Hormonal regulation of metabolism
1. Indicateseveral correct answers
Exchange of electrolyte is adjusted by
A. aldosterone
B. noradrenaline
C. insulin
D. thyrotropin
E. progesterone
2. Indicate several correct answers
Calcium and phosphorus in the blood determine
A. glucagon
B. estradiol
C. calcitonin
D. adrenocorticotropin
E. epinephrine
3. Indicate the right answer
Cortisol - the hormone of the adrenal cortex regulate
A. biosynthesis of enzyme glycogen
B. the metabolism of fats, proteins and carbohydrates
C. phosphorylation
D. calcium metabolism
E. the exchange of water and mineral salts
4. Indicate the right answer
Mineralocorticoids regulate the exchange of
A. water-salt
B. proteins
C. lipids
D. calcium
E. carbohydrate
5. Indicate the right answer
Thyroid hormones asmedications are taken when
A. diabetes
B. acromegaly
C. addison's disease
D. myxedema
E. diabetes insipidus
6. Indicate the several correct answers
Hormones that regulate water-salt metabolism are
A. iodinthyronin
B. testosterone
C. estradiol
D. aldosterone
E. vasopressin
F. insulin
7. Indicate the right answer
Increased synthesis of iodothyronine leads to the development of
A. hyperthyroidism
B. dwarfism
C. acromegaly
D. cretinism
E. myxedema
8. Indicate the right answer
Increased synthesis of growth hormone in childrenleads to the development of
A. myxedema
B. acromegaly
C. cretinism
D. dwarfism
E. gigantism
9. Indicatethe right answer
Increased synthesis of growth hormonein adults leads to the development of
A. hyperthyroidism
B. cretinism
C. dwarfism
D. acromegaly
E. myxedema
10. Indicate the several correct answers
Deficit of iodothyronine leads to the development of
A. acromegaly
B. cretinism
C. dwarfism
D. thyrotoxicosis
E. myxedema
11. Indicate the right answer
High doses of iodothyronine cause
A. increased protein breakdown
B. the mobilization of lipids
C. the mobilization of glycogen
D. uncoupling of oxidative phosphorylation and tissue respiration
E. all the above mentioned processes
12. Indicate theright answer
The cause of diabetes insipidus is
A. the lack of aldosterone
B. lack of vasopressin
C. the excess of glucocorticoids
D. lack of oxytocin
E. the excess of vasopressin
13. Indicate theright answer
The role of parathyroid hormone in metabolic processes is to
A. increase the reabsorption of calcium in the kidneys
B. reduce renal phosphate reabsorption
C. increase the absorption of calcium in the intestine
D. increase the mobilization of calcium and phosphate from bones
E. increase the calcium concentration in the blood
F. all the above mentioned processes
14. Indicate theright answer
The role of calcitonin in metabolic processes is of
A. increase the level of sodium in the blood
B. reduce the level of calcium in the blood
C. influence the metabolism of iron
D. reduce the level of sodium in the blood
E. increase the calcium level in the blood
15. Indicate theright answer
The hormone that regulates the production of hormones of the adrenal cortex is
A. oxytocin
B. parathyroid hormone
C. aldosterone
D. adrenocorticotropic hormone
E. thyroid stimulating hormone
16. Indicate the several correct answers
Insulin in liver accelerates
A. the biosynthesis of proteins
B. glycolysis
C. gluconeogenesis
D. the biosynthesis of fatty acids
E. the biosynthesis of glycogen
F. proteolysis
G. lipolysis
17. Indicate theright answer
A hormone, whose synthesis and secretion increasesin response to increased osmotic pressure
A. glucagon
B. cortisol
C. aldosterone
D. epinephrine
E. vasopressin
18. Indicate the right answer
Impact on water-aldosterone mineral metabolism
A. water retention
B. increase in renal sodium reabsorption
C. increase in renal excretion of potassium
D. all of the above is true
19. Indicate theright answer
Influence of vasopressin on water-mineral metabolism
A. decrease in serum osmolality
B. all of the above is true
C. increase in sodium reabsorption and water in the kidneys
D. an increase in extracellular fluid
20. Indicate theright answer
level of sodium is governed by blood
A. calcitonin
B. prostaglandins
C. aldosterone
D. with adrenaline
21. Indicate theright answer
Water distribution in the organism is determined by
A. oncotic pressure
B. all of the above is true
C. permeability of the vascular wall
D. osmotic pressure
E. hydrostatic pressure
22. Indicate theright answer
Hormones that regulate water-salt metabolism
A. nonepinephrine
B. parathyroid hormone
C. insulin
D. melanotropin
E. vasopressin
