IV. Define the place of the absolute participial constructions and their features. Give the Russian equivalents of the following sentences

1. The temperature of a conductor being raised, the motion of the electrons in the conductor increases. 2. The resistance being very large, the current in the circuit was small. 3. Transistors are very sensitive to light, some of them reacting even to star-light. 4. The first man-made satellite having been set up, it became possible to investigate various types of radiation. 5. A new radio-set having been shown to them, they began to examine its details. 6. We defined the volume, all the measurements having been done with respect to the instruction. 7. Many substances are semi-conductors, germanium and silicon being the most important of them. 8. Part of energy being changed into heat, not all the chemical energy of the battery is transformed into electrical energy. 9. Some scientists do not distinguish between pure and applied mathematics, the distinction being, in fact, of recent origin. 10. They took all the measurements during the actual operation of the machine, this being the usual practice in those days.

V. Find the participial constructions and give the Russian equivalents of the following sentences:

1. With everyone being a layman in most fields but his own, it is very important to exchange information on major developments. 2. The universe is now essentially composed of about 90 percent hydrogen and 9 percent helium, with the remaining 1 percent accounting for the more complex atoms. 3. The project abandoned, the leadership in this field passed to another institute. 4. Originally a mathematician, he became engaged first in theoretical physics and then in space research, all these field being closely interconnected. 5. The problems of nanotechnologies attacked at the laboratory are of utmost interest. 6. He will achieve success working hard. 7. The results obtained by the researchers provided the same solution to the problem. 8. Having developed a new type of robot he felt very excited. 9. Having made a mistake the designer couldn’t continue his work. 10. A computer infected with financial malware will wait until you visit a banking site. 11. Webpages can be createdusing a very basic word processor program known as a text editor, but special programs are available that allow the user to create webpages without known about HTML.

VI. Arrange in pairs the words with a) similar meaning, b) contrary meaning:

а) to refer, performed, to control, done, to manage, to be related to;

b) inconsistent, transmitted, consistent, received, low-level, heated, high-level, cooled.

VII. Match each English word with the correct Russian equivalent:

to calculate calculations calculated calculating to program programming programmer programmed вычислять программировать вычисления программирующий вычисленный программист вычисляющий запрограммированный

VIII. Match the words from the left column with their definitions:

1) acronym a) a series of operations on data, esp. by a computer
2) specify 3) compile b) able to be transferred from one machine or system to another
4) data processing c) a collection of programs with related functionality
5) portable d) identify clearly and definitely
6) package e) a word formed from the initial letters of other words
  f) interpret into machine code

IX. Study the following words and choose:

a) nouns:

1) specification, specify, specific, specified, specifically;

2) require, required, requirement;

3) link, linkage, linked, linker, linking;

b) verbs:

1) compilation, compiler, compile, compiled;

2) process, processing, procession, processed;

3) convert, converted, convertibility, converter;

c) adjectives:

1) compatible, compatibility, compatibly;

2) operation, operate, operating, operated;

3) payable, payment, pay, paid.

X. Choose an appropriate word and fill in the sentences:

a) Instruction, instruct, instructed, instructor:

1) Our maths ___ explained to us the principles of binary arithmetic.

2) We were ___ to document our programs very carefully.

3) Both ___ and data have to be changed to machine code before the computer can operate on them.

b) Compilation, compiler, compile, compiled:

1) Our university computer doesn’t have a PASCAL ___.

2) Usually, a programmer ___ his program before he puts in the data.

3) A source program can’t be directly processed by the computer until it has been ___.

c) Result, results, resulting:

1) The linkage editor links systems routines to the object module. The ___ program, referred to as the load module, is directly executable by the computer.

2) The ___ of these mathematical operations were obtained from the university mainframe and not from my micro.

d) Specification, specify, specific, specified, specifically:

1) Our company applies three packages with very ___ applications: payroll, accounts receivable, and accounts payable.

2) An applications program is designed to do a ___ type of work, such as calculating the stress factor of a roof.

3) Did the analyst give the new programmer the ___ necessary to start on the project?

XI. Read the text and find the answer to the question: What is a source programme?

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