Make your choice of the words in italics


Health centreshospital


drug-store surgery


maternity home



nursing centre

health- resort

to take to the hospital

waiting room


medical record (card)

patient’s file

urgent call

to be admitted to a hospital

to be discharged from a hospital

to call an ambulance


emergency case

examination couch

instrument table

indisposition disease






to be in poor / no / critical condition

to be unfit for something

to be weakened / indisposed

a bout of depression

(non) communicable diseases

(in)curable, catching, contagious diseases


Pneumonia is a chest disease, which makes breathing very difficult.


Human bodyhair




























blood circulation

nervous system



chest fist elbow

wrist palm thigh

calf heel instep

sole toe limbs

chin temple forehead

jaw tongue eyelid

eyelashes pupil iris

bones skull collar bone

shoulder-blade breastbone forearm

backbone/spine hip-bone kneecap


medicines drug mixture antibiotic

pill drops antiseptic

capsule ointment anaesthetic

tablet cream pain killer

powder iodine medical herb

extract gargle tranquillizer

to make up a medicine

to take a medicine (for)

a tablespoonful , a teaspoonful,

to take these pills three times a day, every two


after / before meals, on an empty stomach

to take for a headache/cough/ a cold

to apply a mustard plaster

to be inoculated against

to put a dressing

to put a hot water bottle( to)

to remove the bandage

You must take these tablets to reduce the inflammation.

You can only get this ointment on prescription.

medical bandage heating pad stethoscope

appliances syringe plaster cotton-wool

thermometer injection inhalation

to give a shot ( injection )

The doctor protected the wound from the air by putting a bandage over it.

symptoms pain sore eyes runny nose

chest ~ sore throat shiver

ache sore back vomit

stomach ~ swollen ear diarrhoea

headache insomnia dizziness

earache fainting giddiness

temperature bleeding sleepiness

fever cough fatigue

inflammation sneezing rash

My throat is sore. It hurts to swallow.

complaints to feel bad / sick / ill / dizzy / giddy / feverish / faint

to fall ill / be taken ill

to suffer from

to complain of / about

to have / develop pain in kidneys / liver / stomach

to have a sore throat / headache / temperature

high blood pressure

to feel stiff

to catch cold / have a cold

to fall over

to pull a muscle

to twist one’s ankle

to have a heart attack

to have poor vision

to faint

to have pain in the stomach

to have a runny / stuffed-up nose /clogged nose

to have a nervous breakdown

to be depressed / tired

to lose appetite / voice

to have a chill

to be near / far sighted

to itch

to burn

to hurt

to pain


I’m allergic to odours. It hurts me to move.

I have high blood pressure. My eyes itch.

My ear aches. What shall I take for it?

diseases flu / influenza heart disease blood pressure

tonsillitis hay fever appendicitis

quinsy food poisoning AIDS

sore throat indigestion cancer

grippe sun-stroke allergy

catarrh chest infection pneumonia

asthma ear infection the measles


He was suffering from chronic appendicitis.

My appendix is causing me trouble again.

doctor’s to test / take blood pressure

to do X-ray

activity to examine / feel the pulse

to do blood test

to sound the chest / heart / lungs

to remove tonsils

to pull / take out a tooth

to operate

to make / give an injection

to treat

to write out a prescription

to write out a sick leave

to cure

to cure smb. of smth.

to be operated on /for

to have the mixture made up

The doctor arranged for me a complete series of tests.

He gave me an injection to relieve the pain.

patient’s to strip to the waist

to take the shirt off

activity to spread fingers

to inhale

to stretch arms

to exhale,

to be prescribed to a diet

to stay in bed

to undergo an operation

to gargle

to bare an arm

to complain of smth.

to have after-effects

to have the symptoms of

to follow the directions of the doctor

Before going to the doctor you should make an appointment.

prescriptions to prescribe an injection

to take medicine

to apply the ointment/drops

to rub the cream into

to wear glasses / contact lenses

to stay from work

to put a bandage / plaster on

to have an operation

to stay in bed for some time

to keep warm

to be on a sick list

to take a hot water bottle/bag

to consult a doctor

to do blood transfusion

to take more exercise

The doctor prescribed an antibiotic to/for the sick man.

