Retell the above text in indirect speech.

Text 5

When you have a minor health problem, do you usually go to the doctor, get something from the drugstore, or use a home remedy?

Grandma Knows Best!

When people have a cold, a fever, or the flu, they usually go to the doctor for help or they get some medicine from the drugstore. But many people also use home remedies for common illnesses.

Lots of people drink hot chicken soup when they have a cold. They find it clears the head and the nose. Some people rub oil on the chest for a cold. Other people drink a mixture of red pepper, hot water, sugar, lemon juice, and milk or vinegar. Here are some simple home remedies.

Bee Stings and Insect Bites:

Wash the sting or bite. Put some meat tenderizer on a handkerchief and then put it on the bite for half an hour.

Burns: Put the burn under cold water or put a cold handkerchief on it. But don't put ice on the burn.

Coughs: Drink warm liquids or take some honey.

Indigestion: Drink some water with a teaspoon of baking soda in it.

Insomnia: Drink a large glass of warm milk.

Cover the passage. Circle Т (true) or F (false).

a) Hot chicken soup is good for a cold. Т F

b) Meat tenderizer helps an insect bite. Т F

c) Ice is good for a burn. Т F

d) Honey helps a cough. Т F

e) Hot liquids are good for indigestion. Т F

f) Warm milk helps you go to sleep. Т F

Do you use the same remedies? What home remedies do you use?

Text 6

It Really Works!

Read this passage. Then circle Т (true) or F (false) for the statements below.

Getting to Sleep

Normally, people sleep between seven and eight hours a day, although some people need less than this and some may need more. But millions of people have trouble getting to sleep every night.

According to sleep expert Dr. Robert Schachter, many people do not know why they have difficulty sleeping. Most people know that tea and coffee often make it difficult to go to sleep because they contain caffeine. But some medicines, such as cold tablets, also contain caffeine and interfere with sleep. Sleeping pills may help you fall asleep, but when you wake the next morning you don't feel refreshed.

Our living habits also affect our sleep. People who are under stress during the day may not be able to calm down and fall asleep at night. Eating just before going to bed may also keep you awake.

Dr. Schachter says that you will sleep more easily if your bedroom is used only for sleep. You shouldn't use your bedroom as a conference room, a TV room, or an exercise room. You should also establish a regular sleeping schedule, but don't go to bed until you are tired. Try to go to bed at the same time every night and get up at the same time every morning. And if all this does not work, try counting sheep!

a) T F Everyone needs eight hours sleep a night.

b) T F Caffeine helps you fall asleep.

c) T F Active people might have trouble falling asleep easily.

d) T F You should be careful about eating just before you go to bed.

e) Т F It is a good idea to have a TV near your bed.

f) Т F You should have regular sleeping hours.

Text 7

The Doctor and the Painter

A famous painter was very worried about his sick dog, which had a badly inflamed throat. But he knew that a doctor wouldn't examine a dog. So, in order to get a specialist to come to his house to look at his dog, he decided to pretend that he himself was the one who was ill. This artist was a very selfish man, so in spite of the fact that it was past midnight, he called a prominent throat specialist.

Doctor: Hello! This is Dr. Knowitall.

Artist: Oh, Doctor Knowitall, you must come to my house immediately.

D: Sir! I am a famous throat specialist. I only see patients during the

day, and by appointment.

A: But...but doctor, I am the celebrated portrait painter, Raphael DePicter, and this is an emergency.

D: I've had a busy day, and I have to operate very early tomorrow morning. Can't you wait until tomorrow afternoon?

A: Oh, no, doctor! That would be too late. I beg you, please come right away. And hurry!

D: Very well. Since you are Raphael DePicter, I'll make an exception.

I'll come right away.

When Doctor Knowitall arrived at Mr. DePicter's house and saw that the patient was not the artist but his dog, he was furious. But immediately he thought of a plan to get even. Hiding his anger, he said calmly:

D: I can't tell you right now what's the matter with your dog, but this medicine will alleviate it. I'll study the case and call you when I've made the diagnosis.

At midnight of the following day Mr. DePicter was awakened when his telephone rang.

A: Who is it?

D: This is Doctor Knowitall.

Mr. DePicter, come quickly to my house. It's urgent!

A: But doctor, it's past twelve! Besides early tomorrow morning I have an appointment to paint the portrait of a very important person. Can't you wait until tomorrow afternoon?

D: Oh, no! That would be too late! And what I have to say is too important to discuss over the telephone. Please hurry!

Mr. DePicter, thinking it was about his dog's illness, jumped out of bed, got dressed, and ran to the doctor's house.

A: Doctor, doctor! What's the matter? Why did you call me at this time of night?

D: I'm very concerned about something, and I must know the answer right now.

A: All right, all right. What is it?

D: Please tell me: how much would you charge to paint my house?

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