Present Simple (Indefinite)

Утвердительная форма Вопросительная форма Отрицательная форма
... + Inf Do/Does ... + Inf ? ... do/does not + Inf
I study. Я учусь. (обычно, часто,...) Do I study? Я учусь? I do not (=don't) study. Я не учусь.
He She It studieS Does he she it study? He She It does not study =(doesn't study)
We You They study Do we you they study? We You They do not study =(don't study)

Временная форма Present Simpleиспользуется для обозначения:

1) Регулярного повторяющегося действия в настоящем.

Present Simple (Indefinite) -

The classes begin at 8 o’clock in the morning.

He goes to the University by bus.

Для подчеркивания частотности действия могут употребляться следующие слова и словосочетания: always всегда, often часто, seldom редко, sometimes иногда, never никогда, usually обычно, generally как правило, every day (week, month) каждый день (неделю, месяц), daily ежедневно и др.

2) Общеизвестных фактов, простых истин, имеющих место в настоящем, но не привязанных к моменту речи.

Present Simple (Indefinite) -

Barnaul is the capital of Altai Krai.

Water boils at 100 C.

3) Будущего действия:

а) запланированного расписанием, графиком;

б) в придаточных предложениях условия и времени после союзов when, if, till, until, as soon as. В главном предложении используется Future Simple;

в) в вопросах к ближайшему будущему.

Present Simple (Indefinite) -

Tomorrow we have a laboratory class at 1.20 p.m.

When I graduate from the University, I’ll be a good specialist.

What do we do in the evening?

3. Make the statements interrogative and negative.

1) I study every day.

2) Pete does his homework regularly.

3) Mary wants to make a report.

4) We like seminars very much.

5) Our first class is tomorrow.

6) As a rule classes start at 8 o’clock in the morning.

4. Fill in the gaps using Present Simple:

1) I … (live not) in a hostel.

2) … you … (study) at Altai State University?

3) Clara usually … (do) her homework in the evening.

4) Sean … (study) at the Faculty of Mathematics.

5) If I … (get) a five today, I’ll have my exam mark on the basis of continuous assessment.

6) Altai State University … (provide) classical higher education.

7) What … we … (do) after the class?

8) I … (like not) lectures, I … (prefer) seminars.

9) She … (be) always in time for her classes.

10) This semester we … (have) 4 credits and 2 exams.

5. Read about Mary’s day at the University and answer the questions after the text.

Text 3.

Mary’s Day at the University

On week-days the alarm-clock rings and wakes Mary up, and her working day begins. It’s seven o’clock. If it is spring or summer she jumps out of her bed, runs to the window and opens it wide. In winter she is not so quick to leave her bed, and she buries her head under the pillow. But all the same, it is time to get up and she starts getting ready for her work.

Mary makes her bed and goes to the bathroom where she brushes her teeth and has a shower. While she is having her breakfast, she turns on her CD-player and listens to pop-music. Mary leaves her house at half past seven, and, as she lives quite near to the bus stop, she is there in five minutes. It takes her about twenty minutes to get to the University. Mary arrives there at ten minutes to eight. On her way to the University she often meets her group mates and they go together.

Mary’s classes start at eight o’clock. She usually has three or four classes a day. But her working day is not over when the classes come to end, as she has a lot of work to do at home. It usually takes Mary about three hours to get ready for the next working day at the University. But when at last her working day is over, she feels tired and satisfied.

Sometimes in the evening Mary’s friends come to her place and they talk and have fun. Sometimes they go for a walk, but not very often.

Mary usually goes to bed at about eleven o’clock.

Questions to the text:

1) Who or what usually wakes Mary up in the morning?

2) What does Mary do in the morning first?

3) What does she do while having her breakfast?

4) When does Mary’s working day begin?

5) When does she usually leave her house?

6) How does she get to the university?

7) How long does it take her to get to the University?

8) How much time does Mary spend there?

9) How long does it take her to prepare for the next day?

10) When is Mary’s working day over?

11) What does Mary usually do in the evening?

