B) The fruit is formed by the ovary

c) The fruit is formed by the obovate.

d) The fruit is formed by the ovation.

e) The fruit is formed by the oval.

53. Write a passive sentence.
People don't use this road very often.

a) This road are not used very often.

b) People aren't using this road very often.

c) This road is using by many people.

d) This road were not being used very often.

e) This road isn't used very often.

54. Choose the right number.

He remembered the words of (5) lessons very well.

a) eleven

b) twenty

C) the fifth

d) twelve

e) six

55. Choose the right suffix for Внезапность.

a) -dom

b) –ur

c) –ness

d) –ion

e) –age

56. Find the correct plural form.

a) foot

b) feats

c) feat

d) food

E) feet

57. Choose the right variant.

The fruit contains the seed, which develop from the ovules after ….

A) fertilization

b) pasteurization

c) ovary

d) collection

e) pollination

58. Which of the following adverbs has suffix -er in the comparative degree?

a) good

B) soon

c) most

d) worst

e) best

59.Change the following sentence from direct into indirect speech.
My friend said to me, "Will you go to the skating-rink on Sunday?"

a) My friend asked me will you go to the skating-rink on Sunday.

B) My friend asked me if I would go to the skating-rink on Sunday.

c) My friend asked me I should go to the skating-rink on Sunday.

d) My friend asked me if I will go to the skating-rink on Sunday.

e) My friend asked me if I went to the skating rink on Sunday.

60. Choose the right variant.

A complete flower is made up of four principal parts (how many).

a) How many a complete flower of is made up principal parts?

b) How many made up of principal parts is a complete flower?

c) How many flower made up of principal parts is a complete?

d) How many principal parts is a complete flower made up of?

e) How many is a complete flower made up of principal parts?

61. Choose the best alternative.

… some chairs around the table.

a) There isn’t

B) There are

c) There

d) There aren’t

e) There is

62. Choose the right variant.

What is the corolla?

A) It is a beautiful part of a flower which attracts our attention from the variety of its tints.

b) It is a circle of slender stalks.

c) It is the part of the plant which is formed for seed-production.

d) It is that part of the plant which is concerned in the sexual reproductive process of angiosperms.

e) It is a kind of leaf of the plant

63.Choose the right variant.

There ... enough exercises in the book. We need more exercises for homework.

a) won't be

b) isn't

c) aren't
d) are
e) is

64. Choose the right variant

Тычинка состоит из двух частей – нити и пыльника.

a) Stamen consists of two parts – filament and anther.

b) Stamen consists of two parts – petal and anther.

c) Stamen consists of two parts –filament and petal.

d) Stamen consists of two parts – sepal and stigma.

e) Stamen consists of two parts –filament and sepal.

65. Choose the correct variant.

The flowers ... in a warm sunny place.

A) should be kept

b) should kept

c) be kept

d) shall keep

e) shall be keeping

66. Choose the synonym of the word «blade»

A) Lamina

b) Footstalk

c) Petiole

d) Leafstalk

e) Stipule

67. Find the right variant.
You ... go there today.

a) needn't

b) has

c) have

d) been
e) are

68. Choose the right variant

Прилистники обычно зеленые и листообразные.

A) Stipules are often green and leaflike.

b) Leafstalks are often green and leaflike.

c) Petioles are often green and leaflike.

d) Stems are often green and leaflike.

e) Footstalks are often green and leaflike.

69. Choose the right variant.

Instead … electricity, the leaf is storing up the energy of sunlight.

a) for

B) of

c) from

d) in

e) with

70. Choose the right variant

Aloes (to be) tropical plants with succulent leaves and small flowers.

a) is

B) are

c) have

d) was

e) is being

71. Choose the right variant.

A … cup was lying on the table.

a) breaked

b) breaking

c) break

d) having broken

E) broken

72. Choose the right variant

The elm may release a ton of … per day when its leaves are fresh.

a) water

b) blade

c) sunlight

D) chlorophyll

e) leaf

f) night

73. Choose the right variant

Leaf is usually green and consists of ….

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