Troubled, wildered and forlorn

Dark, benighted, travel-worn,

Over many a tangled spray,

All heart-broke I heard her say.

William Blake

Forever Young

Maу God bless and keep you always.

May your wishes all come true,

May you always do for others

And let others do for you.

May you build a ladder to the stars

And climb on every rung,

May you stay forever young,

Forever young, forever young,

May you stay forever young,

May you grow up to be righteous,

May you grow up to be true,

May you always know the truth

And see the lights surrounding you.

May you always be courageous,

Stand upright and be strong,

May you stay forever young,

Forever young, forever young,

May you stay forever young.

May your hands always be busy,

May your feet always be swift.

May you have a strong foundation

When the winds of changes shift.

May your heart always be joyful,

May your song always be sung,

May you stay forever young,

Forever young, forever young,

May you stay forever young.

Bob Dylan


Write about an interesting home or folk remedy. Share it with your fellow-students.

Make up your own dialogues using the situations below.

1. You come back to the Institute after being ill.

2. A visit to a sick friend

3. You have caught a bad cold. You complain to the doctor.

4. Your little sister is ill. Discuss it with your friend.

5. You’ve undergone an operation and are telling your friends about the surgeon who performed it.

6. Your little niece (nephew) has got a splinter in her (his) foot.

7. You’ve scalded your hand.

8. You discuss an accident you have witnessed.

9. Your aunt has broken her leg.

10. Your close friend is staying in bed with pneumonia.

Make up situations, using the following phrases.

1. I have a bad sore throat.

2. Everybody says that I look very healthy.

3. I don’t know what I can cure my running nose with.

4. You are running a high temperature.

5. You ought to consult a doctor about your heart.

6. You must have penicillin injections.

7. Put him on a stretcher and carry him to the nearest first-aid station.

8. I am afraid it is pneumonia.

9. You must go through all the necessary examinations: have your chest X-rayed and blood-test taken.

10. It will be about a month before he can use his right arm again.

Write your essay on one of the following points.

1. My keep-fit programme helps me to avoid diseases.

2. Good health is above wealth.

3. Diseases are the interests of pleasures.

4. Health is not valued till sickness comes.

5. Heredity is the main factor of our condition.

6. My last visit to the dentist’s.

7. Our condition does not depend on us.

8. Medical care in Russia.

9. A sound mind in a sound body.

Do a project on your keep-fit programme and get ready to discuss it with your fellow-students.

VI. Active vocabulary

medicine n 1. ме­дицина, 2. лекарство

medical adj медицинский; me­dical care медицинское об­служивание

health n здоровье; to be/to keep in good health быть здоровым; to ask after smb.'s health справляться о здоровье

healthy adj здоровый; полез­ный

How are you? Как ваше здо­ровье?

How do you feel? Как вы себя чувствуете? I am/feel all right (very well, quite well, much better, a great deal bet­ter, so-so) thank you. Спасибо, хорошо (очень хорошо, сов­сем хорошо, значительно луч­ше, так себе). I am not very well (not quite well, not at all well, bad, unwell). He очень хорошо (не совсем хорошо, плохо).

You look the very picture of health. У вас цветущий вид. (Вы выглядите превосходно.) You are not looking very well. Вы неважно выглядите. You don't look at all well. Вы вы­глядите совсем плохо.

ill 1. adj больной; to be ill бо­леть, быть больным, е. g. The boy is ill.

to be taken ill заболеть, е. g. How were you taken ill?

to fall ill with the grippe (meas­les, etc.) заболеть гриппом (корью и т. д.)

contagious (catching) disease заразная болезнь

Consulting a Doctor

doctor n врач, доктор;

a district/visiting doctor участ­ковый врач;

to consult/to see, to go to a doctor обратиться к врачу;

to send for/to call a doctor послать за врачом, вызвать врача

consulting-room n приемная (врача)

ambulance n авто­мобиль скорой помощи;

to call/to telephone for an am­bulance вызывать скорую по­мощь

patient n пациент, больной; to see a patient при­нимать больного

What is the matter with you? В чем дело? Что случилось?

What is the trouble? На что жа­луетесь? Что вас беспокоит?

complaint n жа­лоба; болезнь, недуг, е. g. What is your complaint?

