Course, 9, 10 semester (13 practical sessions of 6 hours)

Themes hours
Neokonchennyi inflammatory processes of the maxillofacial area. Furuncle and carbuncle of face. Clinic, diagnostics, treatment. Erysipelas of the face. Anthrax. Noma. Principles of diagnosis and treatment.
Lymphadenitis of the face and neck. Classification. Principles of diagnosis and treatment
Specific inflammatory disease. Actinomycosis of the face and neck. Principles of diagnosis and treatment. Tubercular and syphilitic lesions of the maxillofacial region. Principles of diagnosis and treatment. Manifestations of AIDS in oral and maxillofacial region. Principles of diagnosis and treatment.
Diseases and injuries of trigeminal and facial nerve. Clinic, diagnostics, treatment
Inflammatory and dystrophic diseases of the temporomandibular joint.The syndrome of pain dysfunction of temporomandibular joint
Landmark control
Abscesses and phlegmons of the maxillofacial region. Principles of diagnosis and treatment.
Abscess and cellulitis cellular spaces adjacent to the upper jaw. Principles of diagnosis and treatment
Abscess and cellulitis cellular spaces adjacent to the lower jaw. Principles of diagnosis and treatment.
Abscesses and phlegmon tongue, floor of the mouth and neck. Putrefactive-necrotic phlegmon of the maxillofacial region. Principles of diagnosis and treatment. 6 hourов
Complications of inflammatory diseases of the maxillofacial region. Principles of diagnosis and treatment. Prevention
Modern aspects of complex treatment of inflammatory diseases of maxillofacial region.
Landmark control
  Total 80 hours

Theme plan of IWS

Course, 9-10 semester

  Themes Form Hour
Asepsis and antisepsis in operations on the face and in the mouth. Prevention of HIV infection and hepatitis b on an outpatient dental reception. 1.Writing an abstract 2. Prepare the presentation in multimedia format. 3. Crossword 8 hour
. History 1.Writing an abstract 2. Prepare the presentation in multimedia format. 3. Crossword 8 hour
The factors of nonspecific and specific defenses of the body. Their role in the pathogenesis of inflammatory diseases of maxillofacial region. 1.Writing an abstract 2. Prepare the presentation in multimedia format. 3. Crossword   7 hour
Operational access opening abscesses and phlegmons cellular spaces of the maxillofacial region 1.Writing an abstract 2. Prepare the presentation in multimedia format. 3. Crossword 8 hour
Prevention of complications of inflammatory diseases of maxillofacial region. 1.Writing an abstract 2. Prepare the presentation in multimedia format. 3. Crossword 7 hour
Physiotherapy. Methods of physiotherapeutic treatment of diseases of the head and neck. Indications and contraindications 1.Writing an abstract 2. Prepare the presentation in multimedia format. 3. Crossword 7 hour
  Total hour:   45 hour

Delivery deadlines of IWS

Theme № 1 at the lesson № 3

Theme № 2 at the lesson № 5

Theme № 3 at the lesson № 6

Theme № 4 at the lesson № 10

Theme № 5 at the lesson № 11

Theme №6 at the lesson №13

2.8 Methods of teaching and learning:

Conducting lectures: General and thematic, accompanied by a demonstration of multimedia databases, computer models and programs using feedback: questions of the lecturer – students ' answers

Conducting workshops: explanation, demonstration, discussion, work in small groups, monitoring the work of the teacher, the decision of situational tasks, analysis of cases, simulations, work on the phantom (phantom class), working with patients at the outpatient clinic discussion of results of independent work, debriefing.

Main literature

1. Dental surgery textbook /Afanaseva V.V. ; Edited Afanaseva -Moskow , 2011 - 880 с.

Additional literature

1. Vansvanov M.I. Neognestrelnie fractures of the midface: /Vansvanov M.I.Almaty, 2014г., 110с.:ил.

2. Advanced techniques of bone regeneration K.Maiorana ,M.Simionizd. Azbuka 2012

3. С.А. Rabinovich, Е.Н. Anisimova, L.А. Aksamit, Е.V. Zoryan, Т.D. Babich, А.А. Cvetkova, N.Т. Butaeva. –Means and methods of local anesthesia in dentistry . Tutorial - М., 2013.-136 Http://

4. . Paraskevich V.L. Dental implantology, Medical News Agency (MIA), 2011. – 400с. Http://

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