Assignment 11

Tell your friend or relative about events you had during the day quoting what other people told you. Use the following as a basis:

Model: He said, “You must work more”

He said I must work more.

1) “You may use my home library while you are doing your course of English literature”, Mrs. Carter said.

2) “You must turn in your papers in due time”, Professor McKinley warned us.

3) “You may have been misled into thinking that education is no longer a value”, Father supposed.

4) “It could be difficult to obtain this job not having the necessary qualifications”, the recruiter said.

5) “You needn’t worry about him. He ought to pull through”, Lisa [your friend’s girlfriend] said.

Assignment 12.

Explain the people’s behavior by supposing what they were doing at the moment.

Model: He must have been doing something.

1) Joe didn’t answer his wife’s question. (He must have been dozing)

2) A man was stealthily walking up the street looking around. (He must have been doing something wrong)

3) He pushed the brakes but there was no avoiding the accident. (He must have been doing at least 100 mph)

4) It was my friend who answered the phone but I could hardly make out what he was saying. (He must have been chewing something)

5) Mary, a little girl, was struggling in her sleep. (She must have been having a nightmare)

Assignment 13.

Speak about how your plans changed and why following the model:

Model: You were supposed to take part in the concert, but you weren’t even able to attend the rehearsal.

I was to have taken part in the concert. I wasn’t able to sing as I came down with pneumonia.

1) Your trip to Cyprus was initially scheduled for June but you went there only in August.

2) You planned to start a CELTA course in spring, but decided to go for it after the graduation.

3) You arranged to meet your friend on Saturday, but he wasn’t able to come.

4) It was required of you to start working on Monday, but you appeared in the office only a week later.

5) My music class was timed to start at noon, but the teacher called up in the morning to cancel it.

Assignment 14.

What influences the choice of the infinitive after to be to in past-time contexts? Did the action take place when somebody was to do something? Complete the dialogues with the verbs given in brackets choosing a simple or perfect infinitive.

Dialogue 1:

-Michael, do you happen to know who is assigned to supervise this new project?

-I can’t be sure. I recall, Peter was to (be) in charge of it, but then he was sidelined from management at all.

Dialogue 2:

- Hasn’t Joe come over to the party yet?

- To my knowledge, he was to (turn) up at half past seven. Look downstairs, he must be somewhere in the crowd.

Dialogue 3:

- I fear Mary might be late for the plane, the boarding will be over in 10 minutes.

- I rang her up in the morning, she told me the taxi was to (pick) her up at 3. She must have got stuck on the way here.

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