23. Indicate the right answer
Hormonal effects vasopressin
A. antidiuretic effect
B. leads to the formation of stones
C. increases glomerular filtration
D. causes the blockade of urination
E. increases the amount of urine
24. Indicate the correct answer
Pathology that occurs in the absence of antidiuretic hormone
A. diabetes insipidus
B. the blockade of urination
C. hypertensive crisis
D. kidney failure
E. diabetes
25. Indicate theright answer
Disease, in which atrophy of the posterior pituitary or decreased production of vasopressindevelop
A. steroid diabetes
B. diabetes insipidus
C. diabetes
D. secondary hypertension
E. acromegaly
26. Indicate theright answer
Hormone possessing the most pronounced anabolic effect
A. glucagon
B. prolactin
C. lipotropic hormone
D. progesterone
E. somatotropin
27. Indicate theright answer
Cause of gigantism
A. increase in the generation of thyrotropin
B. Increase in theproduction of growth hormone in children
C. Increase in theproduction of growth hormone in adults
D. decrease intheproduction of growth hormone in children
E. increase in theproduction of thyroxine
28. Indicate theright answer
Cause of acromegaly
A. increase in the synthesis of growth hormone in adults
B. increase in the synthesis of thyroxine in adults
C. violation of the body's production of vasopressin
D. decrease in the synthesis of growth hormone in children
E. decrease in the synthesis of thyroxine in adults
29. Indicate theright answer
Cause of dwarfism
A. decrease inthe production of calcitonin
B. decrease inthe production of parathyroid hormone
C. increased production of growth hormone in children
D. increased production of thyrotropin
E. decrease in the production of growth hormone in children
30. Indicate theright answer
The main function of the parathyroid hormone
A. maintaining balance of electrolytes
B. maintaining sodium balance
C. maintaining potassium balance
D. maintaining calcium balance
E. maintaining balance of bicarbonates
31. Indicate the right answer
A precursor of vitamin Din humans is
A. koprosterin
B. none of the mentimed
C. ergosterol
D. cholecalciferol
E. Poliprenoid
32. Indicate the right answer
Removing any cancer leads to a decrease in blood calcium concentration, cramps and death
A. adrenal
B. none of the
C. pancreatic
D. exocrine
E. Parathyroid
33. Indicate the right answer
Synthesis of calcitonin happens in
A. uterus and prostate
B. parathyroid
C. anterior pituitary
D. thyroid gland
E. the posterior lobe of the pituitary gland
34. Indicate theright answer
Thyroxine predecessor in thyroid glands
A. tryptophan
B. histidine
C. tyramine
D. indole-5,6-quinone
E. thyroglobulin
35. Indicate theright answer
Endocrine glands, violation of whose functions leads to myxedema
A. adrenals
B. the posterior lobe of the pituitary gland
C. anterior pituitary
D. thyroid gland
E. parathyroid
36. Indicate theright answer
Cause of myxedema
A. increased production of cortisol
B. increase in the the production of thyroxin
C. decrease in the production of thyroxine
D. decrease in the generation of lipotropic hormone
E. increased production of catecholamine
37. Indicate theright answer
Cause cretinism
A. increase in the production of thyroxin in children
B. decrease in the production of thyroxine in the fetus
C. decrease in parathyroid hormone in children
D. increased production of growth hormone in adults
E. increased production of growth hormone in children
38. Indicate theright answer
Hormone possessing the most marked catabolic effect
A. glucocorticoids
B. secretin
C. glucagon
D. androsterone
E. aldosterone
39. Indicate theright answer
Hormone, having the greatest impact on water-salt metabolism
A. adrenaline
B. aldosterone
C. progesterone
D. cortisol
E. glucagon
40. Indicate theright answer
Effects of mineralcorticoids and aldosterone
A. retention of iodine ions
B. removing sodium and chloride ions
C. retention of potassium ions
D. excretion of iodine
E. retention of sodium and chlorine
41. Indicate theright answer
Hormone exhibiting the most pronounced anabolic effect
A. adrenaline
B. estrodiol
C. corticosterone
D. testosterone
E. progesterone
42. Indicate theright answer
This part of body is the target for aldosterone
A. intestines
B. kidney
C. connective tissue
D. liver
E. bone
43. Indicate theright answer
This part body is the target for calcitriol
A. liver
B. connective tissue
C. kidney
D. the kidneys and bone tissue
E. bone and intestines
44. Indicate theright answer
