Укажите номера предложений, в которых глагол-сказуемое стоит в страдательном залоге

1. Intrathoracic nodal involvement and parenchyma lung disease are the two most common ways in which sarcoidosis affects the respiratory system.

2. In the USA sarcoidosis is more frequent in blacks than in whites.

3. A substantial body of information has suggested that immune mechanisms are important in disease pathogenesis.

4. A substantial body of information has been accumulated about the intermediate pathogenesis of the disease.

5. A diagnosis of influenza will be made clinically.

6. The nurse was to give injection to this patient.

7. In 1936 the Michnikov hospital was united with the 2-nd Medical Institute.

8. Measles is found in all races and climates.

9. The professor supposed the drug to be effective.

10. The lecture on muscles will be delivered to the students of our group next week.

11. The work will have been finished by the end of the year.

12. To stop water pollution urgent measures were taken.

13. If you come tomorrow at 11 o’clock I shall be carrying out the experiment.

14. The doctor has operated the patient for cancer.

15. The patient was being operated for 2 hours.

16. This method is widely used in surgical practice.

17. Many investigators would like to see this substance.

18. I like anatomy because it will be necessary for my future profession.

19. The drug was developed for treating pneumonia complications.

20. The progress in science depends to a great extent on man’s requirements.

21. The doctor knew the patient to be undergoing ECG at that time.

22. The act of digestion is completed in the large intestine.

23. Being completely treated the patient left the hospital.

24. The operation is being performed by the best of our surgeon.

25. In 2001 the construction of the new hospital will be begun.

26. The movement of the lungs is followed by pause.

27. The problem to be studied is very important for clinical medicine.

28. Infectious hepatitis was known as epidemic disease for a long time.

29. He had been working at the hospital for four months when I met him.

30. Microorganism to be eliminated from the body is very dangerous.

31. Most of the patients were watching TV when the professor entered the ward.

32. The actual cause of tuberculosis was discovered by Robert Koch.

33. The disease is transmitted by droplet infection.

34. Blood and urine tests will be made at the clinical laboratory of the surgical department.

35. Pollution is hanging like a brown cloud over many cities today.

36. The pain has been getting much worse since the morning.

37. Mucus is secreted by mucous glands.

38. The patient was being examined by the doctor when the phone rang.

39. Grippe usually affects several members of the family.

40. Persons of all ages are affected by measles but mostly children.

41. The air we breathe contains moisture in different concentrations.

42. This nurse had to be on duty two days ago, why hadn’t she?

43. The obtained results were used in clinic.

44. The students would like him to be invited to the operating room.

45. I have been waiting for you since 9 ‘clock.

46. The patient was recommended bed rest and improved nutrition.

47. The results of the analysis will be ready tomorrow.

48. They told me of the disease spread by wild animals.

49. Weakness, sweating and fatigue may persist for a week.

50. The new method has been applied to treat this serious disease.

51. The patient was being treated in the hospital for three weeks.

52. He was translating the text from 5 till 6 yesterday.

53. Nutrients are needed for all vital processes.

54. It has been established that four factors are responsible fatal outcome.

55. The experiment was of great importance to our laboratory.

56. I. Pavlov demonstrated that man’s psychic activity is based on physiological processes operating in the body.

57. The patient is being looked after by an experienced nurse.

58. The patient lying in the ward has a severe heart attack.

59. The diagnosis was confirmed by X-ray examination.

60. To illustrate this case let’s go back to the previous figure given earlier in this chapter.

61. Leukemia occurs when large numbers of useless white cells are produced from the marrow.

62. The patient will have been operated by 12 o’clock tomorrow.

63. The symptoms of many infectious diseases may be mild at their initial stage.

64. The disease is due to the exposure to harmful environmental factors.

65. A variety of agents have been supposed as possible causes of sarcoidosis.

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