In teams, use the words below to make sentences. Each correct sentence gets one point

shopper, plenty of, furniture, sell, suit, rare books, buy, collectors, such as, everywhere, fire brigade, chairman, medicines, security personnel, offer, survive, fascinating place, customers, high quality, autumn collections

Listen and answer the questions.

1 Which city are the speakers in?

2 What shops can you find there?

3 What can you buy at these shops?

4 What are the opening hours?

5 When do the sales take place?

6 How does Lisa recommend the place to Alice?

In pairs, read out the dialogue.

A: Mm, that was wonderful coffee. Oh, it's so nice to be here in Brussels with you, Lisa— and I can't wait to go shopping!

L: Ah, you've come to the right place, then! Boutiques, confectioner's, lace shops, antique shops, enormous department stores — you can shop till you drop, my dear.

A: That's great! Where shall we go first?

L: Well, the Sablon District is full of antique shops. You must visit Dewindt, on Lebeau-straat. It's got some lovely antiques.

A: Oh, Lisa! Aren't you coming with me?

L: I can't, I'm afraid, but I'll meet you at three, outside Inno Brussels on rue Neuve. It's Brussels' most famous department store, and you can buy everything from clothes to jewellery there.

A: Ooh, that sounds exciting! And what about souvenirs? Brussels is famous for chocolate and lace, isn't it?

L: Yes, it is, and Leonidas on Boterstraat has the most delicious pralines in the world. We can also go to F. Rubbrecht in the Grand-Place. We'll find the best lace there.

A: Will we have enough time? The shops are open from nine to six, aren't they?

L: That's right, but it's Friday today. Shops are open until 8:00 pm

on Fridays. And there are sales every January and July, so ...

A: The sales are on now? That's great! I can find some bargains!

L: Of course you can. Didn't I tell you? Brussels really is the best place for shoppers!


Study the following information

When we write an article about the shopping facilities in a big city, we can divide it into four paragraphs.

In the first paragraph, we state the name of the city and the types of shops you can find there.

In the second paragraph, we state the names of the best shops, where they are and what we can buy there.

In the third paragraph, we state the opening hours and the sales times.

In the last paragraph, we recommend the place to shoppers. We normally use the present simple in such articles. We give the article an interesting title to attract the reader’s attention.

You have been asked to write an article for a travel magazine about the shopping facilities in Brussels. Use the text in Ex. 6 as a model and the dialogue in Ex. 22 to write your article (100 -150 words).



Para 1:name of city, types of shops in general

Main Body

Para 2:names of best shops, where they are, what you can buy there

Para 3:opening hours & sales time(s)


Para 4.recommendation

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