Past Simple or Past Continuous

Ex.1. Choose the correct verb form.

1. When I brought / was bringing in the papers, he spoke / was speaking on the phone.

2. When I entered / was entering, they discussed / were discussing something.

3. He felt / was feeling that somebody watched / was watching him.

4. I met / was meeting him while I made / was making a tour of France.

5. I paid / was paying my check when I heard / was hearing someone call my name.

6. I turned / was turning round and saw / was seeing Jenny.

7. Pardon, I didn’t hear / wasn’t hearing what you said /were saying.

8. I finished / was finishing shopping and went / was going home.

9. I asked / was asking her if she knew / was knowing any good Spanish restaurant


10. When Ruth looked out / was looking out of the window, she saw / was seeing that it

still snowed / was still snowing.

11. Mike fell / was falling down and hurt / was hurting his knees.

12. Last summer, when climbing a mountain in the Caucasus, we lost / were losing

our way.

13. The rescue team found / was finding us on the fourth day.

14.When I entered / was entering the room, Justin showed / was showing photographs

to the guests.

15. Police stopped / was stopping him while he drove / was driving at a high speed.

Ex.2. Open the brackets. Put the verbs into Past Continuous or Past Simple.

1. Why Jeff (not / to prepare) for exams last week? ___________________________ 2. Where Betty and Emily (to celebrate) Christmas while their parents (to travel) round Europe? ___________________________ 3. With whom you (to talk) on the phone at that time yesterday? ___________________________ 4. Why Fanny (not / to look) through all these magazines last weekend? ___________________________     5. What Betty (to do) last Thursday?   ___________________________ 6. Sybil (to take) part in the school concert when her parents came home from work? ___________________________ 7. Why Rose (not / to meet) her friend from Greece at the airport last Friday? ___________________________ 8. Where Tom and John (to watch) cartoons yesterday evening? __________________________ 9. Polly (to dust) the furniture when Tom came? __________________________ 1. Why Jeff (not / to prepare) for exams the whole evening yesterday? ___________________________ 2. Where Betty and Emily (to celebrate) last Christmas?   ___________________________ 3. With whom you (to talk) on the phone yesterday? ___________________________ 4. Why Fanny (not / to look) through all these magazines the whole morning yesterday? ___________________________     5. What Betty (to do) from 3 till 6 o’clock last Thursday? ___________________________ 6. Sybil (to take) part in the school concert last Christmas?   ____________________________ 7. Why Rose (not / to meet) her friend from Greece at the airport at that time yesterday? ______________________________ 8. Where Tom and John (to watch) cartoons the whole evening yesterday? ______________________________ 9. Polly (to dust) the furniture ten minutes ago?   ______________________________

Ex.3. Complete the conversations using Past Simple or Past Continuous of the verbs in brackets.

1. policeman: What were you doing (you / to do) when the accident happened (to happen)?
colin: I was (to be) at the bus-stop. I was waiting (to wait) for a bus.
policeman: ____________ (you / to see) the accident?
colin: No, because I ____________ (to read) the newspaper.
2. nicola: I __________ (to telephone) you at 9 o’clock last night but you were not at home.
martin: 9 o’clock? I __________ (to sit) in a cafe, __________ (to drink) hot chocolate.
nicola: ____________ Jane with you?
martin: No, she _________ (to work) in the library.
nicola: Where _________ (you / to go) after the cafe?
martin: I __________ (to go) home.
3.mum: Oh no! My beautiful new plate. What happened?
angela: I’m really sorry, Mum. I __________ (to break) it when I __________ (to wash) it.
mum: How?
angela: My hands _________ wet and I _________ (to drop) it on the floor.
4. sophie: _________ (you / to think) yesterday’s exam _________ difficult?
edward: No, not really, but I _________ (not / to write) very much.
sophie: Why not?
edward: Because I _________ (to dream) about my holidays.
5. tracy: Pardon? I didn’t hear you. Could you repeat that, please?
neil: I _________ (not / to talk) to you.
tracy: Who _________ (you / to talk) to?
neil: Sarah.
tracy: Oh, sorry.
6. andrew: There _________ (to be) a crash outside my house yesterday.
pippa: What _________ (to happen)?
andrew: I don’t know. It _________ (to rain) but the drivers _________ (not / to go) fast.
pippa: Were they hurt?
andrew: One man _________ (to break) his arm and the other man _________ (to cut) his head.

Ex.4. Translate into English.

1. “Ты ходил куда-нибудь вчера вечером?” — “Нет, я остался дома”.


2. Когда Ник ездил в Лондон?


3. Чайковский написал много опер.


4. Что ты делал, когда я тебе позвонил?


5. Мой отец учил меня водить машину, когда начался дождь.


6. В то время, как я читал, Джон играл на пианино.


7. Сейчас я сижу в классе. Вчера в это время я читал де­тектив.


8. Я не слушал учителя, поэтому я пропустил то, что он сказал.


9. Они не пригласили Сью на вечеринку, поэтому она и не пошла.


10. “У тебя вчера было время написать письмо?” — “Нет, не было”.


11. Когда я открыл посылку, я обнаружил там сюрприз.


12. Я не слышал грозу, потому что я спал.


13. Я не хотел никуда идти, потому что шел дождь.


14. Когда я проснулся, ярко светило солнце и пели птицы.


Degrees of Comparison

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