Topic 45. The health service in russia

A health care system is the organization of people, institutions, and resources to provide health care services to give people medical assistance. There is a wide variety of health care systems around the world. This topic will tell you about the health care system in Russia.

Study the new words

1. health service – здравоохранение

2. medical institution – медицинское учреждение

3. protect the health – охранять здоровье

4. medical assistance – медицинская помощь

5. consulting room – кабинет врача

6. X-ray – рентген

7. out-patient – амбулаторный больной

8. district therapeutist – участковый терапевт

9. staff – персонал

10. disease – болезнь

11. treatment – лечение

12. getasick-leave– получать больничный лист

13. emergency ambulance service – служба скорой помощи

14. undergo a preventive examination – проходить профилактический осмотр

15. medical equipment – медицинское оборудование

Fill in the blanks

1. a result of … examination 2. a hospital … 3. a doctor’s … … 4. an infectious … 5. … … system 6. … of a disease 7. medical … 8. examine an … 9. get a … … 10. a preventive …
  • consulting room
  • assistance
  • X-ray
  • treatment
  • staff
  • examination
  • sick-leave
  • disease
  • out-patient
  • health service

Translate into English

1. Студенты проходят практику в различных медицинских учреждениях.

2. Врачи охраняют здоровье людей.

3. Вы должны пройти профилактический осмотр.

4. Это медицинское оборудование дорогое и современное.

5. Грипп (influenza) – это инфекционное заболевание.

6. Кабинет врача хорошо-оборудован.

7. Врачи оказывают (give) медицинскую помощь.

8. «Николай Петрович, получите больничный лист» - сказала (said) мед.сестра.

Find the sentences with the new words in the text. Translate these sentences into Russian.

Translate the underlines words. Read and translate the text.

Health service in Russia

The health service in Russia embraces the entire populationand it is financed by the state budget.

There is a wide network of medical institutions to protect the health of our people. They are polyclinics, hospitals and clinics. Polyclinics give qualified medical assistance. Many doctors and nurses work in the polyclinics. There are a lot of consulting rooms, some laboratories, X-ray, physiotherapy, surgical and dental departments. District therapeutistsexamineout-patients. The polyclinic has rooms for the examination of infectious diseases and also rooms for treatment and diagnostics. In Russia district doctorsare on call part of their working day, they visit patients who are seriously ill and stay at home.

Any Russian citizen may go to the district doctor or callhimin and receive medical assistance. Every citizen has a right to get a sick-leave.

Health service in Russia providesthe emergency service. The emergency ambulance service operates day and night and it isfree of charge.In case of an emergent disease one dial 03 for the doctor to come. The ambulances are well-equipped. Modern medical equipmentenables the doctor to give emergency surgical and therapeutic treatment.

There are special hospitals for the treatment of particular diseases – infectious, psychiatric diseases, cancer and so on.

The main principle of health service in Russia is the prevention of diseases. One of the main tasks in the fight against diseases isthe early detection of the first signs of the diseases. One of its methods is health education.

Match the words in the columns

1. The health service 2. The polyclinic 3. The emergency ambulance service 4. The district doctor 5. Russian citizens -operates day and night -embraces the entire population -examine out-patients -provides the emergency service -protect the health of the people -visit ill patients at home -receive medical assistance

Answer the questions

1. Who works in the polyclinics?

2. What rooms does the polyclinic have?

3. What is the main principle of health service in Russia?

4. What does modern medical equipment enable the doctors to do?

Continue the sentences

1. Polyclinics give …

2. Any Russian citizen may …

3. Every citizen has a right to …

4. One of the main tasks in fighting against diseases is …


A health care system is the organization of people, institutions, and resources to provide health care services to give people medical assistance. There is a wide variety of health care systems around the world. This topic will tell you about the health care system in the UK.

Review the given words

prescription / treatment / cold / cough / surgery / care / emergence ambulance / fall ill / a case of illness / accident / staff

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