12) When does she usually go to bed?

6. Look through the text and find the English equivalents:

просыпаться (2), готовиться к чему-либо, чистить зубы, принимать душ, включить магнитофон, слушать музыку, чувствовать усталость, довольный, ложиться спать, заправлять кровать.

7. Read the sentences and fill in the gaps:

1) In the morning the … rings and wakes me up.

2) I go to the bathroom where I … my face and … my teeth.

3) It … me 20 minutes to … to the University.

4) I like to … a shower in the evening.

5) I … to bed … 10 o’clock.

8. Read the sentences, fill in the correct for of the verb to take, translate the sentences.

1) It … me 10 minutes to get to the bus stop.

2) It … Helen an hour to do her homework.

3) I like … a shower in the morning.

4) It … us 15 minutes to have a lunch.

5) Julia usually … a bath in the evening.

9. Translate the following sentences form Russian into English:

1) Утром мне требуется 10 минут, чтобы умыться и почистить зубы.

2) Я завтракаю обычно в 8 часов утра.

3) Мне требуется 30 минут, чтобы добраться до университета.

4) Мне требуется два часа, чтобы подготовить домашнее задание.

5) Я обычно ужинаю в 7 часов вечера.

6) Я люблю принимать ванну по вечерам.

7) Я обычно ложусь спать в половине двенадцатого.

10. Listen to Mike speaking about his daily routine and fill out his daily plan.

Make use of the words: to work out – накачивать мышцы, качаться

to skip – пропускать

to surf the web – бродить по сети

on the Internet – в Интернете

My Daily Plan

_______ get up

7.00 – 10.00 __________

________ prepare and have lunch

1.00 – 6.00 ___________

________ my friends from abroad start to call

evening ___________________

11. Tell your group mates about your daily routine following the questions:

1) Who or what usually wakes you up in the morning?

2) When does your working day begin?

3) Are you quick enough to leave your bed?

4) Do you usually make your bed?

5) Do you usually have breakfast? If not, tell why.

6) When do you usually leave your house?

7) How do you get to your university?

8) How long does it take you to get to the University?

9) How much time do you spend there?

10) How long does it take you to prepare for the next day?

11) When is your working day over?

12) When do you usually go to bed?

12. Supplementary – Reading for Fun

The following letter was written home to his parents by a student who was trying to hint that he needed some money.....

Dear Father,

$chool i$ really great. I am making lot$ of friend$ and $tudying very hard. With all my $tuff, I $imply can''t think of anything I need, $o if you would like, you can ju$t $end me a card, a$ I would love to hear from you.

Your $on.

After receiving his son’s letter, the father immediately replied with this letter:

Dear Son,

I kNOw that astroNOmy, ecoNOmics, and oceaNOgraphy are eNOugh to keep even an hoNOr student busy. Do NOt forget that the pursuit of kNOwledge is a NOble task, and you can never study eNOugh.


Unit 4

My University

Speaking: Universities of Barnaul.

Reading: Text 4, Text 5.

Listening: Berkley University

Vocabulary: University

Grammar: Degrees of Comparison

1. Listen and read the words after the teacher. Learn them by heart.


state государственный

private частный

affiliation филиал

successful успешный

investigation исследование

to occupy занимать

academic building учебный корпус

facilities услуги, оборудование

to include включать в себя

to develop развивать(ся)

to approve одобрять, утверждать

2. Match the words with their definitions:

1. successful   2. to develop   3. facilities 4. private 5. to include a. for the use of or belonging to one particular person or group, not to other people b. buildings, equipment, and services provided for a particular purpose c. having achieved the desired results d. to grow or change into a more advanced form e. to contain smth as a part of smth else  

3. Fill in the gaps:

1) Higher educational institutions can be either … or … .

2) A campus … several … …, hostels, libraries and other … .

3) A university offers its students different fields of … .

4) This university has been …ing since the 19th century and now it is one of the most … educational institutions of the country.

5) Every big university has several … in different cities.

Grammar Focus

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