One species – two species

г) латинские существительные сохраняют систему латинских окончаний:

criterion – criterianucleus – nuclei analysis– analyses

basis– bases

hypothesis – hypotheses

bacterium – bacteria

curriculum – curricula

datum – data

medium – media

NOTE! Множественное число образуется только у исчисляемых существительных.

5. Make up the plural form of the nouns where possible:

student, speciality, class, seminar, service, tourism, facility, group mate, half, means, faculty, curriculum, credit book, year, subject, datum, equipment, term, library, mark, university, college, hypothesis, opportunity, homework, course.

Possessive Case:Для образования притяжательного падежа у английских существительных используется ‘s.

Peter’s speciality, Ann’s credit book

Особенностью английского притяжательного падежа является то, что ‘sможет добавляться не только к отдельным словам, но и к словосочетаниям.

My friend’s curriculum, his next door neighbour’s student pass

При использовании существительного во множественном числе, оканчивающегося на s, притяжательный падеж образуется добавлением ‘в конце слова.

These students‘ homework

Если существительное во множественном числе не оканчивается на s, то притяжательный падеж образуется так же, как и в единственном числе - при помощи ‘s.

These children’s books

NOTE!Притяжательный падеж для неодушевленных существительных в основном образуется с помощью of-phrase.

The curriculum of this semester

6. Make up word combinations using the possessive case:

e.g. this student / room → this student's room

Friend / grade, means / communication, men / lives, Susan / hypotheses, this scientist / research, my group mate / opportunity, library / book.

Numerals:Cardinal Numerals

0 zero/nought/oh/nil 1 one 2 two 3 three 4 four 5 five 6 six 7 seven 8 eight 9 nine 10 ten 11 eleven 12 twelve 13-19 + teen 13 thirteen 14 fourteen 15 fifteen 16 sixteen 17 seventeen 18 eighteen 19 nineteen
20-90 + ty 20 twenty 30 thirty 40 forty 50 fifty 60 sixty 70 seventy 80 eighty 90 ninety 21 twenty-one 22 twenty-two 23 twenty-three 24 twenty-four 25 twenty-five 26 twenty-six 27 twenty-seven 28 twenty-eight 29 twenty-nine   100-1,000,000 100 one hundred 136 one hundred and thirty six 200 two hundred 1,000 one thousand 3,000 three thousand 5,687 five thousand, six hundred andeighty seven 100,000 one hundred thousand 621,640 six hundred twenty one thousand, six hundred and forty 1,000,000 one million

NOTE! For the figure 0, you usually say: oh for things like telephone numbers

nought, zero and oh for sums and digits

nil for football scores (UK)

7. Say the numbers: 1, 3, 7, 10, 11, 12, 15, 18, 20, 24, 45, 69, 100, 168, 234, 570, 888, 1,000, 1,769, 3,875, 9,123, 25,000, 63,967, 200,000, 390,674, 874,927, 476,092, 1,000,000, 3,864,089.

8. Listen and write down the numbers:

Example: _5_

1) __________

2) __________

3) __________

4) __________

5) __________

6) __________

7) __________

8) __________

9) __________

10) __________

Ordinal Numerals:

1st first 6th sixth

2nd second 7th seventh

3rd third 8th eighth

4th fourth 9th ninth

5th fifth 10th tenth


You write - January 1, 1990 You say – the first of January nineteen ninety

March 26, 1993 the twenty sixth of March nineteen ninety-three

September 8, 2009 the eighth of September two thousand (and) nine

NOTE! UK - the first of January

US – January (the) first


1.1 one point one

2.4 two point four

3.6 three point six

0.1 zero/nought/oh point one

3. 02 three point zero/nought/oh two

9. Say the numerals and dates:

1st, 10th, 15th, 34th, 183rd, 222nd, April 12, 1961, February 19, 1861, July 4th, 1776, September 11, 2001, July 27, 2012, 3.2, 9.03, 1.005, 4.025, 5.5.

10. a) Listen to Jeanna speaking about her study, say where she is probably from and explain your choice. How does she sound (polite, tired, agitated, confident, excited, etc.)? What makes you think so?

b) Listen to Jeanna again and choose the correct variant:

1) How old is Jeanna?

a) 14

b) 15

c) 16

2) What does she think about her study?

a) It’s fun

b) It’s boring

c) It’s hard

3) What is her favorite subject?

a) Math

b) History

c) English

4) What is one thing that she does not like?

a) Cruel people

b) The food

c) Sports

11. Look through Text 2, try to catch its main idea and give it a title.

Text 2.

My name is Mary. I was born on September 8, 1994 in Rubtsovsk. I am an only child in the family. Now I’m a student of Altai State University. I study at the faculty of Biology. I’m a first-year student. Our faculty offers a general course of academic and non-academic subjects (like sports) providing classical higher education. Besides, it offers a number of optional courses giving profound knowledge in a variety of fields: the Humanities and the Natural Sciences.

I am interested in Biology. The course I take includes Chemistry, Physics, Zoology, Geography and a foreign language – English. I like Geography and English very much but my chief interest is Zoology.

The academic year at our university begins on September 1 and ends in June. It is divided into two terms – 18 and 17 weeks each. The terms end with credits and examinations. We have two holidays a year – in winter and in summer. As a rule we have lectures in Political Studies, seminars or laboratory classes in Chemistry, Physics and other subjects every day. Sometimes I go to the library because I need a book or an article which I can get only in the reading room.

My dream has always been to become a biologist. I have chosen this profession as my future occupation a long time ago. As a child I liked nature and wanted to protect it. Then I began to think of Biology as my prospective occupation. In my opinion a job should be interesting and socially important. My future profession gives me an opportunity to protect our nature and save lives of many animals.

Every day I spend some time preparing my homework. I try to work regularly. I write reports, learn new material and do many other things. I hope I will manage to pass my final exams with good and excellent marks. This will give me a chance to find a good job and to become a successful person.

12. Look through the text once again and find the following English equivalents:

дополнительные предметы; иностранный язык; статья; читальный зал; защищать природу; общественно важный; семестр; будущая профессия (2); мнение; давать возможность; суметь сделать что-либо.

13. Mark the statements True or False. Correct the false statements:

1) Mary is a freshman.

2) Classical higher education includes academic and non-academic subjects.

3) Mary’s chief interest is Geography.

4) The academic year lasts for about 35 weeks.

5) Mary has chosen this profession recently.

6) She likes nature and wants to damage it.

7) Mary thinks that a job should be socially important.

8) She gets ready for the classes every day.

14. Ask your group mates about their study following the questions below. Don’t forget to use the conversational phrases!

1) When and why did you make up your mind to enter Altai State University?

2) What subjects do you study? What are your favorites?

3) How many classes do you have as a rule?

4) What credits and exams do you have at the end of the semester?

5) Do you spend much time preparing your homework?

6) What marks do you usually get?

7) Do you often miss classes?

8) Will English help you in mastering your speciality?

9) What is your dream about your future profession?

10) What kind of job do you want to find?

15. Make up your own story about your study at the University using Texts 1, 2.

16. Supplementary – Reading for Fun

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