III - IV возрастная категория

( два тура)

Первый тур

1. Произведение имитационной полифонии (фуга, полифонический цикл)

2. Пьеса кантиленного характера

3. Виртуозная пьеса

Время звучания программы не более 15-20 минут

Второй тур

1.Произведение крупной формы (концерт, I или II-III ч. сонаты, сюита не менее 3 ч.)

2. Пьеса по выбору участника

Время звучания программы не более 20 минут




I возрастная категория

(один тур)

1. Произведение композитора XVII-XVIII вв.

2. Обработка народной мелодии

3. Пьеса по выбору участника

Время звучания до 15 минут

II возрастная категория

(один тур)

1. Произведение крупной формы (концерт I или II-III ч., концертино, соната, сюита не менее 3 ч., концертное рондо)

2. Пьеса кантиленного характера

3. Обработка народной мелодии

Время звучания программы не более 20 минут

III возрастная категория

(два тура)

Первый тур

1. Оригинальное произведение (написанное для домры-балалайки)

2. Пьеса кантиленного характера

3. Обработка народной мелодии

Время звучания программы не более 15-20 минут

Второй тур

1.Произведение крупной формы (концерт I или II-III ч., соната, сюита не менее 3 ч.)

2. Виртуозное произведение

Время звучания программы не более 20 минут

IV возрастная категория

(два тура)

Первый тур

1.Оригинальное произведение (соло или с аккомпанементом)

2. Пьеса кантиленного характера

3. Виртуозное произведение

Время звучания программы не более 15-20 минут

Второй тур

1.Произведение крупной формы

2. Обработка народной мелодии

Время звучания программы не более 20 минут


I возрастная категория

(один тур)

1.Произведение композитора XVI-XVIII вв. (И.С. Бах, С.Л. Вайс, Д. Скарлатти, Д. Чимароза и др.)

2. Произведение гитарной классики XVIII-XIX вв. (М, Джулиани, Ф. Карулли, М. Каркасси, Ф. Н. Кост, Сор и др.)

3. Произведение по выбору участника.

Время звучания программы не более 15 минут

II возрастная категория

(один тур)

1. Произведение композитора XVI-XVIII вв. (И.С. Бах, С.Л. Вайс, Д. Скарлатти, Д. Чимароза и др.)

2. Произведение крупной формы: I часть (сонатная форма) или II-III части сонатины, не менее 3-х частей сюиты, классические вариации, увертюра.

3. Произведение по выбору участника.

Время звучания программы не более 20 минут

III - IV возрастные категории

(два тура)

Первый тур:

1. Полифоническое произведение композитора XVI-XVIII вв (И.С. Бах, С.Л. Вайс, Д.Скарлатти, Д. Чимароза и др.)

2. Произведение гитарной классикиXVIII-XIX вв. (М. Джулиани, Ф. Карулли, М. Каркасси, Н. Кост, Ф.Сор и др.).

3. Произведение по выбору участника.

Время звучания программы не более 15-20 минут

Второй тур:

1. Произведение крупной формы: I часть (сонатная форма) или II-III части сонатины, не менее 3-х частей сюиты, классические вариации, увертюра.

2. Произведение по выбору участника.

Время звучания программы не более 20 минут




I возрастная категория

(один тур)

1. Произведение национального композитора (пьеса, обработка, переложение).

2. Два разнохарактерных произведения.

Время звучания программы не более 15 минут

II возрастная категория

(два тур)

Первый тур:

1. Произведение крупной формы.

2. Пьеса по выбору участника.

Время звучания программы не более 15 минут

Второй тур:

1. Произведение национального композитора.

2. Виртуозное произведение.

Время звучания программы не более 20 минут

III - IV возрастные категории

(два тура)

Первый тур:

1. Произведение крупной формы или развернутое произведение.

2. Виртуозное произведение.

3. Пьеса.

Время звучания программы не более 20 минут

Второй тур:

1. Концертная пьеса.

