Past Simple or Past Continuous.



Section 1. Grammar

Past Simple or Past Continuous.

Degrees of Comparison.

Past Simple or Past Continuous

Ex.1. Choose the correct verb form.

1. When I brought / was bringing in the papers, he spoke / was speaking on the phone.

2. When I entered / was entering, they discussed / were discussing something.

3. He felt / was feeling that somebody watched / was watching him.

4. I met / was meeting him while I made / was making a tour of France.

5. I paid / was paying my check when I heard / was hearing someone call my name.

6. I turned / was turning round and saw / was seeing Jenny.

7. Pardon, I didn’t hear / wasn’t hearing what you said /were saying.

8. I finished / was finishing shopping and went / was going home.

9. I asked / was asking her if she knew / was knowing any good Spanish restaurant


10. When Ruth looked out / was looking out of the window, she saw / was seeing that it

still snowed / was still snowing.

11. Mike fell / was falling down and hurt / was hurting his knees.

12. Last summer, when climbing a mountain in the Caucasus, we lost / were losing

our way.

13. The rescue team found / was finding us on the fourth day.

14.When I entered / was entering the room, Justin showed / was showing photographs

to the guests.

15. Police stopped / was stopping him while he drove / was driving at a high speed.

Ex.2. Open the brackets. Put the verbs into Past Continuous or Past Simple.

1. Why Jeff (not / to prepare) for exams last week? ___________________________ 2. Where Betty and Emily (to celebrate) Christmas while their parents (to travel) round Europe? ___________________________ 3. With whom you (to talk) on the phone at that time yesterday? ___________________________ 4. Why Fanny (not / to look) through all these magazines last weekend? ___________________________     5. What Betty (to do) last Thursday?   ___________________________ 6. Sybil (to take) part in the school concert when her parents came home from work? ___________________________ 7. Why Rose (not / to meet) her friend from Greece at the airport last Friday? ___________________________ 8. Where Tom and John (to watch) cartoons yesterday evening? __________________________ 9. Polly (to dust) the furniture when Tom came? __________________________ 1. Why Jeff (not / to prepare) for exams the whole evening yesterday? ___________________________ 2. Where Betty and Emily (to celebrate) last Christmas?   ___________________________ 3. With whom you (to talk) on the phone yesterday? ___________________________ 4. Why Fanny (not / to look) through all these magazines the whole morning yesterday? ___________________________     5. What Betty (to do) from 3 till 6 o’clock last Thursday? ___________________________ 6. Sybil (to take) part in the school concert last Christmas?   ____________________________ 7. Why Rose (not / to meet) her friend from Greece at the airport at that time yesterday? ______________________________ 8. Where Tom and John (to watch) cartoons the whole evening yesterday? ______________________________ 9. Polly (to dust) the furniture ten minutes ago?   ______________________________

Ex.3. Complete the conversations using Past Simple or Past Continuous of the verbs in brackets.

1. policeman: What were you doing (you / to do) when the accident happened (to happen)?
colin: I was (to be) at the bus-stop. I was waiting (to wait) for a bus.
policeman: ____________ (you / to see) the accident?
colin: No, because I ____________ (to read) the newspaper.
2. nicola: I __________ (to telephone) you at 9 o’clock last night but you were not at home.
martin: 9 o’clock? I __________ (to sit) in a cafe, __________ (to drink) hot chocolate.
nicola: ____________ Jane with you?
martin: No, she _________ (to work) in the library.
nicola: Where _________ (you / to go) after the cafe?
martin: I __________ (to go) home.
3.mum: Oh no! My beautiful new plate. What happened?
angela: I’m really sorry, Mum. I __________ (to break) it when I __________ (to wash) it.
mum: How?
angela: My hands _________ wet and I _________ (to drop) it on the floor.
4. sophie: _________ (you / to think) yesterday’s exam _________ difficult?
edward: No, not really, but I _________ (not / to write) very much.
sophie: Why not?
edward: Because I _________ (to dream) about my holidays.
5. tracy: Pardon? I didn’t hear you. Could you repeat that, please?
neil: I _________ (not / to talk) to you.
tracy: Who _________ (you / to talk) to?
neil: Sarah.
tracy: Oh, sorry.
6. andrew: There _________ (to be) a crash outside my house yesterday.
pippa: What _________ (to happen)?
andrew: I don’t know. It _________ (to rain) but the drivers _________ (not / to go) fast.
pippa: Were they hurt?
andrew: One man _________ (to break) his arm and the other man _________ (to cut) his head.

Degrees of Comparison

Ex.1. Write the degrees of comparison.

a) long _______________________ old __________________________
short _______________________ few __________________________
large _______________________ young __________________________
big _______________________ easy __________________________
fine _______________________ light __________________________
straight _______________________ clean __________________________
new _______________________ small __________________________
thin _______________________ thick __________________________
high _______________________ fat __________________________
poor _______________________ heavy __________________________
busy _______________________ near __________________________
late _______________________ weak __________________________
pale _______________________ bright __________________________
clever _______________________ gay __________________________
rich _______________________ full __________________________
red _______________________ silly __________________________
b) interesting ________________________________
famous ________________________________
careful ________________________________
important ________________________________
expensive ________________________________
active ________________________________
difficult ________________________________
comfortable ________________________________
good- looking ________________________________
expensive ________________________________
practical ________________________________
cunning ________________________________
intelligent ________________________________
beautiful ________________________________
c) good ________________________________
bad ________________________________
little ________________________________
far ________________________________
much ________________________________
many ________________________________

4. Translate the following adjectives.
самый старый ________________________________
величайший ________________________________
длиннее ________________________________
самый красивый ________________________________
веселее ________________________________
самый толстый ________________________________
выше ________________________________
сильнее ________________________________
менее важный ________________________________
самый темный ________________________________
менее удобный ________________________________
более сухой ________________________________
самый интересный ________________________________
удобнее ________________________________
ветренее ________________________________
тяжелейший ________________________________
важнее ________________________________

Section 2. Reading

Text 1

Ex.1. Read the text.

