Problems of nutrition of pupils in irkutsk

E. Danilova, T. Manuev

Research advisors:

R. S. Manueva, Doctor of Medical Science, Assistant Professor

Department of General Hygiene

A.A. Sazonova
Chair of Foreign Languages with Latin and “Russian for Foreigners” Programs

Irkutsk State Medical University, Irkutsk, Russia

Relevance.The proper organization of children’s and adolescent’s healthy nutrition is very important both as a factor maintaining health and a factor determining the health of future generations.

The research results showed that over the past few yearsstudents’ health deterioration had beensignificantly increased.The adverse dynamics of youthhealth is getting worse as they are learning at school.Increasing the incidence of school-related diseases is marked.

Aim.To assess the nutritional quality in different schools as well as the content of basic nutrients, vitamins and minerals in school diet.

Materials and methods.The study was carried out among children and adolescents of high schools and secondary schools in Irkutsk (School №49, Gymnasium №3). The evaluation of the school actual nutrition was conducted by a questionnaire survey and the method of analyzing the menu caloric record from January to December 2015-2016. The chemical composition of the food included in the students’ menuwas estimated by the calculation method according to the reference book "Tables of the chemical composition of Russian food products" (2007). The obtaineddata was compared with the norms of MP "Norms of Physiological Needs for Energy and Food Substances for Different Populations".

Results.Theanalysis of dietary chemical composition madeat schools in Irkutsk showed their nutritional disbalance, insufficient intake of vitamins, macro- and micronutrients.It was done on the basis of the menu caloric recordscomparingthem with the recommended consumption norms.

Thus, there has been an increased intake of all nutrients with a predominantly carbohydrate component both in students of high schools and secondary schools in the younger age group and girls older than 11 years. The conservativevolume of high-quality animal proteins and fats was identified instudents ofsecondary schools.Identified negative outcomes affected the energy value of food and were expressed asa disbalance.

The reduced content of vitamin A, vitamins B, E, C, PP, as well as mineral elements (Calcium, Phosphorus, Magnesium, Iron and Iodine) has been marked in all the diet. Only 15% of learners constantly follow their meal plan; 46% break it systematically, 39% follow it, but not always. An assessment of the learner’sactual nutrition in Irkutsk was made. It was done on the basis of a questionnaire survey of the consumedfood amount. Thefrequency analysis method aimed at collecting and processing of data on food consumption was used. The prepared questionnaire made it possible to obtain data on nutrition peculiarities.

Conclusions.Nutrition that students get in all types of schools in Irkutskis not balanced inessential nutrients. The insufficient intake of vitamins, macro- and micronutrients has been identified. The provided food did not match the menu caloric record and its volume.




N. A. Tarmaeva

Research advisors:

V. I. Bakhtairova, Doctor of Medical Science

Chair of Biochemistry and Chemistry

I. N. Kukushkina, Doctor of Philology, Assistant Professor
Chair of Foreign Languages with Latin and “Russian for Foreigners” Programs

Irkutsk State Medical University, Irkutsk, Russia

Relevance.Micronutrients are related to irreplaceable food substances and necessary for the normal implementation of all biochemical processes in the body: metabolism, growth and development, protection from diseases and environmental hazards. Ascorbic acid is involved in many important fermentative reactions associated with redox reactions of tryptophan, corticosteroids, etc., has a beneficial effect on the functions of the central nervous system, stimulates the activity of the endocrine glands, promotes better absorption of iron and normal hematopoiesis, increases a person's resistance to extreme effects, prevents the formation of nitrosamines which are strong carcinogens.

Aim.Taking into account the high importance of vitamin C in nutrition, we conducted research on the content of vitamin C in vegetables coming for sale to the population of Irkutsk.

Materials and methods.The method is based on extraction of ascorbic acid, reduction of 2,6dichlorophenolindophenolate sodium ascorbic acid, followed by extraction with an organic solvent (xylene or butyl acetate) of excess 2,6 dichlorophenolindophenolate sodium and photometry of this extract at 490 nm.

Results.The results of laboratory studies show that in vegetables, the amount of vitamin C in comparison with the data specified in the "Handbook of the Chemical Composition of Russian Food Products" is insufficient in both the autumn and the spring periods. The amount of ascorbic acid in cabbage decreased on average to 16.2 mg%, in potatoes to 4.0 mg%, in carrots to 2.4 mg%, onion 6.3 mg%, beet 2.6 mg%. Low content of ascorbic acid in vegetables due to improper and long-term storage, improper culinary processing: non-observance of optimal cooking times, long storage in water, cooking in open dishes - all this is the cause of widespread C-hypovitaminosis in winter-spring period.

Conclusions.In this situation, the most effective and, at the same time, economical means of cardinally improving the vitamin status and preventing polyhypovitaminosis are the regular intake of multivitamin preparations for preventive purposes, the choice of enriched foods.


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