Methods of dental examination of the patient

Every dentist must know how to do a perfect and professional check-up. He is responsible for the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases of the teeth and mouth.

Obtaining all data of examination doctor makes a diagnosis. For making a proper diagnosis the following procedures are used: patient’s questioning, taking a case-history, patient’s examination and additional investigations. Questioning the patient thoroughly the dentist establishes the family history and present complaints.

Doctor must know how systemic diseases influence the disorders in the mouth. The dentist should pay attention to the patient’s health status, his systemic disorders including cardiac condition. Dental diseases may also contribute to many health problems.

The physical examination of the patient includes: inspection, palpation, percussion and X-ray examination.

Carrying on visual examination the dentist observes the patient’s skin colour. He must palpate the lymphatic nodules in the submaxillary region.

The examination of the oral cavity includes the inspection of the lips and their colour, the tongue and its mobility, the floor of the mouth, the hard palate, the mucous membrane of the cheeks. Dentist must detect the presence of plaque and tartar, especially in hard-to-see areas.

Then doctor proceeds to the examination of the maxillo-dental apparatus for establishing the following:

a) whether the tooth rows are full or some teeth are absent;

b) normal occlusion and articulation;

c) signs of any abnormalities of the teeth and jaws;

d) mobility of separate teeth;

e) presence of carious teeth and gum pockets.

If the patient complains of bad breath, bleeding of gums during brushing, the feeling that one of the teeth is longer, doctor must suspect the diseases of the gums.

In most cases dentists use X-ray examination and laboratory tests to confirm the diagnosis.

Today dentists use very precise high-tech ultrasound instruments in their practice. Modern methods of dental care and regular professional cleaning help to protect from dental diseases. The risk of pain is reduced to a minimum.

The dentists must instruct their patients that regular preventive examinations, early diagnosis and treatment will save their teeth and fosters overall health.


Задание 1. Ответьте на вопросы по содержанию текста:

1. What is the dentist responsible for?

2. What procedures do the dentists use to make a diagnosis?

3. What does the doctor determine while questioning the patient?

4. What procedures does the examination of the oral cavity include?

5. What does the doctor establish while examining of maxillo-dental apparatus?

6. What additional investigations do the doctors use in their practice?

7. What modern instruments do the dentists use in their practice?

8. What instructions must the doctors give to the patients to save their teeth?

Задание 2. Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующим словам и словосочетаниям:

профилактика заболеваний зубов; ставить диагноз; процедура; настоящие жалобы; расстройства ротовой полости; проблемы со здоровьем; пальпация; перкуссия; рентгеновское обследование; визуальное обследование; дно ротовой полости; слизистая оболочка; труднодоступные области; нормальный прикус; кариозные зубы; плохое дыхание (запах изо рта); заболевания десен; лабораторные анализы; современные методы; инструктировать больных; регулярный профилактический осмотр.

Задание 3. Составьте общий и специальный вопросы к следующим предложениям. Переведите их на русский язык:

1. The dentist makes a professional check-up.

2. The doctor asked the patient about his complaints.

3. The patient made X-ray examination of his bad tooth.

4. The dentist should pay attention to patient’s systemic disorders.

5. Nick complains of gum bleeding during teeth brushing.

Задание 4. Поставьте следующие предложения в Present Indefinite Passive. Переведите их на русский язык.

1. Dentist disclosed caries and tartar.

2. Doctor must make a correct diagnosis in every case.

3. Dentist establishes family history and present complaints.

4. Doctor palpated the patient’s lymph nodes.

5. Dentists use high-tech instruments in their dental practice.

Текст на аудирование

Задание 1. Слушайте и запоминайте следующие слова и словосочетания:

1. healthy здоровый

2. professional профессионал

3. to be able to быть в состоянии, мочь

4. to detect обнаружить, определять

5. plaque налет, бляшка

6. tartar зубной камень

7. advance успех, достижение

8. precise точный

9. to cool охлаждать

10. image образ, имидж

Задание 2. Прослушайте текст. Постарайтесь понять его содержание:


Just because your teeth look great doesn’t mean that they are healthy. For your teeth to be healthy, your gums must be healthy as well. Only a professional is able to detect whether or not your teeth and gums are healthy. You have to see your dentist regularly to remove plaque and tartar.

Advances of modern dentistry offer absolutely precise cooled instruments for comfortable, painless tooth cleaning and treatment. With new methods, there is no need to be a hero in the dental chair.

Beautiful white teeth, great smile now are an important part of modern image not only for «stars», but ordinary people too.

Задание 3. Передайте краткое содержание прослушанного текста на русском языке.

Задание 4. Ответьте на вопросы по содержанию текста:

1. Who can detect that your teeth and gums are healthy?

2. How often have you to see your dentist?

3. What advances does modern dentistry offer to the patients?

4. What is important for modern image now?

Задание 5. Передайте содержание текста на английском языке.

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