Поставьте глаголы в Present Simple или Present Continuous

1. Helen (to want) to speak English fluently. She ( to study) hard.

2. The children ( to play ) in the yard)?- No, they ( to watch) TV.

3. When the train ( to arrive)? – At 10.20 a.m.

4. You (to take) a shower or a bath in the evening?

5. What you ( to do) here? – I ( to wait ) for my friend.

6. The sun ( to come ) up in the east and ( to go) down in the west.

7. My mother ( not/ to cook) dinner now< she ( to write) a letter.

Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Past Simple.

1. She ( to study ) English two hours ago.

2. We ( not / to have) History yesterday.

3. Last week she ( to write) a funny story about her pet.

4. You ( to drink) coffee or tea?

5. What ( to get) for your birthday?

6. When you ( to come) home from school?

7. When he (to enter ) the University?

8. What your relatives ( to do) yesterday?

Вставьте глаголы в Present Simple, Present Continuous, Past Simple, Future Simple.

1. My brother ( to take) a shower every day.

2. Yesterday I ( to be) very busy and ( not / to talk) to them.

3. What you ( to do) now? – I ( to cook) dinner.

4. You (to go) shopping tomorrow?

5. It ( to rain) now?

6. It often ( to rain) in autumn in St. Petersburg.

7. You ( to stay) at home last night?

8. How you usually ( to spend) evenings?

Вставьте артикли, где нужно.

1. Africa is… very large continent.

2. This is … my brother’s book.

3. She has … dog and … cat.

4. My mother is … teacher.

5. My sister is at … home now.

6. This dress is made of …cotton.

7. Put … book on …table.

8. This is … interesting book.

9. May is … fifth month of the year.

10. I have …tea in … morning.


1. Прочтите и письменно переведите текст

Traditions and Customs

Every nation and every country has its own tra­ditions. In Britain traditions play a more impor­tant part in the life of the people than in other coun­tries.

The English are very proud of their traditions and carefully keep them. When you come to England you're struck at once by quite a number of customs. Some ceremonies are rather formal, such as the Changing of the Guard at Buckingham Palace, Troop­ing the Colour, the State opening of Parliament, the Ceremony of the Keys. Sometimes you will see a group of cavalrymen riding on black horses through the streets of London. They wear red uniforms, shining helmets, long black boots and long white gloves. These men are Life Guards. Their special duty is to guard the King or the Queen of Great Britain, and very important guests of the country.

One of the most impressive and popular displays of royal pageantry is the Changing of the Guard, which takes place at Buckingham Palace every day including Sunday at 11.30. The troops who take part are selected from the five regiments of Foot Guards. Their numbers depend on whether the Queen is in residence or not. The men of the duty guard march from either Wellington or Chelsea Barracks to Buckingham Palace with a band.

The guard to be relieved forms at the south end of the forecourt under the command of the Captain of the Queen's Guard. The New Guard enters the forecourt by the north gate. As it approaches, the Old Guard is called to attention. The New Guard is then halted to be formed into files before it advances to position at a slow march. While this is taking place, the band plays. Later the band leads the Old Guard back to their barracks.

A new tradition has been born in Britain. Every year a large number of ancient motor cars drive from London to Brighton. Some of these cars look very funny. This run from London to Brighton is a colourful demonstration. People are dressed in the clothes of those times. It is not a race, and most of the cars come to Brighton (which is 60 miles from London) in the evening.

2.Ответьте на вопросы по тексту

1. What are the English so proud of?

2. What formal ceremonies do you know?

3. Where does the Changing of the Guard take place?

4. Where does it take place?

5. When does it take place?

6. What new tradition has been born in Britain?

7. How far is Brighton from London?

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