Сравните употребление Present Perfect и Past Simple

They have bought a cat. (Время не указано, важен факт покупки) They bought a cat ten years ago. (Когда? Десять лет назад)
I’ve donea lot of work today. (День еще не закончился) I did a lot of work yesterday. (Это было вчера)
He’s beena vet for three years. (Он стал ветеринаром три года назад и является им до сих пор) He was a vet for twenty years. (Он больше не ветеринар).

Exercise 106.Open the brackets using the verbs in the Present Perfect or Past Simple Tense.

1. I … (not/go) to the Academy yesterday because I was ill.

2. Kate … (go) to the theatre last week.

3. Mary travels a lot. She … (visit) many countries.

4. I … (switch) off the light before going out this morning.

5. I live in London now, but I … (live) in Paris for many years.

6. What time … (you/go) to bed last night?

7. ... (you/ever/meet) a famous person?

8. My friend is a writer. He … (write) many books already.

9. We … (not/have) a holiday last year.

10. The weather … (not/be) very good yesterday.

Exercise 107.Make up questions to the following sentences according to the model:


I’ve completed the experiment. – Have you really completed the experiment?

1. I’ve performed many experiments this week.

2. We’ve examined 500 samples of blood.

3. They’ve developed a new method.

4. I’ve made great progress in my studies.

5. This professor has published three articles on his new method recently.

6. We’ve built a new clinic this year.

Exercise 108.Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Simple or the Present Perfect.

Scientists 1) … (discover) a new animal in the jungle recently. They believe it 2) … (exist) for a million years. The animal 3) … (develop) two tails for moving between the trees and eyes that can see in the dark. John Jones 4) … (find) the animal when he 5) … (explore) the northern Ablu jungle. He 6) … (see) the animal on a tree so he 7) … (stop) and 8) … (catch) it. “I 9) … (always/want) to discover something new,” he 10) … (say) yesterday. The Bronx Zoo 11) … (buy) the animal. They 12) … (show) it to the public yesterday.

Exercise 109.Translate from Russian into English.

1. Ты бывал когда-нибудь в Англии? 2. Я не могу вам ничего рассказать об этом человеке, так как я никогда его не видел. 3. Он написал отличную работу сегодня. 4. Они много работали на этой неделе. 5. Они уже перевели эту статью. 6. Я никогда не был на ферме. 7. Я знаю его много лет. 8. Хочешь пообедать с нами? Нет, спасибо, я уже пообедал. 9. Мне всегда нравились фильмы о животных. 10. Мы уже сдали все экзамены. 11. Мы только что закончили важный эксперимент. 12. Я никогда не могла работать с дикими животными. 13. Я всегда хотел стать хирургом. 14. В этом году мы построили новую клинику. 15. В этом столетии ученые уже сделали много интересных открытий.

Exercise 110.Correct the mistakes.

1. We have bought a new sofa last month.

2. Jim lives in Germany for three years.

3. My father has went fishing.

4. She is just moved house.

5. We have eaten lunch at one o’clock.

6. Sophie has do her homework.

7. Ann and Tom have got married ten years ago.

8. I am at school since nine o’clock.

Exercise 111. Translate from Russian into English. Explain why Present Perfect Tense is used in the following sentences:

1. The patient has already restored his health. 2. Have you ever performed any operation? 3. This scientist has just published his new book on the function of the pancreas. 4. We haven’t sent for the doctor yet, do it now, please. 5. Why hasn’t her health changed since she was discharged from the hospital? 6. The patient hasn’t slept since early morning. 7. The doctor has observed no changes in the lungs so far. 8. Physiologists have already studied the functions of the human heart. 9. The assistant has already prepared the instruments for the operation. 10. The doctor has observed some progress in the recovery of this patient lately.

Exercise 112.Rewrite the following sentences in the Present Perfect Tense according to the model. Use the appropriate adverbs (just, already, recently, etc):


Dr. Smith examined this patient last week.

Dr. Smith has just examined this patient.


1. They detected a few symptoms of the infection yesterday.

2. We developed a new approach to the problem at the last conference.

3. Our surgeons used new experimental drug during the last operation.

4. These doctors considered liver transplantation a week ago.


had + Past Participle

Утвердительная форма I had seen (I’d seen) We had seen (We ‘d seen) You had seen (You’d seen) They had seen (They’d seen) He had seen (He’d seen) Отрицательная форма I hadn’t seen We hadn’t seen You hadn’t seen They hadn’t seen He hadn’t seen
Вопросительная форма Had I seen? Had we seen? Had we seen? Had he seen? Had they seen?

Past Perfect Tenseупотребляется для передачи:

действия, завершенного к определенному моменту в прошлом. Момент выражается с помощью предлога by(к) We had prepared our exercises by 5 o’clock. By that time she had finished her school.
действия, которое завершилось ранее другого действия в прошлом When we came to the station, our train had already left.

Exercise 113.Match column A with column B to make correct sentences. Which is the first action in each pair?

A 1.By the time he reached the airport 2. Mary was angry 3. The bank robbers had escaped 4. We went to the theatre 5. The actress gave an interview B A. after her husband had lost her dog. B. after we had bought the tickets. C. the plane had already taken off. D. after she had won the prize. E. before the police arrived.

Exercise 114.Read the situations and make up sentences from the words in brackets.


You went to Jill’s house but she wasn’t there. (she / go / out)

She had gone out.

1. You went back to your home town after many years. It wasn’t the same as before. (it / change / a lot)

2. You went to the cinema last night. You arrived at the cinema late. (the film / already / begin)

3. I was very pleased to see Tim again after such a long time. (I / not / see / him for five years)

4. I offered Sue something to eat but she wasn’t hungry. (she / just / had / breakfast)

5. Last year we went to Denmark. It was our first time there. (we / not / be / there before)

Exercise 115.Join the sentences using the words in brackets.


She cleaned the house. Then, she watched TV. (after)

After she had cleaned the house, she watched TV.

1. I found a solution to my problem. Then, I felt happier. (when)

2. The boys finished their homework. Then, they went out to play. (before)

3. The doctor disinfected the instruments. Then, the operation began. (after)

4. The veterinarian examined the animals. Then, he administered the drug. (before)

5. The sick animal recovered. Then, we saw it. (by the time)

Exercise 116.Use Past Perfect of the verbs in the box to complete the sentences.

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