The verb and the category of mood.

The verb is the most complex part of speech that shows the action. It expresses the predicative function of the sentence that makes the connection between the situation and reality. Verb is characterized by combinability with adverbs, nouns, prepositions, another verb, adjectives. According to the stem-building elements verbs can be: simple - look, derived - mobilize, compound - whitewash, composite – put up. The verb possesses following grammatical categories: tense, voice, mood, number and person. The complexity of the verb is connected with existing of two sets of forms profoundly different from each other: the finite and non-finite. Finite verbs are those that have certain relations with noun and they have categories of tense, mood, voice and person. Non-finite verbs don’t talk about the action and don’t indicate tense, mood and voice. The non-finite forms of the verb are infinitive, gerund and participle.

Verbs can be regular and irregular. Regular are those that form the past tense by adding endings –ed\-d to the stem. Irregular verbs change their root (know-knew). Verbs can be notional and semi-notional (auxiliary, link and modal verbs), transitive and intransitive. Intransitive verbs can’t take an object after them (f.e. “stay”).

The category of mood. The category of MOOD is the most controversial category of the verb. This category shows the relation of the nominative content of the sentence towards the reality. By this category the action can be real, unreal, desirable, recommended and so on. Linguists distinguish different number of moods. Ilyish 3 moods (indicative, subjunctive, imperative).Prof. Smirnitsky 6 moods (indicative, imperative, subjunctive I, subjunctive II, suppositional, conditional).L.S.Barhudarov, D.A. Shteling: 2 moods (indicative, subjunctive).

Indicative mood. It shows that the speaker represents an action as an actual fact. It is used to describe what happens. Most sentences are produced in indicative mood.

Imperative mood. It is used to express the meaning of command. In its formal characteristic it coincides with the infinitive form of the verb (give me, do this). And it has no category of tense.

Subjunctive mood. It express various states of unreality such as wish, emotion, possibility, opinion or action that has not yet occurred. Subjunctive mood is formed by Past and Past Perfect, that differ in time correlation. The subjunctive is typically formed by using past tense plural form of the verb even if the subject is singular (“I wish I were”).

20. The verb is the most complex part of speech that shows the action. It expresses the predicative function of the sentence that makes the connection between the situation and reality. Verb is characterized by combinability with adverbs, nouns, prepositions, another verb, adjectives. According to the stem-building elements verbs can be: simple - look, derived - mobilize, compound - whitewash, composite – put up. The verb possesses following grammatical categories: tense, voice, mood, number and person. The complexity of the verb is connected with existing of two sets of forms profoundly different from each other: the finite and non-finite. Finite verbs are those that have certain relations with noun and they have categories of tense, mood, voice and person. Non-finite verbs don’t talk about the action and don’t indicate tense, mood and voice. The non-finite forms of the verb are infinitive, gerund and participle.

Verbs can be regular and irregular. Regular are those that form the past tense by adding endings –ed\-d to the stem. Irregular verbs change their root (know-knew). Verbs can be notional and semi-notional (auxiliary, link and modal verbs), transitive and intransitive. Intransitive verbs can’t take an object after them (f.e. “stay”).

The category of tense is considered to be an immanent gram category which means that the finite verb form always expresses time distinctions. There are 2 tense categories in Eng. The first category – the category of primary time the process receives an absolute time charac-cs by means of opposing ‘the past tense’ & ‘the pres tense ’. The secondary tense category is the category where the process receives a non-absolute relative charac-cs by means of opposing the forms of future & non-future actions.

The category of voice is characterized by the passive form of the verb which expresses the reception of the action by the subject of the syntactic construction. In comparison with Russian, in the category of voice in Eng not only transitive but also intransitive objective verbs can be used in the passive form.

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