Write the correct word of each drawing next.


H address

H house

H home

H on the ground floor

H on the first floor

H on the top floor

H stairs

H in the suburbs

H on the outskirts of …

H balcony

H terrace

H roof

H storey

H two-storey(ed) house

H attic

H cellar

H yard

H garden

H orchard

H vegetable garden

H fence

H hedge

H garage

H bungalow

H tent

H detached house

H block of flats

H castle

H hotel

H semi-detached house

H windmill

H cottage

H palace

H country house

H terraced house

H flat

H three-room(ed) flat

H bedroom

H kitchen

H dining-room

H sitting-room

H hall

H study

H nursery

H bathroom

H toilet

H furniture

H to furnish

H table

H stool

H chair

H cupboard

H bed

H wardrobe

H bookcase

H bookshelf

H chest of drawers

H curtain

H carpet

H table-cloth

H mirror

H standard lamp

H rug

H wallpaper

H wall bracket

H fireplace

H cushion

H chandelier

H mantelpiece

H running water

H rubbish chute

H color TV-set

H central heating

H refrigerator

H electric fire

H vacuum-cleaner

H electricity

H toaster

H washing machine

H sewing machine

H gas\electric cooker

H dishwasher

H lift

H microwave oven

1. Say in English!

Высокий дом, трехэтажный дом, на пятом этаже, голубой дом на две семьи, за нашим домом, между нашими домами, низкий деревянный дом, круглое зеркало, новая занавеска, большой желтый ковер, маленький синий прикроватный коврик, белоснежная скатерть, новое бра, темно-красные обои, очень дорогая люстра, старый торшер, современный шумный пылесос, огромный холодильник, ультрасовременная стиральная машина, маленький балкон, просторная ванная комната.

2. Ask your partner to give his \ her address!

Model: - What is your address? (Where do you live?)

- I live at 45, Adams Street. (My address is Flat 1, 36, Green Street).

- Is it in the centre or on the outskirts?

- On the outskirts.

Write the correct word of each drawing next.

4. Describe the picture!

Describe your house in 5-6 sentences. Say how many rooms you have in your flat and say a few words about your room.

Model: My house is situated in a side street. It`s a 10-storeyed building with balconies. I live on the ninth floor. There are two flowerbeds in front of the house. There is a big yard behind it.

Answer these questions.

1) What conveniences are necessary in modern houses?

2) Which of these conveniences are there in your flat?

3) There is no central heating in your house, is there?

4) Is there a rubbish chute in your house? What is it used for?

5) Where is your refrigerator? What do you keep in it?

6) What do you use a vacuum-cleaner for?

7) Have you got a TV-set? Is it a color one?

8) What is the difference between a tape recorder and a player?

9) Have you got a washing-machine? How often do you use it?

10) Is there a dishwasher in your kitchen? Would you like to have one?

11) Which is more important to have in the house: an electric fire or an electric mixer? Explain your choice.

12) Is there a gas or electric stove in your flat? Which of them do you prefer? Why?

13) Have you got a telephone? What`s your telephone number?

14) How often do you watch TV and listen to the radio?

Looking For a Room

Mrs. Green Mike Mrs. Green Mike Mrs. Green Mike Mrs. Green Mike Of course, I shall need a week or so to clear the room out and to do it up. That`s all right. Mrs. Green, my friend is putting me up at the moment. But I`ll make a cheque out for four weeks` rent in advance. Well, before I hand the key over, I hope you don`t get in too late at night. If I do, I`ll remember to pull the front door to, take my shoes off and put the lights out before going upstairs. After eleven-thirty you`ll have to let yourself in, and remember to make your bed in the morning. You can use the telephone and ring your friends up from here. Baths are included in the rent. Good. I`ll take a bath in the morning or in the evening. Can I have my friends up? I don`t mind, but you`ll have to turn them out by evening. And I`m glad that I can fix you up. That`s fine by me, Mrs. Green. I`m glad we`ve been able to talk things over.

Answer the questions.

1) Is Mike`s room ready? What does Mrs. Green want to do?

2) Where is Mike staying at the moment?

3) Is Mike going to take the room on now or is he ready to wait until the room is cleared out and done up?

4) What must Mike remember before Mrs. Green hands the key over?

5) When will Mike have to let himself in?

6) Who will make Mike`s bed in the morning?

7) Can Mike take baths?

8) Is there a telephone in Mike`s room?

9) Does Mrs. Green mind Mike`s inviting guests to his room?

10) Both Mrs. Green and Mike are pleased, aren`t they? Why are they pleased?

Grammatik. Prepositions.

