Answer the questions about yourself

1. What is your name?

2. Where and when were you born?

3. How old are you?

4. Have you got a family?

5. How many people are there in your family?

6. Do you have brothers, sisters, grandparents in your family?

7. Where do you live?

8. Did you study well at school?

9. What school did you finish?

10.Did your teacher of English help you to choose your future profession?

11.What was your favourite subject?

12.What do you like to read?

13.What sport do you go in for?

14.What are you going to be?

15.Do you still live with your parents?

16.Do you have a girlfriend / boyfriend?

2. Tell about yourself.

TOPIC: My flat

1. Answer the questions:

1. What rooms can be in a flat or a house?

Answer the questions about yourself -

Answer the questions about yourself -

Answer the questions about yourself - Answer the questions about yourself -

Answer the questions about yourself - Answer the questions about yourself -

2. What things and furniture can be in each room?

Answer the questions about yourself -

2. Look at the Vocabulary and add the things.

a flat-квартира

a floor (story) - этаж

conveniences - удобства

central heating - центральное отопление

running water - водопровод

chute - мусоропровод

built - in wardrobe - встроенный шкаф

cosy - уютный

a study-кабинет

a cupboard - шкаф-буфет

a stand with hooks-вешалка с крючками

a suite of furniture-гарнитур (набор) мебели

a carpet - ковер

a pull-out table - раздвижной стол

a sofa-диван

an arm-chair-кресло

a tape-recorder-магнитофон

curtains - шторы

a writing table - письменный стол

a twin bed - двуспальная кровать

a mirror-stand – трюмо

an ash-tray – пепельница

spacious – просторный

a sink (a basin) - раковина

a gas-stove - газовая плита

drawers - выдвижные ящики

a fridge - холодильник

cheerful - веселая

frying - pan – сковородка

sauce - pan - кастрюля

to fold – складывать

3. Fill in the gaps with the words: a sofa, curtains, an ash – tray, flat, rooms, stand with hooks, arm – chairs.

1. There is a big … in my house.

2. There is … where I sleep.

3. I have 3 … in my flat.

4. There is … on the coffee table.

5. There are 2 … in the living room.

6. There is a … in the hall.

7. There are … on the window.

4. Read the text. While reading write the answers to the questions:

1. What are the rooms in the flat?

2. What is in each room?


Answer the questions about yourself - My house is a 10 minutes walk from the bus stop. I live in a five storey building on the third floor. There are all modern conveniences in the house: electricity, gas, an elevator, hot and cold running water, central heating, a chute and a telephone.

I live in a three room flat. It is not large but very cosy. There is a hall, a living-room, a study, a bed-room, a toilet, a bath-room and a kitchen.

The hall is very nice. There are built-in wardrobes and cup­boards. There is a stand with hooks for coats, hats and umbrellas in the corner.

The living-room is the largest and most comfortable room in the flat. There is a suite of modern furniture with a cupboard, a bar, a wardrobe and bookshelves. There is a thick carpet on the floor. Opposite the set of furniture there is a corner-sofa. In front of it there is a small table with a vase of flowers and an ash-tray on it. To the right of the sofa there is an arm-chair. On the left there is a lamp. There is also a TV-set with a video and a tape-recorder near the wall. There are curtains on the windows which make the room very cosy.

The room I like best is my study. There is a writing table and an office arm-chair near it. On the left there is a computer table with a computer, a processor and a printer on it. Near the wall there is a sofa where I sleep. There are some book­shelves full of my favorite books.

The bedroom is larger than the study. There is a twin bed, a mirror-stand, a wardrobe, two bedside tables and many flowers on the windowsill.

We use the kitchen as a dining-room. The kitchen is not very large, but rather spacious and serves its purpose well.

There is a fridge in the left corner. To the left of the fridge there is a modern set of kitchen furniture with a gas-stove, built-in washing machine, a kitchen combine and a sink. There are some wall-cupboards and floor-cupboards with a number of drawers, where we keep spoons, forks, knives, frying pans and sauce-pans. Near the wall there is a table that folds when not in use. Bright curtains on the window make our kitchen look very cheerful. We like to gather in the room, to sit and talk eating or having tea.

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