Most English people who live in big cities like to get out of town for a day. Those who have a car find it easier, but you can also go by train where you want. It will take you about two hours to get to the south coast from London by train. People spend a Saturday or a Sunday at the sea, visit famous historical places or just have a picnic in the country. There are a lot of places to see so you’ll never be bored.

Some time ago the shops didn’t work normal hours. They opened quite late and closed early, at about five. Of course, they didn’t work at weekends. Now everything has changed. Most shops close at seven or eight and some of them even work twenty-four hours. But people still prefer to do their shopping on Saturday morning. They don’t have to worry, because most shops try to make shopping as pleasant as possible.

Text 2

Ex.1. Read the text.

People think that English food is bad, but it is not always right. The English like vegetables and potatoes. They also eat a lot of meat. If you don’t like traditional English food, you can go to one of numerous restaurants. These restaurants cook food of different countries of the world. You can have an English breakfast, a French lunch and an Italian dinner in one day.

The tea, of course, is one of the most famous things about England. Teas in this country are always very good and pleas­ant. There is a tradition to have tea at about five o’clock every day. The English usually drink their tea with some milk in it. You can have some biscuits or a lovely cake with your tea. And you usually talk about different things over a cup of tea with your family or friends.

Ex.2. Answer the questions.

1. What do people think of the English food? _____________________________

2. Where can you find foreign food in England? _____________________________

3. What is a traditional English meal? _____________________________

4. How do the English drink their tea? _____________________________

5. What do the English like besides tea? _____________________________

Text 3


Ex.1. Read the text.

A farmer’s wife had a dog and she liked him so much that she always spoiled him. All the animals on the farm were useful. The horse worked in the field, the cow gave milk and the sheep gave their wool. But the dog was very lazy and didn’t do anything. He didn’t guard the house because he slept in a warm kitchen and thought that the other animals were not so important as he was. He was selfish and greedy. “I am much better than you are,” the dog often said to the other animals. “You sleep in a cold shed and eat only dry grass, while I eat the best things at my master’s table and I sleep in the warm kitchen”. So all the animals on the farm didn’t like the dog.

Once the farmer was tired of this selfish creature and pushed him out into the yard. It was very cold and the dog ran to the shed and lay on the hay in a manger. This hay was ready for the horse that didn’t come from the field yet. The lazy dog fell asleep there. Then the horse came back from the field and wanted to eat the hay, but the dog began barking and said: “Go away, can’t you see I am trying to sleep”. “But I’m tired and hungry,” the horse said. “Please go away – you can’t eat hay”. “I’m tired too,” the dog said and closed his eyes again. The poor horse tried to pull some hay from under the dog, but the angry dog bit the horse on the nose and barked again. The farmer heard the noise and came to the shed. He pushed the dog out of the manger and said: “You are a lazy creature; you can’t eat the hay and you don’t let my horse have its supper”. And he gave the dog a good beating. And that’s why when a person is greedy and keeps something which he doesn’t need, but which somebody else needs, we say he is like the dog in the manger.

Ex.4. Answer the questions.

1. What did the animals do on the farm? _________________________

2. Why didn’t the animals like the dog? _________________________

3. Why did the dog run to the manger? __________________________

4. Why did the dog bite the horse? __________________________

5. What did the farmer do with the dog in the end? __________________________

Section 3. Revision

Ex.1. Add –ed to the verbs.

Example: jump – jumped

arrive ___________ promise __________ love ___________
close ___________ help __________ regret ___________
want ___________ look __________ rob ___________
hurry ___________ watch __________ visit ___________
clean ___________ cook __________ add ___________
push ___________ start __________ live ___________
end ___________ wait __________ count ___________
like ___________ travel __________ tidy ___________
laugh ___________ kiss __________ change __________
finish ___________ post __________ open ___________

Ex.2. Fill ina / an / thewhere necessary.

1. This is ___ bag. 2. ____bottle of red wine, please! 3. ___ Acropolis is in ____ Athens. 4. ____ Big Ben is in London. 5. ____ Chinese like ____ rice. 6. ____ English like ____ tea. 7. ___ girl in the blue coat is Ann. 8. ___ her hair is light. 9. ___ Jane and ___ Alice are sisters. 10. ___ Johnsons have four children. 11. ___ lions are dangerous. 12. ___ red hat is Mother’s. 13. ___ Sue’s aunt is ___ teacher. 14. ___ white cat is mine. 15. It is ____ long way to ___ school. 16. Julie has got ____ apple. 17. Open ___ window, please! 18. There are a lot of books in ___ shop. 19. There’s some milk in ____ cup. 20. These are ___ our shoes. 21. Where is ___ bank?

Ex.3. Fill in prepositionsin / on / at.

____ Christmas our family had a very good time. We had a nice party ____ the 24th of December. ____ the afternoon we made pies and ____ night the party started. People started to arrive ____ 9 o’clock. ____ midnight, we all sang We Wish You a Merry Christmas. ____ the morning we opened our presents and ____ 2 o’clock we had “Christmas dinner”. My favourite Christmas was ____ 1990. We visited our uncle in Australia. Christmas is ____ summer there. We had our Christmas dinner on the beach ____ the afternoon.

Section 4. Listening

Listening 1



Section 1. Grammar

Past Simple or Past Continuous.

Degrees of Comparison.

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