Remember the following words and phrases and use them in your topics.


Active Vocabulary
· вставать с постели · to get up
· проснуться · to be awaken
ÞОн проснулся. He is awaken.
· валяться в постели · to lie in bed
ÞВ выходные я могу валяться в постели до 11 часов. At the weekend I can lie in bed till 11.
· делать утреннюю зарядку под музыку · to do morning exercises to (the) music
· мыться · to have a wash
· принимать ванну/ душ · to take (to have) a bath/ a shower
ÞОбычно я принимаю ванну (душ) утром. Usually I take a bath (a shower) in the morning.
· вытирать(ся) полотенцем · to dry (oneself) on (with) a towel
ÞЯ вытираюсь махровым полотенцем. I dry myself on a terry towel.
· чистить, очищать от грязи · to clean
ÞЯ чищу ковры пылесосом. I clean the carpets with a vacuum-cleaner.
· чистить зубы (ногти, одежду, ботинки) · to clean one’s teeth (nails, clothes, shoes)
· убирать комнату (квартиру) · to clean the room (the flat)
· бриться электрической бритвой · to shave with an electric razor
· включить/выключить (свет, электричество, воду, газ, телевизор, радио, магнитофон, лампу) · to turn on / off (the light, electricity, water, gas, TV-set, the radio, tape-recorder, lamp)
· заправлять кровать · to make the bed
· чистить щеткой, расчесывать (волосы) · to brush (hair)
· причесываться · to do one’s hair
· одеваться · to get dressed/ to dress
· надевать что-либо · to put smth on
ÞЯ надеваю пальто и отправляюсь в университет. I put my coat on and leave for the University.
· снимать (одежду) · to take smth off
· привести комнату в порядок · to fix up one’s room
· добираться куда-либо · to get somewhere
ÞЯ добираюсь в университет пешком. I get to the University on foot
· ехать на чём-либо · to go by smth
ÞОна ездит на работу на автобусе. She goes to work by bus.
· опаздывать куда-либо · to be late for smth
ÞСтуденты не должны опаздывать на занятия. Students must not be late for classes.
· требуется (кому-либо) 20 минут · it takes smb 20 minutes
ÞМне требуется 20 минут чтобы добраться в университет. It takes me 20 minutes to get to the University
· занятия · classes
· на занятиях · in class
· заканчиваться · to be over
ÞУрок окончен. The lesson is over.
· не хватать (о времени) · to be short of / to be pressed for (time)
ÞНам задают много домашнего задания, поэтому нам не хватает времени. We have a lot of homework so we are short of time.
· практика · practice
· практиковаться, тренироваться · to have practice in smth, to practise
· пропускать (лекции, занятия) to miss (lectures, classes)
· обязательный · compulsory
· выполнять работу по дому · to do housework
· домашние обязанности · household duties
ÞУ меня много обязанностей по дому. Они отнимают у меня много времени. My household duties are numerous. They take much of my time.
· ложиться спать · to go to bed
ÞЯ ложусь спать около полуночи I go to bed about midnight.
· последние известия (новости) · the (latest) news
· отдыхать · to have a rest, to rest
Reference Vocabulary
Занятия – Studies
· сделать ошибку · to make a mistake
· делать упражнение · to do an exercise
· выполнить задание · to do a lesson
· повторить что-либо (для) · to revise/ review smth (for)
· просматривать что-либо · to look through smth
· учиться на врача · to learn to be a doctor
Работа по дому – Housework
· гладить бельё · to do ironing, to iron linen
· гладить одежду · to press clothes
· стирать одежду (бельё) · to wash clothes (linen)
· мыть посуду · to wash up the dishes
· помыть пол · to wash the floor
· убирать в комнате (квартире, доме) · to do the room (flat, house)
· подметать комнату · to sweep out the room
· делать покупки · to do shopping
· сшить платье · to make a dress
Фразы – Phrases
· быть вовремя где-либо · to be in time (for smth)
· преодолевать трудности · to overcome difficulties
· справиться с чем-либо · to be through with smth
· приносить пользу/причинять вред · to do good/harm
· с нетерпением ждать чего-либо · to look forward to smth (to doing smth)
· подружиться (стать врагами) · to make friends (enemies)
· сделать подарок · to make a present
· зарабатывать деньги · to make/ earn money


· быть «жаворонком» · to be lark
· быть «совой» · to be owl
· делать чай · to make tea
· часы, когда вы бодрствуете · waking hours
· по дороге домой · on the way home

II. Read the text. Be ready to discuss it.


On week days the alarm-clock wakes me up at 6.00 and my working day begins. I’m not an early riser, that’s why it’s very difficult for me to get out of bed, especially in winter. I switch on my tape-recorder and do my morning exercises. Then I go to my bathroom where I clean my teeth and wash myself (and shave). If I have enough time I take a shower. Then I go to my bedroom to get dressed and to brush my hair. Usually my mother makes breakfast for me. But when she is away on business or just doesn’t have to get up early, I make breakfast myself. And my friend lives at a students’ hostel, he has to make his breakfast himself. It may be a cup of tea or coffee and a sandwich. While having breakfast, he listens to the latest news or music on the radio.

I leave my house at 7.00 and go to the nearest bus or trolley-bus stop. It takes me fifty minutes to get to the University. But I don’t want to waste my time on the bus or trolley-bus. I’ve got a small cassette-player and I listen to different texts and dialogues as I am fond of English. Sometimes I look through my notes to revise the material for my practical classes. We don’t have bells at our University, because classes begin at different time in each group. They may start at 8 sharp or at 8.20 or 8.30. My friend lives not far from the main building of our University so it takes him only five or seven minutes to get there. He doesn’t want to be late for the first period so he comes to the University a few minutes before classes begin.

I am a medical student. I study five days a week. Every day we have practical classes in numerous theoretical and special subjects ... We perform different laboratory works and work in the dissecting-room. In addition to one or two practical classes we have a lecture or two every day. The attendance of the lectures and practical classes is compulsory at our University. Students who have missed some classes have to go to the tutorials. They are held on Saturdays. Besides, we read a lot of literature in the reading-room. When we have a long break between the periods we go to the University’s canteen to have lunch. Then we come back to our classes and we study hard till 5 or 6 o’clock.

I come home at about 5 o’clock in the afternoon and have dinner. After dinner I usually have a short rest or do some work about the house: wash and iron linen, clean the flat, wash up the dishes, go shopping, etc. The first year at the University is a pretty hard one. I have a lot of homework in every subject so I am usually pressed for time. It takes me about four or five hours a day to prepare for my classes. I normally finish doing my homework at 11 with hardly any breaks since 6 o’clock. There is practically no time for television or friends. As a rule I go to bed about midnight.

This is my usual working day. Weekends are more attractive, because I can lie in bed till 11, I can watch TV, listen to music, meet my friends, go to the cinema or to the theatre. And still I always look forward to my next working day because I like my studies. I think I get a lot of useful knowledge.

Text vocabulary

· to be an early riser · рано вставать
· especially · особенно
· unfortunately · к сожалению
· besides · к тому же, кроме того
· excellent · отличный
· to waste time · терять время
· to retell · пересказать
· bell · звонок
· attractive · привлекательный
· still · все же, тем не менее
· dissecting-room · секционная

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