Tell about your native city.


Fill in the gaps with the missing remarks

Teacher: Nice to see you. How is your student’s life?

Student: …

Teacher: How many lessons do you have a day?

Student: …

Teacher: What do you study?

Student: …

Teacher: You have a chance to get education. People say «Live and learn». Remember it because knowledge is the power.

Match the new words and their translation educational establishment 2.a faculty 3.a term 4.a credit-test 5.a hostel 6.practical training take an exam have an opportunity 9.well-equipped 10.scientific work take part in master
  • факультет
  • практика
  • зачёт
  • сдавать экзамен
  • научная работа
  • хорошо оборудованный
  • принимать участие
  • образовательное учреждение
  • овладевать
  • семестр
  • иметь возможность
  • общежитие

Fill in the gaps with the necessary words

1. Leaving school boys and girls choose different … … to get a profession.

2.Mike studies at the economical …

3.Students take exams or … … at the end of each … .

4.You should do sports in this sporting club, it is rather … .

5. There is a … for students from the countryside.

6.I make a research (исследование) for my … … .

7.I am good at tennis and I am going to … … in the tennis tournament.

8.My sister … a profession of a medical worker in the college.

Read the text about medical college

The Medical College

Every year many young people who really love medicine enter our medical college. It is one of the most popular educational establishment in our city. The medical college was founded in 1991 on the base of the medical school 3.The medical school appeared from the military school, which was evacuated from Leningrad in 1942. This school existed up to 1957. Then it became the civil medical school 3, later it became the medical college. Our college has four faculties: 1) nursing faculty, 2) pharmaceutical faculty, 3) clinical faculty, 4) doctor’s assistant laboratory faculty.

Our students are future medical workers. They have an excellent opportunity for getting

education. There are special well-equipped classrooms for theoretical and practical studies. Students learn pre-clinical and clinical subjects, such as Human Anatomy, Latin language, Pharmacology, Microbiology, Surgery and so on. Our students have practical training at different clinics and hospitals, because it is the main part of the course. The students work at laboratories and make analysis for their scientific work.

Each college’s year consists of two terms. At the end of the term students take exams and

credit-tests. Many students get scholarships. Some students live at the hostel, the others with

their relatives. Our students take an active part in the life of the college.

During the course of studies the students master the basis of theoretical and practical medicine.

Finishing the course the students take state examinations in three or four main subjects. When

they pass their exams, they become medical workers and begin their work.

Answer the questions

1.Who usually enters the medical college?

2.When was the college founded?

3.What faculties are there in the college?

4.Where do the students have practical training and theory?

5.What subjects do the students study?

6.What should the students master during the course?

7.What do the students do after finishing the course?

Speak English

1. Медицинский колледж – это популярное образовательное учреждение в городе.

2. В колледже 4 факультета: сестринский, лечебный, фармацевтический и факультет лабораторной диагностики.

3. Наши студенты имеют возможность получить хорошее образование.

4. Они изучают доклинические и клинические предметы, проходят практику в больницах и работают в лабораториях.

5. Наши студенты овладевают основами практической и теоретической медицины.

6. В конце каждого года студенты сдают экзамены и зачёты.

7. Многие студенты принимают активное участие в жизни колледжа.

8. Заканчивая колледж, студенты становятся медицинскими работниками и начинают работать.

Speak about the educational establishment of your friend

1.Where does he study? 2.What’s his future profession? 3.What does he study? 4.Does he get scholarship? 5.Does he take part in the public life? 6.Does he take exams and credit tests? 7.Does he like his studies?

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