III.Лексический минимум по теме The Novosibirsk Medical University

1. Прочтите слова и дайте их русские эквиваленты:

medical [‘medikql], pediatric [,pJdi’qetrik], stomatological [,stoumqtq’lOGikql], bases [‘beisis], laboratory [lq’bOrqtqri], morphological [,mLfO’lOGikql], academician [q,kqedq’miSn], rector [‘rektq], assistant [q’sistqnt], clinical [‘klinikql], human anatomy [‘hjHmqnq’nqetqmi], histology [his’tOlqGi], microbiology [,mQikrqbQi’OlqGi], chemistry [‘kemistri], physiology [fizi’OlqGi], therapy [‘Terqpi], diagnosis [,dQiqg’nousis], analyses [q’nqelqsis], instruction [ins’trAkSn], sanatorium [,sqenq’tLriqm]

2. Выучите следующие слова и словосочетания:

to locate [lou’keit] - располагать, помещать

block - корпус

main [mein] - главный, основной

library [‘lQibrqri] - библиотека

dean [dJn] - декан

the head [hed] - заведующий

correspondent member [,kOris’pOndqnt] - член.-корр.

assistant professor [q’sistqnt] - доцент

to last [lRst] - длиться, продолжаться

subject [‘sAbGqkt] - предмет

to attend lectures [q’tend] - посещать лекции

dissecting room [di’sektiN] - анатомка

to divide [di’vQid] - делить

term [tWm] - термин; семестр

to take credit tests [‘kredit] - сдавать зачеты

obstetrics [Ob’stetriks] - акушерство

practical classes - практические занятия

practical training - практика

nurse [nWs] - медсестра

maternity home [mq’tWniti] - род.дом

aim [eim] - цель

to carry out [,kqeri’Qut]- выполнять, проводить

to make diagnosis [,dQiqg’nousis]

IV. Базовый текст.

Прочтите и устно переведите текст.


The Novosibirsk Medical University was founded in 1935. It was an Institute then and there were only two faculties: medical and pediatric. The stomatological faculty was founded in 1978. Now at the University there are nine faculties and about ninety departments. The University is located in three blocks: the main block, the laboratory and the morphological ones. Many departments are on the bases of different hospitals and clinics. The University has a very big library. Several Academicians, correspondent members, many Doctors and Masters of Medicine work on the staff of the University. The rector of the University, the deans of the faculties and the heads of the departments are professors and assistants professors.

The course of studies lasts 6 years at the medical and pediatric faculties and 5 years at the stomatological one. During the first two years students learn the so-called pre-clinical subjects: human anatomy, histology, microbiology, chemistry, physiology, and many others. They attend lectures and have practical classes in classrooms and laboratories of the University. Human anatomy studies the organs of the human body. So to know anatomy well students have to work hard in the dissecting room.

The academic year is divided into two terms. At the end of each term students take credit tests and exams. During the 5th and the 6th years students learn clinical subjects: therapy, surgery and obstetrics. During the course of studies students have practical training in clinics, hospitals and polyclinics of our city. They work there as nurses and doctors assistants.

The main aim of the Medical University is to teach the students to make diagnosis, to treat different diseases, and to carry out laboratory analyses. After final exams students have the internship. During one year they specialize in some field of medicine working under the instruction of skilled doctors and after graduating from the University they can work in various medical institutions such as clinics, hospitals, polyclinics, maternity homes, sanatoriums or they can carry out research work or teach medical students at any department of the Medical University.

V. Выполнение заданий по тексту.

1. Устно переведите следующие словосочетания.

лечебный, педиатрический и стоматологический факультет; главный, лабораторный и морфологический корпус; различные больницы и клиники; большая библиотека; член.-корры и профессора; доктора и кандидаты медицинских наук; ректор университета; деканы факультетов; заведующий кафедрой; курс обучения; до-клинические и клинические предметы; посещать лекции и практические занятия; работать в анатомке; сдавать зачеты и экзамены; терапия, хирургия и акушерство; проходить практику; работать медсестрами; основная цель; ставить диагноз; лечить заболевания; проводить лабораторные анализы; работать в различных медицинских учреждениях; проводить исследовательскую работу

2. Устно закончите предложения согласно содержанию текста

1. The Novosibirsk medical university was founded …

2. There were only two faculties …

3. Many departments are located on the bases …

4. Several academicians, correspondent members

and doctors of medicine work …

5. The course of studies lasts …

6. During the first two years students learn …

7. During the 5-th and 6-th years they learn …

8. During the course of studies students have …

9. The main aim of the medical university is …

10. After graduating from the university students can work …


Грамматическая тема: пассивный залог



Тематика занятия.

1. Пассивный залог.

I. Вопросы для обсуждения:

Прочтите правила по грамматическому справочнику (учебник англ. языка под ред. А.М.Масловой) и назовите:

1. по какой формуле образуется пассивный залог,

2. способы перевода предложений в пассивном залоге.

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