IV. Number of Affected Animals per Particular Area at a Particular Time.

The diseases can be classified into: sporadic - isolated incident in a single animal; enzootic - disease occurs repeatedly in a particular locality (within 30-mile radius); epizootic - disease that affects a large number of animals in a short period of time in a particular area (larger area than enzootic); panzootic disease that spreads rapidly over a very large area and affects many animals in a short period of time.

V. Contagiosity. Contagious disease is one which is caused by a germ, either bacterium or virus and is usually capable of transmission from one animal to another. As these diseases may be produced by indirect contact with the diseased animal as well as by direct, they are also infectious. Non-contagious disease is one, which is not transferable from one animal to another. Despite a large number of affected animals, the disease can be “non-contagious” (for example, poisoning or dietary deficiency).


Болезнь, заболевание

1. Illnessis generally used as a synonym for disease. However, this term is occasionally used to refer specifically to the patient's personal experience of his or her disease. In this model, it is possible for a person to have a disease without being ill, and to be ill without being diseased (for example, a person who feels unwell as a result of embarrassment, and who interprets those feelings as sickness rather than normal emotions).

2. Malady–any disorder or disease of the body, especially one that is chronic or deep-seated; any undesirable or disordered condition: social maladies, a malady of the spirit.

3.Sickness–a particular disease or malady, the state or an instance of being sick; illness; nausea; queasiness.

4. Disorder.In medicine, a disorder is a functional abnormality or disturbance. Medical disorders can be categorized into mental disorders, physical disorders,genetic disorders,emotional and behavioral disorders, andfunctionaldisorders. The term disorderis often considered more value-neutral and less stigmatizing than the terms disease or illness. However, the term disorderis also used in many other areas of medicine, primarily to identify physical disorders that are not caused by infectious organisms, such asmetabolic disorders.

5. Ailment– a physical disorder or illness, especially of a minor or chronic nature.

6. Amedical conditionis a broad term that includes all diseases,lesions, disorders, or non-pathologic condition that normally receives medical treatment, such as pregnancy or childbirth. The term medical conditionis also a synonym for medical state, in which case it describes an individual patient's current state from a medical standpoint. This usage appears in statements that describe a patient as being in critical condition, for example.

Find the equivalents to the word-combinations in section A from section B.

A.Психическое заболевание, серьёзнаяболезнь, неизлечимая болезнь, болезнь века, легкое недомогание, укачивание, случай заболевания, больничный лист, из-за болезни, лучевая болезнь, общее недомогание, патологическое состояние, фоновое заболевание, подхватить болезнь

B.Fatal malady/ disease, mental illness, malady of the age, slight malady/ailment, motion (sea, air) sickness, sickness case, sickness list, a serious illness, radiation sickness, common ailment, medical condition, underlying medical condition, to contract an illness, through illness.


Exercise 1. Look through the text. Which of the paragraphs deals with:

1. an aggravating factor of the disease;

2. some parasitic insects that act as secondary hosts for certain animal microorganisms;

3. eukaryotic pathogens;

4. disease that affects a large number of animals in a short period of time in a particular area;

5. abiotic agents;

Exercise 2. Give the definition of the following words.

1. Disease. 2. Etiology. 3. Meningitis. 4. Scrapie. 5. Chronic disease.6. Eukaryotic organisms. 7. Arthropods. 8. Abiotic agents. 9. Calculi. 10.Complication. 11. Subacute disease. 12. Panzootic disease.

Exercise 3.Match the diseases and their causative agents.

Disease Causative agent
ringworm protozoa
measles prion
malaria bacteria
BSE (bovine spongiform encephalopathy) fungi
cholera helminthes
toxoplasmosis viruses

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