Health Service in this country

The public health services in this country embrace the entire population and are financed by the state budget. The patient pays nothing for treatment. Medical centres provide service free of charge. There are of course, private practitioners who charge a fee for visits. Besides if a patient is not satisfied with the service his local outpatients’ clinic can offer he can turn for more expert help to a clinic or a hospital where more sophisticated treatment is available. In the latter case he is supposed to pay the appointed fee. Of late there’s been a growing tendency to develop insurance health service so that nowadays quite a few insurance medical companies have been set up. They provide all the necessary medical help on condition you’ve paid the insurance policy. The medical care is exercised by the network of clinics (polyclinics), dispensaries, hospitals, maternity homes and children dispensaries. All military units have infirmaries attached.

Periodical medical examinations are practised since a through medical check up helps to nip a disease in the bud before it has taken root. As is in full justice said «An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure»

The all-out effort against epidemics deserves special mention. Such diseases as the plague, cholera, small-pox, malaria and many others have been stamped out.

However, gross deterioration of the social and economic situation in this country brought about by outrageous political aberrations has resulted in the outbreak of a great many contagious diseases. TB, diphtheria, anthrax considered stamped out until recently, have come flooding back and have to be combated with all might and main .

Health and fitness

The late President Kennedy once said: «The Future belongs to the fit.» This statement is very true. A strong and healthy body is essential to good work and a healthy way of life. Quoting wise Romans: «Ment sana in corpora sana». Weak muscles, round shoulders, sagging stomachs, tired legs and feet - these are unhealthy signs of unhealthy body and soul, for «Body is the temple of soul». Many people eat too much and exercise too little. They feel tired and heavy. They look older than they really are and often feel depressed. Many other people are thin and nervous. They eat the wrong kinds of food and burn up a lot energy because of nervous tension. They, too, often feel tired and depressed. What is the solution for such people?

Exercise is vital to good health. A walk around the block or to the corner for a pack of cigarettes is not much exercise. Swimming, tennis, basketball and soccer are good examples of sports which use all the muscles in the body. The muscles are tightened; the heart beats faster and circulates the blood through the body; breathing and co-ordination improve. Furthermore, these sports are enjoyable and relaxing.

For many people, a gym is an excellent place to lose weight, improve posture and tighten muscles. Both men and women can improve their bodies in a gym. Sit-ups, push-ups and other stretching and pulling exercises strengthen the neck, shoulders, back, arms and abdomen.

Men lift weights of from five to two hundred pounds to build up their shoulders, arms and chest. They also work on horizontal and parallel bars and stationary bicycles. Some men squeeze hard rubber balls to strengthen their fingers and wrists.

Rhythmic movements and modern dance are excellent for women. They help reduce their waistlines, hips and thighs; build up calf muscles and develop strong arches. Women learn to stand up straight and move more gracefully.

After a couple of hours of vigorous physical activity, a half hour in the steam room or sauna bath and, perhaps, a massage are beneficial. Then, a well-balanced dinner and a good night’s sleep... Take care of your body and it’ll pay you back: your health will improve, you’ll look and feel better to be universally welcome.

Food and diet

Food is absolutely indispensable to life. The body needs certain vitamins, minerals and proteins that come from a variety of foods. A well-balanced diet consists of meat, fruit, vegetables, dairy products (milk, cheese, butter, eggs, yoghurt), cereal, some starch and some sugar. Too much starch or sugar is fattening, but a small amount is necessary. Citrus fruits (grapefruit, oranges, lemons) break down fat and help take off weight. Dairy products are important for everyone and they are especially good for thin people. Chocolate and rich pastries (pies, cakes, cookies) are not good for anyone. One had better save them for special occasions like birthdays, weddings and anniversaries.

The right diet is extremely important either to lose weight or gain it. Over-eating one week and nearly starving the next is the worst form of a diet. The best way to lose weight and to get rid of some diseases connected with overweight is to cut down on all food. One’s daily motto should be «Eat everything but eat less!» Incidentally, alcoholic beverages contain many calories and are harmful to health in general. Soft drinks are not good either. They contain too much sugar and acid. They are especially harmful to the teeth. When you are thirsty, drink fresh juice, iced tea, or coffee. Don’t eat between meals and don’t eat before going to bed. Remember that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Eat a substantial breakfast and a light lunch and you will feel much better all afternoon.



I am afraid it is next to impossible to deal with the topic in any detail within the scope of one short answer. I'll have therefore to confine myself to a few brief notes on the subject.

There is no denying the fact that reading is a unique, inimitable, as well as most effective means of self - education. I've always considered reading a potent instrument, enabling one to widen his horizons and raising his IQ (intelligence quotient).

To my mind, a book is one of the greatest man-made wonders in the world. Good books combine observation with imagination and make it possible for readers to get a profound insight into human nature and condition. Books give us pleasure and delight, and prove to be a universal pacifier in time of trouble.

There exists a stunning variety of literary genres capable of satisfying the most exquisite and demanding tastes. The two principal forms of literature works are poetry and prose. Where prose is concerned, it may further be subdivided into fiction (or Belles-Lettres), science fiction defective stories more often than not referred to as 'whodunits" in colloquial English, adventure stories, romance or love stories, humorous stories, historical novels, biographies and fairly tales so much to the liking of young children.

