Task 4. Match the English sentences to their Russian equivalents

1. Most dental disorders arise directly or indirectly from two basic diseases of the teeth and their supporting tissues –caries and periodontal diseases. a. Здоровье ротовой полости должно стать приоритетом на всех этапах жизни, чтобы сохранить зубы до старости.
2. Oral thrush is a kind of yeast infection that is caused by uncontrollable growth of an organism known as Candida albicans. b. Гигиена полости рта состоит из содержания зубов без пищевых зубных отложений, таким образом предотвращая образование налета, который приводит к заболеваниям зубов.
3. Good oral health should be a priority in all stages of life, in order to sustain the teeth till old age. c. Стоматологи считают, что зубной кариес вероятно является самым распространенным заболеванием в современном обществе.
4. The main etiologic agent is bacterial plaque. d. Для лечения кандидоза может быть назначена противогрибковая терапия.
5. Unremoved plaque forms a porous deposit that is called tartar. e. Как правило, чем раньше будет выявлен кариес зуба, тем легче будет проведено лечение для его восстановления.
6. An antifungal prescription can be administered to treat candidiasis. f. Основным источником заболевания является бактериальный налет.
7. Dentists state tooth decay or caries to be probably the commonest disease of civilization. g. Здоровая пища полезна для вашего общего здоровья и здоровья ротовой полости.
8. Oral hygiene consists simply of keeping the teeth free of food debris, thus preventing plague formation which leads to dental diseases. h. Большинство заболеваний зубов возникает непосредственно или косвенно из-за двух основных видов заболевания - заболевания зубов и поддерживающих их тканей.
9. As a general rule, the earlier a decaying tooth is detected, the easier the treatment would be to fix it. i. Кандидозный стоматит – это разновидность грибковой инфекции, которая возникает в результате чрезмерного роста организма, известного как Candida albicans.
10. Healthy food is good for your general health and your oral health. j. Неудаленный налет образует пористое отложение, которое называется зубной камень.

Task 5. Translate the given sentences into Russian, close your book and translate them back into English.

1. Dental caries is characterized by demineralization of the mineral portion of enamel and dentine followed by disintegration of their organic material.

2. In order to maintain a good oral hygiene you need to keep the teeth free of plaque.

3. Some pre cancerous lesions often are found by dentist when a patient comes for checking up.

4. You can use a soft-bristle toothbrush to brush your teeth and brush at least twice a day with fluoride toothpaste to remove plaque and bacteria.

5. Make flossing your habit and do it regularly.

6. A proper nutrition is important for strong teeth and gums that can resist diseases.

7. Smoking is a major risk factor for oral and dental disease, it may even cause oral cancer.

8. Dental caries is another name for tooth decay where bacterial infection affects the hard outer layer of the teeth.

9. Periodontal disease is a bacterial infection that destroys the supporting structures holding the teeth in their place.

10. Tobacco reduces blood flow to the gums therefore, the gums are deprived of proper oxygen supply and nutrients needed to stay healthy and prevent bacterial infections.

Task 6. Retell the text.

Theme 10

Healthy Lifestyle

Healthy lifestyle is defined as the state giving a person the optimal level of physical or mental health. It implies the absence of disease. Health status can be assessed by measuring life expectancy, mortality rates, illnesses and disabilities.

Nowadays our life is getting tougher. People live under the press of different problems, such as social, ecological, economic ones. They constantly suffer from stress, noise and pollution in big cities, diseases and instability. A person should be strong and healthy in order to overcome all difficulties. To achieve this aim people should take care of their physical and mental health. There are several ways to do it. The state of the human organism depends on time people spend doing sports. At least everybody should do morning exercises every day. The healthiest kinds of sports are swimming, jogging and cycling.

Healthy food is also a very important factor. Obesity is the main health hazard nowadays and it causes many dangerous diseases. The daily menu should include meat, fruit and vegetables, milk product, which are rich in vitamins, fat, proteins and etc. There is no universal food product containing all nutrients in optimum quantity and in proper ratio. Healthy nutrition is possible only having a variety of different food to maintain the required balance of nutrients. On the other hand, modern diets are very popular especially among women. But some diets may be harmful for health.

Physical inactivity also arise substantial public health problems. It has been estimated that between 9 and 16% of deaths can be attributed to a sedentary lifestyle. People who are physically active tend to be healthier than their lazy peers: they experience fewer chronic degenerative diseases, especially coronary heart disease, hypertension, stroke and osteoporosis. It is estimated that exercise is associated with improved immune function and decreased risk of cancer.

To be healthy, people should get rid of bad habits. Everyone should consider that cigarettes, alcohol and drugs destroy both body and brain. Cigarette smoking in combination with alcohol intake significantly increases the risk of oral cancer. Alcohol abuse is one of causative factors for liver cirrhosis. And it may result in consequential social and mental problems. Besides according to statistics most of crimes are committed by people under the influence of drugs and alcohol.

In addition it is recommended to watch TV less, avoid stress and observe proper daily routine. Unfortunately it's hard to follow all these recommendations, but every person should make his choice.

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