Предлоги, выражающие пространственные отношения (употребляются с глаголами движения, состояния, отдыха)
above над between между next to рядом, около
across через by рядом, около on на поверхности
along вдоль down внизу opposite напротив
among среди from из over над
around вокруг in внутри through через
at в каком-то месте in front of перед to к
behind за into в toward(s) по направлению к
below под near вблизи under под
beside рядом, около

16. Write the correct preposition in, into, inside, outside, out (of), behind, in front of.

1. All my Christmas presents are … a big bright box. 2. She sat … an armchair with her legs crossed. 3. The keys must be … the bag. 4. If you pour hot water … a glass, it may crack. 5. He put the money … his pocket. 6. A man was selling roses … cellophane. 7. The sick woman was still … bed … hospital. 8. Will you call later? Ted is … the bathroom at the moment. 9. He had a mobile … his hand. 10. She put a cigarette … her mouth. 11. The patient went on breathing … and … . 12. She invited the guests … her house. 13. Be careful! There is a stone … this fruit. 14. She`s just got … bed and is having a cold shower. 15. They were … each other1s arms. 16. Two minutes later we were safely … the taxi. 17. One of the pistons … the engine had jammed. 18. The dog fell … a ditch. 19. At eleven o`clock the children finally got … bed. 20. It dropped … the sky.

Grammatik. Past Simple.

Past Simple образуется путем прибавления к основе инфинитива окончания -ed: talked, worked, opened. Если основа оканчивается на немое -е, то прошедшее время образуется путем прибавления -d: like - liked.Past Simple неправильных глаголов образуется различными способами: to speak - spoke, to meet - met, to know - knew.Вопрос. и отриц. формы образуются при помощи вспомогательного глагола to do в прошедшем времени – did и инфинитива смыслового глагола.
Утвердительная форма Вопросительная форма Отрицательная форма
I worked You worked He worked She worked It worked We worked You worked They worked I wrote You wrote He wrote She wrote It wrote We wrote You wrote They wrote Did I work? Did you work? Did he work? Did she work? Did it work? Did we work? Did you work? Did they work? Did I write? Did you write? Did he write? Did she write? Did it write? Did we write? Did you write? Did they write? I did not work You did not work He did not work She did not work It did not work We did not work You did not work They did not work I did not write You did not write He did not write She did not write It did not write We did not write You did not write They did not write
Прошедшее простое время употребляется:1. Для описания действий, происходивших в прошлом, не связанных с настоящим. Прошедшее действие может характеризоваться обстоятельством времени (yesterday, last week, on Sunday, in 1999, a month ago, long ago). - Dr. Nixon taught at Oxford last year. - Доктор Никсон преподавал в Оксфорде в прошлом году.2. Для описания последовательных действий в прошлом. Например: Mr.West came up to the house, took the key out of his pocket and opened the door. - Мистер Вест подошел к дому, достал из кармана ключ и открыл дверь.3. Для описания обычных, повторяющихся действий в прошлом. Например: When Mr. Dance was a student, he rode his bike to classes. - Когда мистер Данс был студентом, он ездил на занятия на велосипеде.

18. Translate into English!

1. Вася открыл дверь за ручку и вошел в дом. В комнате он увидел стол. Он подошел к столу. 2. Маша была в комнате. Она стояла у книжного шкафа. 3. Ковер был на полу. Дети сели на ковер и начали играть игрушками. 4. Где мальчики? – Они во дворе. 5. Где Петя? – Он в гараже. 6. В выходные мы ездим на дачу. 7. Иди в магазин! 8. Катя купила молоко в магазине. 9. Повесьте картину на доску! 10. Она налила в чашку кофе и поставила ее на стол. 11. Катя сидит за письменным столом. 12. Кот Борис сидит под столом. 13. Ник вошел в кухню и сел за стол. Мама была у плиты. 14. На прошлой неделе мы ходили в ресторан.


H address

H house

H home

H on the ground floor

H on the first floor

H on the top floor

H stairs

H in the suburbs

H on the outskirts of …

H balcony

H terrace

H roof

H storey

H two-storey(ed) house

H attic

H cellar

H yard

H garden

H orchard

H vegetable garden

H fence

H hedge

H garage

H bungalow

H tent

H detached house

H block of flats

H castle

H hotel

H semi-detached house

H windmill

H cottage

H palace

H country house

H terraced house

H flat

H three-room(ed) flat

H bedroom

H kitchen

H dining-room

H sitting-room

H hall

H study

H nursery

H bathroom

H toilet

H furniture

H to furnish

H table

H stool

H chair

H cupboard

H bed

H wardrobe

H bookcase

H bookshelf

H chest of drawers

H curtain

H carpet

H table-cloth

H mirror

H standard lamp

H rug

H wallpaper

H wall bracket

H fireplace

H cushion

H chandelier

H mantelpiece

H running water

H rubbish chute

H color TV-set

H central heating

H refrigerator

H electric fire

H vacuum-cleaner

H electricity

H toaster

H washing machine

H sewing machine

H gas\electric cooker

H dishwasher

H lift

H microwave oven

1. Say in English!

Высокий дом, трехэтажный дом, на пятом этаже, голубой дом на две семьи, за нашим домом, между нашими домами, низкий деревянный дом, круглое зеркало, новая занавеска, большой желтый ковер, маленький синий прикроватный коврик, белоснежная скатерть, новое бра, темно-красные обои, очень дорогая люстра, старый торшер, современный шумный пылесос, огромный холодильник, ультрасовременная стиральная машина, маленький балкон, просторная ванная комната.

2. Ask your partner to give his \ her address!

Model: - What is your address? (Where do you live?)

- I live at 45, Adams Street. (My address is Flat 1, 36, Green Street).

- Is it in the centre or on the outskirts?

- On the outskirts.

Write the correct word of each drawing next.

4. Describe the picture!

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