The choice of a genre largely depends on one's personal preferences, as well as one's cultural standards and educational background. Novels and short stories normally enjoy great popularity among millions of readers all over the world. Occasionally we feel like reading easy stuff so as to relax and escape from reality into the world of make-believe. Some books are to be read slowly, meticulously, and with gusto, some others can be swallowed without second thought.

I can't think of family that doesn't possess a collection of books. Ours is no exception either. We are all great and avid readers in our family. Reading has become part and parcel of our life. We've made it a point to never go to bed without reading at least a dozen pages first.

As for me personally. I grew keen on literature in early childhood. I still remember Mum's reading fabulous fairy tales by Pushkin, Bazhov and Oscar Wilde to me as bedtime stories. In my time early teens I used to be fond of adventure stories by R.L. Stevenson, J. London. F. Cooper and J.Verne. None the less was I enchanted by the horror stories by E.A. Рое and A. Conan Doyle. As I grew older I developed a special liking for historical novels and science fiction books, that I found instructive and informative. They stirred my imagination expanding the boundaries of the familiar world.

As of now, I like all genres of literature indiscriminately, provided the book I've chosen offers

serious intellectual reading. Somehow, whenever there's some time to spare. I invariably opt for

books by classics, because for me the classical and good always go together. I am not averse to reading lyrical verse either, especially when I am in a mood.

As far as English and American literature is concerned, it gives me pleasure to think that I can read it in the original now that I've been learning English for quite some time and not without tangible progress.

Recently I've read a book which has made a very deep impression on me. It is 'Gone with the Wind' by Margaret Mitchell...

8. ‘Oh, to see ourselves as others see us’ Robert Burns

a)Write some brief notes about yourself as a personality as viewed by:

1. members of your family,

2. your best friend,

3. your teacher of English,

4. your CO,

5. your neighbour(s),

6. your college friends

Make use of the list of adjectives commonly employed to describe personal characteristics:

1. obedient disobedient
thoughtful naughty
considerate selfish
affectionate egoistic(al)
tender rude
loving heartless
patient impatient
tolerant wild
even-tempered unpredictable
cheerful moody
2. loyal disloyal
devoted treacherous
reliable unreliable
kind-hearted vicious
sociable reserved
gregarious insular
friendly cold
easy-going difficult /hard to deal with
romantic pragmatic
good-mannered ill-mannered
3. courteous discourteous
diligent lazy
industrious incapable
perseverant careless
conscientious slapdash
well-read poorly read
well-educated undereducated
stable unstable
smart blunt
sensible ignorant

4. good-tempered quick /hot /bad-tempered

respectful impertinent
prudent imprudent
disciplined impudent
responsible cheeky
polite impolite
amiable sullen
docile rebellious
modest indiscreet
hard-working idle
5. charming repulsive
helpful quarrelsome
co-operative unfriendly
informal impersonal
chummy formal
discreet arrogant
quiet nosey, curious
calm noisy
obliging officious, obtrusive
civilized excitable
6. charismatic nasty
amicable bossy, overpowering
open haughty
compassionate presumptuous
courageous cowardly
quick-witted thick as two short planks
dedicated restless
professional unprofessional
dynamic, spontaneous dull
generous greedy

b) Be prepared to discuss whether all of them are right in their assessment of your character.

My idea of a wife-to-be

I’m afraid it might be a bit premature for me to speculate on the subject under discussion. Not that I am not the marrying type. Far be it from me to be either a convinced bachelor or a woman-hater. The thing is that I am not a womanizer either and happen to be totally inexperienced in this sphere of human relationship. Besides I believe I am still too young to think of marriage in earnest. I’ve got

another four years of studies to do, which is my primary concern for the time being. I consider it light – minded and ridiculous to ponder over marriage before I have stood on my both legs in order to provide a decent living for my family-to-be.

Apart from all that I must admit I haven’t yet met my soul- mate. I’ve got a great many female friends. They are all nice, cute and good company, but that is it. I wouldn’t fancy any of them as my wife-to-be. I might be idealizing the whole thing, but I’d like my future wife to be somebody special. Incidentally, good looks is the last thing I actually mean. Of course, she is not supposed to be downright ugly, but I don’t expect her to be a perfect beauty either, just average. But I do want her to have that “it”, implying personality charm and integrity which come through once you open up a conversation with a girl like that. Therefore it is only natural that my will-be wife should be reasonably intelligent, well – read and well- educated, because, to my mind, personal charisma and intellect always go together.

It would be a good thing if her academic preferences were to lie with liberal arts, just like mine, but I wouldn’t mind her being a mathematician or a physicist. After all, it’s common wisdom that oppositions attract. It is vitally important, though, that we should see things similarly and have mutual understanding on points of principle at all times. In a nutshell, we must vibrate on the same wave-length.

I’d hate her to be quarrelsome and go hysterical at a slightest provocation. These are the worst characteristics imaginable, where women are concerned. On my part, I’ll do my best not to antagonize her, but, unfortunately, that doesn’t depend on me alone.

I flatter myself to think that I am not the most demanding man ever living. I could be content with little and would never have my wife slave over the cooker or the washing basin, the more so since I intend to procure a washing – machine and all other gadgets indispensable in the household. I’d naturally appreciate it, though, if she proved to be a good cook.

In general, I fancy my wife-to-be caring, kind and feminine. She must be a devoted wife to me and a loving and affectionate mother to our kinds. All other things are negligible. Problems can be solved and differences settled if there is a will, and man and wife strive to meet each other half way.

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