2. Произведение бурятского композитора (пьеса, обработка, переложение).

Время звучания программы не более 25 минут


of the V International musical contest "Naidal-2018"

General Provisions

1.1. The V International musical contest “Naidal-2018" (hereinafter referred to as the Contest) will be held in Ulan-Ude March 26 to 29, 2018.

1.2. The founders of the Contest are the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Buryatia.

1.3. The Organizer of the Contest is the College of Arts named after P. I. Tchaikovsky

1.4. The co-organizers of the Contest are the State Academic Theater of Opera and Ballet named after the People's Artist of the USSR Gombo Tsydynzhapovitch Tsydynzhapov, Buryat State Philharmonic, and the Culture Committee of Ulan-Ude city administration.

1.5. The purpose of the Contest is preservation and development of the school of instrumental performance.

1.6. The objectives of the Contest are:

- to reveal and support the most talented and professionally promising young fingering performers;

- to popularize classical, modern and folk music;

- to develop the interregional and international contacts and mutual understanding between the nations of the Asian-Pacific region;

-to improve the professional skills of the teachers representing any educational art institution.

The Contest procedure

2.1. The pupils and students of any educational institution for additional education (art school, music school), professional educational institutions (SSEI), educational institutions of higher education (HEI) in the field of arts can participate in the Contest.

2.2. The schedule of the Contest includes the following activities:

March 25. Arrival of the participants, acoustic rehearsals;

March 26 from 9:00 am to 11:00 am. The registration of the participants (in the lobby of the College of Arts named after P.I. Tchaikovsky, Pobedy Avenue, 17);

March 26 at 11:00 am. The opening ceremony of the Contest (Concert Hall of the College of Arts named after P.I. Tchaikovsky);

March 26-28. Competitional auditions;

March 27-29. Master classes;

March 29 from 09:00 am to 01:00 pm. Round-table discussions of the results of the contest;

March 29 at 05:00 pm. The awarding ceremony for the winners and the final concert given by the laureates (the State Academic Theater of Opera and Ballet named after the People's Artist of the USSR G.Ts. Tsydynzhapov)

2.3. The Contest has the following nominations:

- Piano;

- String bow instruments;

- Wind and percussion instruments;

- Russian folk instruments (bayan, accordion);

- Russian folk instruments (domra, balalaika, guitar);

- the national instruments of Russian peoples and of the Asian-Pacific countries.

2.4. The following age categories are defined:

the age category - up to 9 years old who studies in the educational institutions of additional education (art schools, music schools)

for the piano nomination

the 1st age category - up to 12 years old (inclusive) who studies in the educational institutions of additional education (art schools, music schools);

the 2nd age category - up to 15 years old (inclusive)who studies in the educational institutions of additional education (art schools, music schools) and special music schools at the collegesup to the 8th grade;

the 3rd age category - up to 19 years old (inclusive)who studies in the professional educational institutions of arts (students of secondary special educational institutions)and in special music schools (colleges) from the 9th grade;

the 4th age category - up to 26 years old (inclusive)who studies in educational institutions of higher education in the field of arts (students of the higher educational institutions).

2.5. The age of the performers must be determined on March 1, 2018.

2.6. All works must be performed by memory.

2.7. The order of performance of participants willbe set by a draw ceremony and will be maintained throughout the Contest.

2.8. The sequence of compositions in each round must be determined by the participants themselves.

2.9. Any changes in the participant's program which is written in the application (for example, replacing compositions or transferring ones from one round to another) are prohibited.

2.10. The usage of the recorded musicis prohibited.

2.11. Ensemble performances and duets are prohibited.

2.12. In the second round of competitional auditions, repetition of the compositions which were performed in the first round is prohibited.

2.13. In the nomination "Russian folk instruments" (except for the guitar), repetition of the compositions of the same composer in the program of the participant is prohibited.

2.14. In the categories where competitional auditions are held in two rounds, to participate in the second round the participant must achieve not less than 18 points and no more than 50% of the total number of participants will perform.