How should the medicine be taken? On an empty stomach? After / before a meal?

How do I take this medicine? How often / how much should I take it?

How long is your sick-leave?

At the dentist’s

To make an appointment with a dentist for a check up,

for a dental care

instrument tray


set of false teeth





porcelain tooth


extraction forceps

to have one’s tooth treated

to be / work loose

to fit on a crown/bridge

to pull out (remove, extract) a tooth

to have one’s tooth stopped/filled

medical general practitioner (GP) neurologist
specialists surgeon urologist
  paediatrician gynaecologist
  physiotherapist anaesthesiologist
  psychiatrist ophthalmologist
  pathologist orthopaedist
  internist pharmacist
  dentist optician
  nurse veterinarian

This surgeon operated on my leg last year.

other medical in-patient sick-note to recover
terminology out-patient sick-leave to die
  check-up ward disability
  affect addict hygiene


An apple a day keeps a doctor away.

Sound mind in a sound body.

Health is better than wealth.

Prevention is better than cure.

One man’s meat is another man’s poison.

Health is not valued till sickness comes


1. Take turn for a better /worse

2. A man’s health is failing.

3. A man’s health is picking up.

4. He is doing well, he is on the mend, he is over the worst/

5. To get over the/ an illness.

6. To ruin one’ s health.

7. To feel /be/ look/ washed out.

8. To feel /be/ look/ run down.

9. To run /be running a temperature.

10. To fall ill (with a disease) go down with /be down with a disease.

11. To be laid up with.

12. To pass away, to depart this life.

13. To die a natural death, to die of heart attack, to commit suicide.


The words usually confused:

Illness – disease

“Illness” is the state of being ill;” disease” refers to a particular kind of illness with special symptoms and name.

Pain – ache

“Pain “ refers to suffering of body. It is sharp and sudden;

“ Ache “ means a continuous pain.

Cure – heal –treat

“Cure “ means to bring back to health;” heal” means to make healthy after wounds of any kind; “Treat “ means to take care of with medicines

a) Ill, sick

1) The nurse mixed the medicine with a teaspoon and gave it to the … man who sat up in bed to take it .2. When people are … and have a temperature of 39 degrees we say they are in a high fever.3) when I got on board a ship or a boat, I felt … . 4) He was suddenly taken…

b) illness, sickness, disease

1) What did the man die of? Did he suffer from chronic …or complications after serious….?2) The… was catching, and the doctor said he would put me on sick list. 3) Scarlet fever is a catching….4) His …prevented him from going to school together with his friends.

c) treat, cure

After scarlet fever complications developed, and they had to be … for a month before the patient was completely ……2) The open-air life in the mountain….him of headaches. 3) The doctor said that if I followed his instructions I should be … of the disease.

d) cure, heal

1) Fresh air, sunshine, good food may … a patient of consumption by…… his lungs.2) After a fortnight of slight fever, the wound…. and he recovered.3) The doctor applied a medicine which soon … the deep cut in my arm.

e) ache ,pain, hurt

1) As he was coming home a sudden …. in his heart made him stop and lean against the wall of a house.2) Wet weather often makes old people feel an… in their bones. 3) He fell down the stairs and …his leg. 4) This heavy suitcase makes my arm….

5) Did you … yourself?

Make your choice of the words in italics.

2. To work well you must be healthy / ill.

3. It’s not healthy to be slim / stout.

4. A temperature is another word for illness / fever.

5. The doctor feels your pulse / temperature.

6. When something irritates your throat you have to cough / sneeze.

7. When something tickles inside your nose you have to sneeze / cough.

8. I can’t stand the pain. It’s very sharp / dull.

9. I think I’ve got flu / food poisoning. The weather was so wet these days.

10. When the doctor knows the symptoms he gives his diagnosis / medical insurance.

11. When you have recovered we say that the doctor has cured / treated you.

12. When you are seriously ill you are taken to a hospital / health center.

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