(poly-)clinic n поликлиника, амбулатория

consulting hours приемные часы, e. g. What are the doctor's consulting hours?

medical aid медицинская по­мощь

first aid неотложная помощь;

first-aid station пункт первой помощи;

to give first aid ока­зывать первую помощь

Patient's Complaints

Something is wrong with my eye (ear, etc.) У меня болит (меня беспокоит) глаз (ухо, и т. д.)

hurt (hurt) v 1. причинить боль, повредить, ушибить, е. g. Не hurt his leg when he fell downstairs. 2. болеть, испы­тывать боль, е. g. When I broke my arm last year, it hurt terribly.

pain n боль, е. g. Where is the pain? to have/to feel a pain, to have pains испытывать боль, e. g. I have/feel a pain in the heart.

headache n головная боль; to have a headache испы­тывать головную боль; slight (bad) headache небольшая (сильная) головная боль; splitting headache ужасная го­ловная боль; toothache n зубная боль; ear-ache n боль в ухе ;stomach-ache n боль в желудке; back-ache n боль в спине

sore adj больной, воспа­ленный; е. g. I have a sore throat (finger, leg, etc.)

symptoms n pl симптомы

to feel/to be giddy испы­тывать головокружение

sweat 1. n пот, испа­рина, 2. v потегь

to catch a chill простужаться

to be hoarse охрипнуть, быть охрипшим

ache 1. n боль, 2. v испытывать боль

faint 1. n обморок; 2. v падать в обморок

insomnia n бессонница

to lose consciousness терять сознание

to recover consciousness/to come to oneself приходить в себя

heart trouble болезнь сердца, e. g. I have heart trouble.

lung trouble болезнь легких

kidney trouble болезнь почек

liver trouble болезнь печени

injure v повреждать

sprain 1. n вывих; 2. v вывих­нуть, e g I've sprained my arm (leg, ankle, etc.)

swell (swelled, swollen) v пу­хнуть, опухать, распухать

swollen cheek (arm, leg, etc.) распухшая щека (рука, нога и т. д.)

swelling n опухоль

scald v ошпаривать

splinter n заноза; to get a splin­ter into one's finger (hand, foot, etc.) занозить палец (руку, ногу и т. д.).

sick adj больной; to be/to feel sick испытывать, чувство­вать тошноту

to suffer from insomnia (head­ache, etc.) страдать от бес­сонницы (головной боли и т. д.)

to have (no) difficulty sleeping иметь (не иметь) проблемы со сном

appetite n аппетит, е. g. I have lost my appetite.

to be nervous нервничать

weak (bad) heart слабое (боль­ное) сердце, е. g. I have a weak heart.

heart attack сердечный приступ

cold n холод; простуда, е. g. Half the children in our school were absent with colds. to catch (a) cold простудиться; to catch a slight cold слегка простудиться; to catch a bad cold сильно простудиться, е. g. Put on some warm clothes or you will catch cold. cold in the head насморк, е. g. I have a cold in the head.

cough 1. n кашель; slight cough небольшой кашель; bad cough сильный кашель; е. g. A lot of people have coughs in winter. 2. v кашлять

sneeze v чихать

fever n жар, лихо­радка

to feel feverish знобить, лихо­радить

temperature n тем­пература. One can have a high (low, normal) tempera­ture. Температура может быть высокой(низкой, нормальной), е. g. 36.6 (thirty-six point six) is a normal temperature, to take one's temperature из­мерять температуру; The tem­perature falls (drops, goes down), rises (goes up). Темпе-ратура падает (поднимается).

cut 1. n порез; 2. v порезать;

to cut one's finger порезать палец

to break a leg (an arm, etc.) сломать ногу (руку) и т. д.

wound n рана; to be wounded быть раненым;

to be badly wounded быть тяжело раненым

Examining a Patient

to examine осматривать;

to examine a patient осмот­реть больного

examination n осмотр

to listen to one's heart выслу­шать сердце

to see one's tongue ос­мотреть язык

pulse n пульс; to feel one's pulse щупать пульс. The pulse may be quick (slow, weak). Пульс может быть учащенным (замедленным, сла­бым).

to sound one's chest (lungs) прослушать грудь (легкие)

breathe v дышать

diagnose ставить диагноз

diagnosis n диаг­ноз, e.g. What's the doctor's diagnosis?

disease n болезнь; slight (serious) disease болезнь в легкой (тяжелой) форме; curable (incurable) disease из­лечимая (неизлечимая) бо­лезнь; catching disease за­разная болезнь

NOTE: to die of a disease but from wounds.

complications n pl осложнения (после болезни), е. g. He had the flu(e) with compli­cations.

to strip to the waist раздевать­ся до пояса

the tongue is coated язык обложен

breath n дыхание; to hold one's breath не ды­шать; to take a deep breath глубоко вдохнуть

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