Apply [ə'plaɪ] (v) – використовувати, застосовувати, вживати

Do we usually apply new technology in food industry?

What can we apply acids for?

What temperature do we apply for pasteurizing milk?


Exercise 2. Look through the given words and try to remember them.

objectionable (adj) – неприємний

evaporation (n) – випаровування, випарювання

bakers (n) – хлібопекарська промисловість

ice cream (n) – морозиво

bread (n) – хліб

dough (n) – тісто

ounce (n) – унція (28,3 г)

add (v) – додавати

to be subjected to – підлягати

Exercise 3. Learn the most useful and common words

also – також, теж; притому

whereas – тоді як, в той час як

to lend to – дозволити


Exercise 4. Look these words through and try to determine their meanings in the Ukrainian language.

sterilize ['ster(ə)laɪz] (v)

chocolate ['ʧɔklət] (n)

diet ['daɪət] (n)

biscuit ['bɪskɪt] (n)

soup [suːp] (n)

quart [kwɔːt] (n)


Exercise 5.Give the correct translation of the following sentences paying attention to Perfect tenses.

1. Milk that has been heated to the temperature of boiling water is called sterilized milk.

2. This term is also applied to the milk that has been repeatedly pasteurized.

3. The processes of sterilization and pasteurization has ridded the milk of danger of a disease-carrier.


Exercise 6. Look through the text. Find the answer to the following questions:

1. What is sterilized milk?

2. Whom is this product largely used by?

3. How to reconstitute whole milk powder?

Sterilized milk

Sterilized milk is milk that has been heated to the temperature of boiling water, or a little higher, and maintained at that point long enough to kill all organisms present. The term is also applied to milk that has been repeatedly pasteurized. These two processes rid the milk of the danger of being a disease-carrier, provided that it is not subject to future contamination. Milk treated in this way is objectionable to many people because of the cooked flavor developed and the destruction of most, or all, of its Vitamin C content.

Dry, or desiccated, milk is white powder obtained by the evaporation of wholly, partially, or completely skimmed milk. This product is largely used by bakers, chocolate manufacturers and ice-cream companies, in baby food and for many other useful purposes. Dry whole milk, which is a soft cream colour, averages about 28% fat, whereas the dry skimmed milk, a white or a light yellowish powder, usually contains an average of ½ % fat. Whole milk powder, or skimmed milk powder, lands itself readily to enriching the diet by addition to bread, biscuit dough, soups, etc. Whole milk powder is reconstituted by adding 1 pound of the dry milk to 3 ¾ quarts of water; skimmed milk is reconstituted by adding 14 ounces of dry skimmed milk powder to 313/16 quarts of water.


Exercise 7. Do exercises 1, 2, 3 again. Repeat exercise 4.

Exercise 8. a). Give English equivalents for:

1. рятуватися від небезпеки забруднення

2. відновити сухе зняте молоко

3. Порошок незбираного молока

b). Give Ukrainian equivalents for:

1. maintained at that point to kill all organisms present

2. the danger of being a disease-carrier

3. Vitamin C content

4. desiccated milk

5. average about 28% fat

6. light yellowish powder

7. lands itself

8. to enriching the diet by addition to

Exercise 9. Прочитайте уважно текст. Зробіть грамотний, з точки зору спеціаліста, переклад.

Exercise 10. Answer the following questions:

1. How do we obtain sterilized milk?

2. Where do we use desiccated milk?

3. What is the difference between dry whole and dry skim milk?


Exercise 11. Translate into English choosing the right equivalents from the text.

1. Ми стерилізуємо молоко, щоб не піддавати його подальшому забрудненню.

2. Сухе незбиране молоко, яке має м'який кремовий колір, містить в середньому 28% жиру, а сухе зняте молоко (білий або злегка жовтуватий порошок) - в середньому - 0,5% жиру.

3. Порошок незбираного молока відновлюється додаванням 1 фунта сухого молока і 3 ¾ води.

Exercise 12. Look through the text and try to speak on:

1. The process of sterilizing milk.

2. The obtaining of dry milk.

3. The wide usage of dry milks in different branches of light industry.

Unit IV



Exercise 1. Read the words aloud several times and memorize them.

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