Субъектный инфинитивный оборот

Предложения со сложным подлежащим (the Complex Subject) выражают мнение (суждение или предположение) группы неопределенных лиц о каком-то факте или понятии. Субъектный инфинитивный оборот состоит из существительного в общем падеже или местоимения в именительном падеже и инфинитива, стоящего после сказуемого: The atom is known to emit rays of different length ‘Известно, что атом испускает лучи различной длины’; The weather seems to be changing ‘Кажется, погода меняется’.

Существуют несколько групп глаголов и словосочетаний, после которых возможен субъектный инфинитивный оборот:

· после некоторых глаголов в страдательном залоге:

- is/was assumed ‘допускают, допускали’

- is/was believed ‘полагают, считают; полагали, считали’

- is/was considered ‘считают, полагают; полагали’

- is/was expected ‘ожидают; ожидали’

- is/was known ‘известно; было известно’

- is/was proved ‘доказано, было доказано’

- is/was reported ‘сообщают, сообщалось’

- is/was said ‘говорят; говорили’

- is/was supposed ‘полагают; полагали’

- is/was thought ‘думают; думали; полагают, полагали’

- is/was understood ‘считают, считали’;

· после ряда глаголов в действительном залоге:

- seems/seemed ‘кажется, казалось, по-видимому’

- appears/appeared ‘по-видимому’

- proves/proved ‘оказывается, оказалось’

- turns outs/turned out ‘оказывается, оказалось’;

· после словосочетаний:

- is likely ‘вероятно, по всей вероятности’

- is unlikely ‘маловероятно’

- is sure ‘обязательно, наверняка, несомненно’

- is certain ‘наверняка, несомненно, безусловно’.

Предложение с субъектным инфинитивным оборотом принято переводить на русский язык:

· сложноподчиненным предложением, в котором главное предложение представлено неопределенно-личным ‘Известно, что…’, ‘Находят, что…’, ‘Считается, что…’ и т. д.; в придаточном предложении первый элемент сложного подлежащего (именная часть) переводится подлежащим придаточного предложения, а второй (инфинитив) – сказуемым: This value is expected to change ‘Ожидается, что эта величина изменится’;

· сложноподчиненным предложением с придаточным дополнительным после союза ‘что’:This plant is said to be making good progress ‘Говорят, что этот завод делает большие успехи’;

· простым предложением с вводными словами: The production at this plant is likely to increase‘По всей вероятности, производство на этом заводе увеличится’.

Перфектные формы инфинитива выражают действие, предшествовавшее действию глагола-сказуемого, и переводятся на русский язык глаголом в прошедшем времени: He is said to have passed his exams successfully ‘Говорят, что он успешно выдержал экзамен’.


Упр. 80.Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на субъектный инфинитивный оборот.

1. They are expected to come to our city tomorrow. 2. He seems to know very little about research work.3. The doctor was expected to come in the evening. 4. They are said to know English very well. 5. She is believed to be working in Germany now. 6. You are supposed to graduate in four years. 7. The delegation is reported to have left for England. 8. The sawmill is known to produce good quality products. 9. They are known to have been good friends for many years. 10. This department store is considered to be the most popular store in the town. 11. This text happened to be very difficult for translation. 12. He was seen to leave Moscow on Friday afternoon. 13. Ted was known to be a clever and hard-working student. 14. The number of the unemployed is reported to have increased. 15. This device appeared to be very effective. 16. The new type of fuel was thought to be very expensive. 17. He appeared to be a good friend to all of us. 18. The equipment seemed to be in a very good condition. 19. The office turned out to be quite close.20. They were sure to come to an agreement. 21. He is said to be very ill. 22. All our efforts proved to be useless. 23. He is likely to arrive in the evening.

Упр. 81.Выделите в предложениисубъектный инфинитивный оборот. Предложения переведите.

1.The lecture was said to be very interesting. 2. The members of the committee are reported to come to an agreement. 3. The English delegation is believed to come at the end of the month. 4. She seems to know English and French. 5. He proved to be a good teacher. 6.This school is considered to be the best in the town. 7. The weather appears to be improving. 8. The doctor happened to be there at the time of the accident. 9. She seems to be waiting for you. 10. Lake Baikal is said to be the deepest in the world. 11. This picture proved to be the best at the exhibition. 12. These two scientists happened to work at the same problem. 13. You are supposed to graduate in four years. 14. Radium is said to be very radioactive. 15. His invention is considered to be of great importance. 16. The new plant is reported to be put into operation next year. 17. This material is supposed to have many advantages. 18. For a long time the atom was thought to be indivisible. 19. He was said to be one of the most promising nuclear physicists. 20. The number of unemployed is reported to be increasing. 21. Many new textbooks are expected to be published soon. 22. A man was seen to enter the house. 23. These devices are known to be very effective. 24. I happened to be present at the opening session. 25. She is not likely to change her opinion. 26. This new medicine is sure to help your grandmother. 27. The new method of work turned out to be very effective.

Упр. 82.Замените сложные предложения простыми, используя субъектный инфинитивный оборот. Переведите предложения.

Модель:It is said that he is an Olympic champion. – He is said to be an Olympic champion.

1. It is said that she is a good doctor. 2. It is known that they are good friends. 3. It is reported that the expedition will arrive in two days. 4. It is known that this library has a big collection of manuscripts. 5. It is expected that our pupils will have new computers this year. 6. It was heard that the film was a great success. 7. It was seen that the car stopped near the house. 8. It was expected that the document would be signed next week. 9. It is believed that our team will be the winner. 10. It is an­nounced that the new law will be published in some newspapers. 11. People consider the climate there to be very good. 12. It is said that the book is very popular with young people. 13. It seems that the students know the subject well. 14. It so happened that I was present at the opening session.

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