Irregular comparatives and superlatives

Adjectives Comparatives Superlatives
bad worse worst
far(distance) farther farthest
far(extent) further furthest
good better best
little less least
many more most
much more most

How to use comparatives and superlatives

Comparatives Superlatives
Comparatives are used to compare two things or two people: Alan is taller than John. Superlatives are used to compare more than two things or two people. Superlative sentences usually use 'the': Alan is the most intelligent.


To express similarities use the following structure:

... as + adjective + as ...


  • Mike is as intelligent as Nancy.
  • Larry is as popular as Oprah.



What are adverbs?

An adverb is a word that modifies verbs, adjectives and other adverbs.

Adverbs vs Adjectives Irregular comparatives and superlatives -

The difference between an adverb and an adjective is the following:

· An adjective modifies a noun.
"John is tall."(The adjective tall modifies the noun John)

· An adverb modifies a verb, an adjective or another adverb.
"That idea is simply ridiculous." (The adverb simply modifies the adjective ridiculous)
"She sings nicely." (The adverb nicely modifies the verb sing)
"She did it reallywell." (the adverb really modifies the adverb well)

Read the passage:

Mrs Smith immediately called the police when she saw the criminals assaulting the poor boy aggressively. It was the most horrible scene that she had ever witnessed in her life. She had always lived peacefully in that neighborhood. No one had ever disturbed her quiet nights there.

The words " immediately, aggressively, peacefully, ever, always, there" are adverbs.

What are the different types of adverbs?

Basically, most adverbs tell you how, in what way, when, where, and to what extent something is done. In other words, they describe the manner, place, or time of an action. Here are some examples:

· He speaks quietly. ( quietly is an adverb of manner.)

· I live here. (here is an adverb of place.)

· We'll leave tomorrow . (tomorrow is an adverb of time.)

· She never sleeps late . (never is an adverb of frequency.)

Adverb rules:

1. Regular adverbs:

Adverbs in English often end in -ly.

These adverbs are formed by adding -ly to the end of an adjective:

Adjective + ly


Adjective Adverb
slow slowly
beautiful beautifully
careful carefully
violent violently

Spelling rules:

· true → truly (the silent e is dropped and add ly)

· happy → happily ( y becomes i and add ly.)

· possible → possibly (e after a consonant is dropped and ly is added.)

· full → fully (after ll and add y is added.)

· fanatic → fanatically (after adjectives ending in -ic add -ally - there is an exception: public-publicly)

2. Exceptions:

However, this is not the only way to form an adverb. Many adverbs do not end in -ly.

This is a list of adverbs that don't follow the rule:

Adjective Adverb
fast fast
hard hard
late late
early early
daily daily

Some adjectives change their form when they become adverbs:

adjective adverb
good well

3. Things to remember:

Many words are not adverbs although they end in -ly. Here are examples of adjectives that end in -ly.


· a kindly teacher

· a lonely girl

· an elderly person

· a friendly policeman

To decide whether a word is an adverb ask questions with how, where and when.

· How does James speak Spanish? He speaks Spanish fluently.

· Where do the kids play soccer? They play soccer here.

· When did she write the email to her husband? She wrote the email immediately.

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Position of Adverbs

Position of adverbs

Adverb of Manner

Examples of adverbs of manner are " nicely, beautifully, slowly, carefully, awfully..."

These adverbs come after the direct object or after the verb if there isn't any direct object.

· He did the work efficiently. (The adverb of manner efficiently comes after the direct object the work.)

· He drove the lorry carelessly. (The adverb of manner carelessly comes after the direct object the lorry.)

· He spoke fluently. (The adverb of mannerfluently comes after the verb spoke.)

Adverbs of Place

Examples of adverbs of place are "here, there, behind, above..."

Adverbs of place are like adverbs of manner. They come after the direct object or the verb.

· I met him here. (The adverb of place here comes after the direct object him.)

· He sat there. (The adverb of place there comes after the verb sat.)

Adverbs of Time

Examples of adverbs of time are " recently, now, then, tomorrow, yesterday..."

Adverbs of time are usually put at the end of the sentence but they may also come at the beginning of the sentence.

· I will show you the house tomorrow.

· Tomorrow, I will show you the house.

Adverbs of Frequency

Examples of adverbs of frequency are "always, never, seldom, usually..."

· Adverbs of frequency come before the main verb except the main verb "to be":

o I sometimes visit my uncle.

o We have often seen him pass by the house.

o They are seldomat work.

· Occasionally, sometimes, often, frequently and usually can also go at the beginning or at the end of a sentence:

o Sometimes, they visit him.

o I miss him occasionally.

· Rarely and seldom can also go at the end of a sentence (often with "very"):

o We see them rarely.

o John eats meat very seldom.

Adverbs of Frequency

What are adverbs of frequency?

We use adverbs of frequency to say how often we do something. Adverbs of frequency are often used with the present simple because they indicate repeated or routine activities.

Irregular comparatives and superlatives -

Adverbs of frequency :

Always Irregular comparatives and superlatives - Irregular comparatives and superlatives - Irregular comparatives and superlatives - Irregular comparatives and superlatives - Irregular comparatives and superlatives - Irregular comparatives and superlatives - Irregular comparatives and superlatives -
Usually Irregular comparatives and superlatives - Irregular comparatives and superlatives - Irregular comparatives and superlatives - Irregular comparatives and superlatives - Irregular comparatives and superlatives -    
Often Irregular comparatives and superlatives - Irregular comparatives and superlatives - Irregular comparatives and superlatives - Irregular comparatives and superlatives -      
Sometimes Irregular comparatives and superlatives - Irregular comparatives and superlatives - Irregular comparatives and superlatives -        
Seldom/rarely Irregular comparatives and superlatives -            
  • They often go out for dinner.
  • I never go to cinema. I don't like it.
  • I don't mind going to the theater. I sometimes go with my husband.
  • Never say never. (proverb)
  • She likes dancing. She always go to the night club to dance.
  • They usually quarrel. I rarely see them in good terms with each other.

Other adverbs of frequency include:

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