Трансформируйте следующие предложения, используя The Complex Subject

Например: It is said that the rash is often associated with itching.

The rash is said to be often associated with itch­ing.

It was known that she had studied medicine.

She was known to have studied medicine.

It appears that Dr Hill will come to the conference.

Dr Hillappearsto come to the conference.

1. It seems that the patient has become rather alert after these procedures.

2. It appears that the initial diagnosis will be confirmed by laboratory analyses.

3. It is likely that dull heart sounds will not be heard.

4. It is expected that the pa­tient's family history will supply all the data regarding his health.

5. It was reported that the onset of the last attack of substernal pain had been associated with vomiting.

6. It was known that the patient had not been operated on before.

7. It was considered that the urinalysis confirmed a serious kidney trouble.

8. It is certain that the doctor examines the inner organs carefully to be sure of his diagnosis.

9. It is likely that the patient will calm down after the injection of a seda­tive.

10. It is well known that cod liver oil is an effective rem­edy in the treatment of rickets (рахит).

11. It proved that cold rubdowns had produced a marked effect on his health.

Преведите предложения, выпишите подлежащее и сказуемое и укажите форму инфинитива в составе сложного подлежащего.

Например: The doctoris reportedto be working (Continuous Active Infinitive).

  Трансформируйте следующие предложения, используя The Complex Subject - student2.ru

1. The levels were found to be unaltered.

2. The results presented here seem to support the views described above.

3. Environmental factors are known to be of significance.

4. The process appears to be similar to that observed in neutrophils.

5. Additional studies are required to determine the precise role of protein.

6. Macrophages appear to be the first cells to interact with the arterial wall in marked hypercholesteremia.

7. Coronary patients have now been established to be at increased risk of cardiac mortality.

8. The cell happened to have divided during the experiment.

9. The factors are known to be associated with an increased risk of atherosclerosis.

10. This phenomenon has been found to have a wide occurrence.

11. This group of patients appears to represent a unique subgroup with anticardiolipin syndrome.

12. Human milk seems to be able to prevent sensitization to other foreign proteins as well (также).

13. Goat’s milk has been proved to be good for eyes owning to the rich presence of vitamin A.

14. Combination therapy with aspirin and dipyramidole has been reported to reduce platelet deposition in patients with some grafts.

15. After vitamin injections some patients seem to have improved.

16. He was known to have had a hernia for many years.



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