Let me tell you the latest ghost story in the U.S.

I was stationed in training inside Naval TC (Training Command). One field day my comrades told me a story of two legenderary hauntings occured here.
Throughout the base there are several buildinges set aside for RATING TRAINING. Of these buildings, several tend to stick out a little. One building in particular is rather large and made of green glass and is used to train Gunner's Mates. The idea of training someone with a missile weapon inside a glass building was one of the more popular jokes on base, but it's been used for half a century.
The story is, one night a technician was working on one of the mounts, troubleshooting or working on some kind of maintenance. Heavily engrossed in his work, he barely notices the CHIEF (E-7) standing behind him until the man offers a few pieces of advice. The technician instantly finds whatever the CHIEF suggested was exactly what he needed to get through the task and turns to thank him. Only...he finds that he is totally alone and there are no exits close enough for someone to run to in those few seconds.
He finds out the chief had actually been wearing an older uniform that hadn't been issued for a good 20 years or so.
Apparently, in 1989, there had been a training accident in the building. Actually, I believe there have been several, but the one in question had taken a life. Someone had been working on one of the mounts and had fired off a dummy round into the barracks, killing the instructor. The popular belief on base and amongst those who had worked in the building, is that the deceased chief instructor still wearing his two gold foul anchors, is still wandering the building, offering assistance to anyone.
The latest haunting in all GREAT LAKES NAVAL TRAINING CENTER was in December 2008. At that time, A Seaman Recruit (E-1) wrote a note to his parents and the COD (COMMANDING OFFICER OF THE DECK) saying he won't be coming home, hoping no one to question and disgrace his honor.
The depressed SR used the HEAD (bathroom), in the Ship Barracks USS MASON and at about 02:30 am, he commited suicide, bleeding to death with a sharpened pencil. There have been strange noises of the same sailor walking down the passageway and around the walkway when all lights were off, except a red glare above.
Some workers, while working around 03:00 am, have reportedly seen the young sailor with a NAVY cap, blue uniform, bulging glasses, black pants, and black boots walking down the walkway to CAMPJOHN PAUL JONES and disappearing into the night lights.
Sightings of this same silor have been seen in many of the barracks and interrupted many other sailors harshly for discipline while training for their next phase.
One incident was when I was with my sailor in Ship Barracks 13. It was in the middle of field day when all of a sudden we all heard a loud bang fron one of the empty racks. No one was near the starboard side rack that slammed itself without us seeing. The PO 1st Class RDC (NAVY DRILL INSTRUCTOR) quickly came out asking, "Who the *****! gave me headache!!" We done nonstop PT afterwords.
A sailor comrad named Rothbard from Las Vegas was doing 03:15am head watch. He told me he was buttoning his blue collar and putting his cap near the mirror when he looked at the corner of the mirror. It was the same sailor with a blue uniform, blue pants, bulging glasses, but this time wavy fingers near the same empty rack supposedly slammed itself. While it was staring at Rothbard, the spirit shook his head and grinned, Rothbard quickly looked back and no one was there.
I too was on head watch when everyone was sitting QUARTERS for a brief teaching. I was listening to Apoc (Platoon leader) and while listening, I was also reading when all of a sudden with my peripheral vision I saw a bald sailor near the edge of a bunk looking over his shoulder at me still as air. I made a quick glance with my eyes and like a flash the apparition was gone. The COD always covers it up, but this has happened since I was stationed there and many of my comrad sailors may have experienced worse.
NAVY GREAT LAKES is the largest base, and one of the oldest bases in Naval history, making it all fun for the squeamish Seamen Recruits and SAILORS.

Ex. I. Answer the following questions:

1. What is the building of green glass used for?

2. What was a technician doing on a mount one night?

3. What did the Chief offer him?

4. What accident happened in the building in 1989?

5. Why did a SR commit suicide?

6. What did a sailor from Las Vegas see in the corner of the mirror?

7. What is Navy Great lakes?

8. Who did the author see with his peripheral vision while he was listening

to Apoc?

Ex. II. Translate the following sentences into English:

1. По всей базе есть несколько зданий, отведенных для обучения рядовых.

2. Довольно большое здание из зеленого стекла используется для обучения артиллеристов.

3. Однажды ночью техник выполнял работу на одном из лафетов по устранению неисправностей или по обслуживанию.

4. Полностью погруженный в работу, он едва замечает человека, стоящего за ним и дающего ему несколько советов.

5. Техник вдруг понял, что человек одет в старую форму, которая не выдавалась уже 20 лет.

6. Работавшие около 3-х часов утра люди доложили, что видели, как молодой матрос в морской фуражке, синей форме, черных штанах и черных ботинках шел по аллее и исчез в ночных огнях.

7. Матрос прибыл в расположение на военно-морскую базу на учения.

8. Эта база является самой крупной и одной из старейших баз в истории военно-морского флота.


Test paper

I. Give the equivalents of the following expressions:

Ожидаемое время отправления; смещение груза; взять провизию; прокладывать курс судна на морской карте; быть уверенным; устройства против качки.

II. Translate the following sentences into English:

1. Когда ты собираешься передать эти радиограммы? – Через час.

2. Мой старший брат был хорошим спортсменом.

3. Вы должны были отправить это письмо на прошлой неделе.

4. Докеры разгружали груз, пока мы красили корпус судна.

5. Кто будет руководить работой матросов?

6. Нас попросили оказать помощь судну, терпящему бедствие.

7. Нам сообщили, что судно прибудет через 2 часа.

8.Если бы я был в беде, я бы принял вашу помощь.

III. Read the text and translate it in writing:

The expedition set out on board the brig Novaya Zemlya, specially built for navigation in ice-packed seas. But soon the brig ran aground in the northern part of the White Sea. Both ship and crew proved equal to the occasion. When the rising tide came in, the Novaya Zemlya was safely set afloat again. The bank where they ran aground now bears Litke’s name.

The first year of the voyage was devoted to the studying of the sailing conditions in the Arctic waters. In the early summer of the following year Litke mapped and described the coast of the Kola Peninsula in the place where Murmansk stands today. In August they again set out for Novaya Zemlya, this time encountering no ice packs. At first they intended to make a description of the Stait of Matochkin Shar, but because of dense fog the brig went northwards, and then mapped the strait on the way back.

IV. Answer the following questions in details:

1. What happened to the brig at the beginning of expedition?

2. What explorations did the expedition make in the first year?

3. Why did not they describe the Strait of Matochkin Shar at first?

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