famed for its hospitability. Every year hundreds of visitors come to our city from all over the world.

I love my city. I am proud of my city - hero, city - soldier.

Match the words with their Russian equivalents.

1. defender

2. ancient fortress

3. bank

4. major events

5. to stretch along

6. has been founded

7. to protect

8. struggle

9. advance

10. majestic figure

11. hospitability

12. up raised

13. fate of the humanity

14. military glory

15. masterpieces of Russian Art

a. берег

b. наступление

c. судьба человечества

d. был основан

e. основные события

f. древняя крепость

g. защитник

h. военная слава

i. поднятый

j. защищать

k. борьба

l. простираться вдоль

m. шедевры русского искусства

n. величественная фигура

o. гостеприимство

True or False.

1. Volgograd is the ancient city on the bank of the river Don.

2. Tsaritsyn is the first name of Volgograd.

3. The Soviet Army stopped the advance of the fascism during the First World War.

4. Volgograd is a cultural and industrial centre.

5. The city has no institutes of higher education.

6. An eternal flame burns in memory of all defenders.

Put the necessary expressions from the text.

1. The first street of the rebuilt city was … .

2. Stalingrad battle continued for … .

3. … you can find the relics of its history.

4. Every year … come to our city from all over the world.

5. … stands on the Mamayev Hill now.

6. Tsaritsyn has been founded in … .

Translate into English.

1. Этот древний город был основан в много веков назад.

2. Сталинградская битва длилась 200 дней и ночей.

3. Волгоград – большой промышленный город.

4. В нашем городе есть много театров и музеев.

5. В этом музее вы можете увидеть величественные памятники войны


1. Answer the questions:

Tell about your native city. Use the Vocabulary from the text -

· Do you have problems?

· What are they?

· How do you solve your problems?

2. Read and translate the text, using the vocabulary. Are the problems the same as yours?

teenager – подросток

generation– поколение

grown – up – взрослый

adult – взрослый

to be independent – быть независимым

private life – частная, личная жизнь

mutual – взаимный, обоюдный

to neglect – пренебрегать

common language – общий язык

habit – привычка

drug – наркотик

rights and responsibilities – права и обязанности

dangerous – опасный

tremendous – огромный мир

significant – важный, значительный

opportunity – возможность

experience –опыт


Sometimes it is very difficult for adults to understand us – teenagers. Maybe it is because of different generations. I don’t know. But still I’ll try to explain you, grown – ups, what we are made of, what our views are and what we choose in this life. Don’t think that teenager’s life is very easy. It seems so only for the first time. We have just the same problems as you have.

The problem № 1 of the young people is the problem of “fathers and sons”. Teenagers consider themselves independent or able to live in the adult world, they want to have their own private life. Mutual understanding between parents and children crushes. Some families neglect this problem, so it becomes more and more difficult to find common language.

Some teenagers face the problem of their free time. It is rather rare now, but young people don’t get aware of their interests and devote their time to harmful habits or idling about. Drugs – habit is the most dangerous one.

Another thing that disturbs is the education of young people. Everybody wants to have a car, a house and a lot of money. Of course all of us want to have a good job in future, and we try to do our best to reach this aim.

We also have problems with our class – mates. At times we don’t see a personality in each other. We can hurt our friends even not expecting it.

Tell about your native city. Use the Vocabulary from the text - Psychologists say that almost every young person has an experience of conflicts during this period of his life, because teenagers are changing rapidly. The process of physical development begins and the minds of young people get completely prepared for future serious life.

In the end it is important to remember that teenagers are the future of our tremendous world. Only now there is an opportunity to change something to improve ourselves.

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