Choose the correct translation of these word combinations into Ukrainian

- Determine the cause: визначити кому, визначити наслідки, визначити причину.

- Fat absorption: поглинання жирів, виділення жирів, обмін жирів.

- Drug action duration: тривала дія ліків, тривалість дії ліків, дія ліків триває.

- Rapid process: повільний процес, прискорений процес, швид­кий процес.

- То increase heartbeat: прискорювати серцебиття, уповільнюва­ти серцебиття, не впливати на серцебиття.

- Insert the syringe: вставляти голку, вставляти шприц, вставля­ти колбу.

- Skin irritation: подразнення шкіри, подразнення черепа, под­разнення кінцівок.

- Meninges sheath: кільце мозку, оболонка мозку, серцевина мозку.

- Moist skin: подразнена шкіра, суха шкіра, волога шкіра.

Explain the words and word combinations in English.

The route of administration, health personnel, oral administration, sub­lingual administration, parenteral administration, hypodermic needle, subcutaneous injection, intradermal injection, intramuscular injection, intravenous injection, intrathecal injection, intracavitary injection, in­halation, antiseptic, antipruritic.

Complete the sentences.

1. Physicians use the following ways of drug administration ....

2. Drugs given orally pass ....

3. When the drugs are placed under the tongue ....

4. Drugs are given by rectum when ....

5. There are several types of parenteral injections ... .

6. Gases are taken into the nose and ....

7. The local external application of drugs is ... .

Answer the questions.

1. What ways of drug administration do you know?

2. Who prescribes the way of drug administration to a patient?

3. What is the difference between the oral and sublingual ways?

4. When is the sublingual way indicated?

5. Why should a physician prescribe rectal administration?

6. What are the ways of parenteral administration? What is the dif­ference between them?

7. What diseases can be treated by inhalation?

8. What is the difference between antiseptic and antipruritic drugs?

Correct the wrong statements.

1. The route of drug administration is absolutely unimportant.

2. Oral administration is the route by mouth.

3. If a patient is vomiting, oral administration is advisable.

4. In sudden heart attacks, rectal administration is used.

5. There is only one way of parenteral administration.

6. Subcutaneous injections are given into the buttocks.

7. Intradermal injections are used to cure infarction.

8. Performing the intravenous injection, a physician must be careful.

9. To produce anesthesia, surgeons use intracavitary injections.

IV. Speaking

Make up dialogues using the following words and word combinations and the example given.

— Last week I felt myself really terrible. I even had to call a doctor.

— Oh, really? What happened?

— I had a very high temperature, fever they called it. And also these dark spots by my eyes... I hardly stayed on feet.

— Did the doctor come? And what did he do?

— Sure he came. He examined me: took my temperature, blood pressure and performed some tests I can't explain to you.

— And what is the diagnosis?

— Still unknown. I have to wait for the analyses he took. But now I'm taking some drugs, and a nurse comes twice a day to give me intravenous injections. It's quite painful, I must say.

— Well, wait a little. I hope you'll feel better.

1. Heart attack, terrible pain in the chest, sublingual, ambulance, examine, take blood pressure, make an injection, what kind, injec­tion, insist on hospitalization.

2. Raw eggs, poisoning, vomiting, nausea, headache, acute form, drugs, useless, doctor, advice, cleanse the stomach, give absorbing drugs, drink a lot of liquid.

3. Toothache, teeth extracted, local anesthesia, syringe, intradermal injection, normal reaction, successfully.

4. Asthmatic attack, cough, shortness of breath, gasped, my neigh­bour, skilled nurse, aerosol, inhalation, positive effect, improve.

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