Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на способ выражения сослагательного наклонения в английском языке

It is necessary (important/requested/desirable) that you should read this book. Необходимо (важно/требуется/желательно), чтобы вы прочитали эту книгу.

1. It is necessary that papers should be submitted to the Editor in three copies.

2. It is desirable that manuscripts should be typed on good quality paper with wide margins.

3. It is important that authors should order reprints of articles in advance of publication.

4. It is suggested that photographs should be provided.

5. It is requested that all abbreviations should be defined in a footnote (сноска).

6. It is demanded that abbreviated phrases should be written out at first mention, followed by the abbreviation in brackets.

7. It is recommended that use of abbreviated phrases should be kept to an absolute minimum.

8. To ensure rapid publication it is recommended that manuscript should keep to the style of the journal.

9. It is required that manuscripts should be written in acceptable English.

10. Requests for permission to reproduce figures, tables, or portions of articles originally published in the journal should be addressed to ... (addressee).



Употребление глагола to be Функция/Значение Примеры
1. to be + существительное с предлогом; в конструкции there + to be смысловой глагол находиться The surgeon is in the clinic.     There are many patients in this clinic today.
2. to be + существительное без предлога, прилагательное, местоимение, числительное глагол-связка являться     My friend is a surgeon. The book is interesting. It is me. They are five.
3. to be+ ing-form вспомогательный глагол для образования времен группы Continuous (на русский язык самостоятельно не переводится) The surgeon is performingan operation.
4. to be + Past Participle вспомогательный глагол для образования страдательного залога (на русский язык самостоятельно не переводится) The patient is operatedon.
5. to be + инфинитив модальное значение: действие по заранее намеченному плану или доженствование The surgeon is to operateon this patient.

121. Определите функции глаголаto beв следующих предложениях.

1. There are a lot of things to do.

2. It’s six o’clock. He is in the hospital at this time.

3. She is too young to understand it.

4. The whole country is going on strike.

5. The new film is to be on at our cinema next week.

6. He is taking his English exam tomorrow.

7. The new method of treatment will be shown on TV.

8. The door was open.

9. She is to return on Saturday.

10. It was a nasty day. It was raining cats and dogs.

11. I was surprised that there were only few students in the library.

12. Sentence 5 is on page 15.

13. What am I to do?

14. Sunday is my day off (выходной).

15. My mother was 40 yesterday.

16. Have you ever been in the operating-room?

Употребление глагола to have Функция/Значение Примеры
1. to have + существительное смысловое иметь My friend has an atlas.
2.to have+ Past Participle вспомогательный глагол для образования времен группы Perfect (на русский язык самостоятельно не переводится) Hehas provedhis hypothesis.
3. to have+ инфинитив глагола модальное: необходимость в силу определенных обстоятельств We have to examinehim.
NB! Глагол to haveможет также выступатькакчасть устойчивого словосочетания. В сочетании с рядом существительных глагол to have означает совершение единичного акта, связанного со значением существительного, например:   to have a bath (a wash) — принять ванну, помыться to have a break — сделать перерыв to have a good time – хорошо провести время to have a rest— отдохнуть to have a try — попытаться to have a walk — прогуляться to have tea (coffee) — выпить чай (кофе)

122. Определите функции глаголаto haveв следующих предложениях.

1. It has been a hard day.

2. Jane has a good voice.

3. We haven’t operated on this patient yet.

4. You don’t have to worry.

5. We have no time left.

6. I had a lesson in Biology on Monday.

7. She had ten minutes before she had to leave for work.

8. I hope you had a good time yesterday.

9. We will have two lectures tomorrow.

10. I have never been to Athens and I have never been to Rome.

11. I have to work tomorrow.

12. She has a headache today.

13. I don’t mind having a rest.

14. Let’s have a break.

15. It has been raining since morning.

16. They will have slight temperature after the vaccination.


123. Переведите предложения с парными союзами:

both...and и...и..., как...так и

either...or или...или

neither...nor ни...ни

1. The book includes both new data and interpretations of experimental results.

2. The paper covers both clinical and basic research in the field of internal medicine.

3. The theory clarifies both the aim and the scope of that method.

4. Both this paper and that review present a broad range of new techniques.

5. The paper covers data both on children and adults.

6. The study includes both men and women.

7. The scientist uses either this method or that technique.

8. Neither the paper nor the review covers the results of the investigation.

9. The patient complained both of a high temperature and of the pain in the chest.

10. Both the therapeutist and the surgeon have come to the conclusion to treat the patient at home.

124. Заполните пропуски в предложениях парными союзамиboth...and, neither...norилиeither...or.

1. You must investigate … the blood gases … the corpuscular elements of the blood.

2. The therapeutist did not administer him … a bed regimen … a diet.

3. The physician revealed … the increased respiratory rate … the increased pulse rate.

4. … experienced therapeutists … neurologists work at this polyclinic.

5. At the polyclinic consulting hours may be … in the morning … in the evening.

6. The nurse … fills in temperature charts … gives injections.

7. The patient was in such a poor condition that he could … sit up … move.

8. This patient with pneumonia will be administered … streptomycin … penicillin injections.

9. The growth was revealed … in the lungs … in the mediastinum.

10. You may take this medicine … before … after meals.


125. Преведите предложения, в которых it не переводится отдельным словом.

1. It is difficult to study English.

2. It is not easy to study English.

3. It is important to read journals.

4. It is necessary to work hard.

5. It is important to do the work well.

6. It is important to do the work in time

7. It is important to diagnose the disease in time.

8. It is necessary to use up-to-date methods in research.

9. It is not necessary to read a review.

10. It is important to cover new trends in the book.

11. It is necessary to cover a number of new techniques.

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