2.15. Each participant will be provided with an opportunity of acoustic rehearsal in the auditorium, an audition on the day of the arrival and registration, or during acoustic rehearsals from March 23 to 26 by prior request. The time and the order of the rehearsals will be defined by the heads of the contest venues.

2.16. As a part of the Contest, master-classes by leading foreign and Russian teachers, methodological seminars, concert performances of young performers and jury members are offered. Participation in master classes must be confirmed by a certificate which makes clear the completion of refresher courses (the volume must be not less than 36 hours)

The application Procedure

3.1. To participate in the Contest, performers must be recommended by the educational institutions. The recommendation must be based on the results of listening at the local level.

3.2. The sending institution (an educational institution) must provide the following documents to its participants:

-the Application form (Appendix No. 1) with the set of compositions for the rounds in keeping with the program requirements (Appendix No. 2), certified by the signature of the head and the seal of the educational institution (it must be filledout on a computer, in Russian or in English).

- a copy of the document which confirms the age of the participant (birth certificate or passport).

3.3. Deadline for applications to be received is on the 20th February, 2018 at the following address: 670010, Republic of Buryatia, Ulan-Ude, PobedyAvnue, 17, Resource Training Center of the College of Arts named after P.I. Tchaikovsky, tel/fax 8 (3012) 22-39-71, 22-25-96; e-mail: [email protected]

3.4. Foreign participants need to acquire passports, visas to entry into the Russian Federation independently. The Organizer of the Contest must send the invitation to the Contest to the foreign participants.

3.5. The information on the V International MusicalContest "Naidal-2018" can be found on the website of the College of Arts named after P.I. Tchaikovsky (http: //www.art-civil-baikal.ru) and on the official website of the Culture Ministry of the Republic of Buryatia (http: //www.minkultrb.yu, link - competitions and festivals).

Financial conditions

4.1. The enrolment fee is set at 2000 rubles for each participant and must be paid at the time of registration to the Organizing Committee.

4.2. The payment of all expenses related to the sojourn of participants in the Contest (the enrolment fee, transportation costs, hotel accommodation, meals, etc.) is to be made by the sending institution.

4.3. If the participant refuses to take part in the Contest for any reason, the documents and the enrolment fee will not be returned.

4.4. The participation in master classes and the receipt of a state certificate of completionof the refresher courses (the volume is 36 hours) costs 1500 rubles.


5.1. In each nomination and age category, the winners of the Contest who took I, II and III places are given the titles of laureates. Theparticipants who took the IV and V places are given the titles of the diploma recipient.

5.2. The Organizing Committee of the Competition welcomes the performance of the compositions by the Buryat composers and establishes a special award "For the best performance of the composition by the Buryat composer" in each nomination.

5.3. The laureates of the Contest will take part in a concert dedicated to the closing of the V International Music Contest "Naidal-2018".

5.4. The laureates of the Contestupon the recommendation of the jury cantake part in closing ceremony.

5.5. The Grand Prix must be ​​awarded according to the results of the general vote of the jury members of all categories.

5.6. The teachers and the accompanists who have prepared laureates are given letters of gratitude from the founder of the Contest

The Jury of the Contest

6.1. To evaluate the performances of the participants of the Contest, the Organizing Committee invites the prominent artists of Russia, countries of near and far abroad to be thejury. The jury evaluates performances on a 25-score evaluation system for each specialty (nomination) and age category separately.

6.2. The jury reserves the right to:

- notaward all prizes;

- divide the prizes between several performers;

- award diplomas to the best accompanists;

- stop participants if they violate the time limit established in the conditions, or if the program and its execution do not correspond to the level of the Contest;

- to establish special prizes.

6.3. In case if a jury member is a teacher of a contest participant, he does not participate in voting when the performance of this participant is being evaluated.

6.4. The jury's decisions are final and not subject to revision.


Appendix № 1 to the Regulations of

V International musical contest


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