This part body is the target for STH is
A. liver
B. bone and intestines
C. connective tissue
D. the kidneys and bone tissue
E. kidney
45. Indicate theright answer
This part body is the target for glucagon
A. bone
B. liver
C. intestines
D. stomach
E. kidney
46. Indicate theright answer
Catabolic hormones
B. thyroid hormones, high concentrations
C. glucocorticoids
D. all of the above is true
47. Indicate theright answer
Catabolic hormones
A. thyroid hormones, high concentrations
B. insulin
C. glucocorticoids
D. thyroid hormones, physiological concentration
E. sex hormones
48. Indicate theright answers
Effects of catecholamines are exerted through
A. guanylate cyclase
B. phosphodiesterase
C. phosphatase
D. adenylate cyclase
E. tsitratsintetazu
49. Indicate theseveral correct answers
Effects of catecholamines are manifested in
A. water exchange
B. lipid metabolism
C. exchange of sodium and potassium
D. calcium metabolism
E. carbohydrate metabolism
F. protein metabolism
50. Indicate theseveral correct answers
Hormones that accelerate protein catabolism in lymphoid tissuesand enhances anabolism in hepatocytes
A. insulin
B. calcitonin
E. glucocorticoids
F. aldosterone
51. Indicate theright answer
Excessive production of growth hormone in the body leads to
A. increase in bone growth
B. an increase in the growth of cartilage
C. enhance development somatomedins
D. all of the above is true
52. Indicate theright answer
Production of growth hormone in the body disadvantages
A. reduction of bone growth
B. decrease in the production of somatomedins
C. reduction in the growth of cartilage
D. all of the above is true
53. Indicate theright answer
Lack of production of thyroid hormones causes
A. decrease in basal metabolism
B. backlog of mental development
C. Slowdown
D. all of the above is true
54. Indicate theright answer
Excess production of thyroid hormones causes
A. fever
B. palpitations - tachycardia
C. increased basal metabolism
D. increased appetite
E. weight loss
F. Sweating
G. all of the above is true
55. Indicate theright answer
Substance exchange regulated by insulin
A. sodium
B. glucose
C. water
D. calcium
E. iron
56. Indicate theright answer
Substance exchange that regulated vasopressin
A. water
B. sodium
C. calcium
D. iron
E. glucose
57. Indicate theright answer
Substance exchange that regulate parathormone
A. iron
B. calcium
C. sodium
D. glucose
E. water
58. Indicate the right answer
Substance which regulates aldosterone exchange
A. water
B. iron
C. calcium
D. glucose
E. sodium
59. Indicate theright answer
Substance which regulates cortisone exchange
A. sodium
B. water
C. glucose
D. calcium
E. iron
60. Indicate theright answer
Substance exchange that regulated calcitonin
A. sodium
B. calcium
C. water
D. glucose
E. iron
61. Indicate theright answer
Substance exchange that regulated glucagon
A. sodium
B. iron
C. glucose
D. water
E. calcium
62. Indicate theseveral correct answers
Changes in the secretion of hormones in hypernatremia
A. increased secretion of vasopressin
B. the weakening of acth secretion
C. increased secretion of aldosterone
D. the weakening of glucocorticoid secretion
E. the weakening of aldosterone
63. Indicate the right answer
Hormone increasing water reabsorption in the renal tubules
A. epinephrine
B. calcitonin
C. aldosterone
D. vasopressin
64. Indicate the right answer
Hormone increasingsodium reabsorption in the renal tubules
B. vasopressin
C. adrenaline
D. aldosterone
E. calcitonin
65. Indicate the right answer
State which is based on inadequate secretionof adrenal hormones
A. gigantism
B. addison's disease
C. diabetes insipidus
D. Graves' disease
E. Cushing's syndrome
66. Indicate the right answer
Hormones that regulate water balance and the osmotic pressure of blood plasma
A. calcitonin
B. vasopressin
C. oxytocin
D. Glucagon
67. Indicate the right answer
Possible causes of hypocalcemia
A. increased production of calcitonin
B. all of the above is true
C. hypofunction of the parathyroid glands
D. hypovitaminosis D
68. Indicate the right answer
Electrolyte balance in the body is maintained by
A. mineralocorticoid hormone
B. glucagon
C. progesterone
D. glucocorticoids
E. insulin
69. Indicate theright answer
State, based on the insufficiency of vasopressin
A. dwarfism
B. addison's disease
C. diabetes
D. diabetes insipidus
E. cretinism
70. Indicate theright answer
State, based on the insufficiency of thyroxine
A. diabetes insipidus
B. diabetes
C. gigantism
D. acromegaly
E. cretinism