Переведите предложения с глаголами “to be” , “to have” в значении долженствования

1. D.I. Ivanovsky had to pass the juice of the diseased plants through a fine filter.

2. We were to meet at the dean’s office at 5 o’clock p.m.

3. We’ll have to visit him in the hospital.

4. The ambulance is to arrive now.

5. Medical students have to carry on scientific work.

6. He is to report on this case to the chief of the department.

Фразовые глаголы.


Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на послелоги.

1. Look at the man’s skeleton.

2. Look out! The car is approaching us.

3. Looking after a child is a hard work.

4. What are you looking for in my office?

5. He looked around but saw nothing.

6. I wasn’t right so I had to give in.

7. You should give up smoking immediately.

8. What time do you usually get up in the morning?

2. Выберите правильный вариант

1. Look _____! There is a big dog behind you!

a) out

b) over

c) up

2. Can you come_____ for dinner tomorrow?

a) on

b) over

c) up

3. Don't put it_____ till tomorrow, do it today!

a) away

b) off

c) over

4. She turned_____to be a nice clever girl.

a) around

b) back

c) out

5. I went there by bus because my car broke_____yesterday.

a) off

b) down

c) up

6. Hold_____, I'll see if Mr. Smith is in.

a) on

b) out

c) up

7. He finally gave_____to their demands and found a job.

a) in

b) off

c) out

8. She wants to move to another apartment because she doesn't get_____with her roommate.

a) along

b) through

c) away

9. The English teacher asked the students to make_____a story with the new words.

a) off

b) out

c) up

3. Выберите правильный вариант.

1) Robert was expected to arrive at 8 o’clock, but he didn’t turn ______ until midnight.

a) out

b) up

c) off

d) with

2) Peter needs either to get a raise or to get a better job, because he can’t get ______ on his current salary.

a) by

b) out

c) in

d) off

3) Manuela and Glenda didn’t like each other at first, but now they get ______.

a) over

b) across

c) away

d) along

4) The plane is scheduled to take ______ at 7 a.m.

a) away

b) to

c) off

d) with

5) The wedding was originally scheduled for June 12, but it has been put ______ until September 24.

a) out

b) away

c) off

d) up

6) Nelson is a creative liar who is always making ______ unusual excuses for not doing his work.

a) up

b) across

c) away

d) off

7) We have to clean ______ the house before my parents arrive.

a) down

b) away

c) without

d) up

Употребление Present вместо Future.

Соедините пары предложений, употребив данные в скобках союзы.

1. Tomorrow I shall be able to allow the patient to sit up (if)…. The rate of his heart beat will become normal.

2. (if) The increased ESR will persist in this female. She will to be admitted to the clinic.

3. (As soon as) The analyses of blood and urine will be ready…. The patient will be administered a proper treatment.

4. The treatment will be prolonged (until). A favorable response will be produced.

5. The blood supply of the diseased kidney will be restored…(As soon as)… The patient will be admitted to our department.

6. (if) You will help the assistant… He will carry on the experiment soon.

Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык.

1. Если результаты обследования будут благоприятными, больного выпишут из больницы к концу недели.

2. Если частота сердцебиения станет нормальной, больному разрешат непродолжительные прогулки.

3. Как только я получу результаты Ваших анализов, я смогу поставить правильный диагноз и назначить соответствующее лечение.

4. После того, как Вы примете это лекарство, Вам следует полежать.

5. Если Вы поможете мне провести этот эксперимент, мы сможем доложить о нем руководителю лаборатории уже завтра.

6. Перед тем, как Вы будите выполнять это упражнение, Вам следует расслабить все мышцы.

Времена группы

Continuous Passive.

Выберите предложения со сказуемым в Continuous Passive.

1. Many doctors are examining patient Petrov in the consulting room № 5.

2. Surgeon N was examined by the oculist in our polyclinic last week.

3. Who is being examined by the ear, throat and nose doctor?

4. An intravenous injection is being given to my sister by the nurse.

5. The physician observed that a favorable effect was being produced on the patient’s condition after the treatment.

6. The male was coughing badly, when I entered the ward.

7. The operation had been completed by 6 p.m.

8. The child is being given cough mixture by his mother.

Парные союзы: both… and, either… or, neither… not.

Переведите предложения в которых употребляются парные союзы.

1. Both you and your friend must come to the meeting tomorrow.

2. You may either speak or listen to me.

3. He is interested in neither biology nor chemistry.

4. The patient complained both of the pain in the side and a bad head ache.

5. When one is healthy neither the blood analysis nor the urinalysis show abnormal findings.

6. A district doctor may go out to the calls either before or after his consulting hours at the polyclinic.

Переведите парные союзы.

1. Normally the layer of cellular tissue on the abdomen is (или) I am (или) 1.5 am thick.

2. The patient was in such a poor condition that he could (ни) sit up (ни) move.

3. The physician revealed (ни) the increased pulse rate (ни) crepetation.

4. The nurse on duty fills in (и) temperature charts (и) gives injections.

5. Listening to the patients lungs the theraputist did not reveal (ни) moist (ни) dry rales.

6. (и) the theraputist (и) the surgeon have come to the conclusion to treat the male at the in patient department.



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