Ripeness (n) – зрілість, спілість

pound (n) – фунт (одиниця ваги: англ. = 453,6 г)

exposure (n) – виставляння, положення

specimen (n) – зразок; екземпляр

moisture (n) – вологість, вогкість; волога

fancy (adj) – вищої якості

permit (v) – дозволяти; давати дозвіл

incorporate (v) – з'єднувати, об'єднувати

vary (v) – (часто from) різнитися; розходитися; відхилятися; відрізнятися

acquire (v) – придбати, здобувати; одержувати; досягати

base (v) – (on, upon) засновувати, обґрунтовувати

require (v) – вимагати, наказувати

attain (v) – досягати, домагатися

depend (v) – (on, upon) залежати; обумовлюватися

remove (v) – відсувати, прибирати, знищувати, видаляти; усувати

Exercise 3. The most useful and common words

by – за допомогою

as much as – стільки ж

within – в межах

due to – завдяки; внаслідок; в результаті

whereas – тоді як, в той час як

than – чим


Exercise 4. Look these words through and try to determine their meanings in the Ukrainian language.

consistency [kən'sɪstənsɪ] (n)

extract [ɪk'strækt] ( v)

characteristic [ˌkærəktə'rɪstɪk] (n)

bacteria [bæk'tɪərɪə] (n)

combination [ˌkɔmbɪ'neɪʃ(ə)n] (n)

mixture ['mɪksʧə] (n)

ferment ['fɜːment] (n)

intensification [ɪnˌtensɪfɪ'keɪʃ(ə)n] (n)

activity [æk'tɪvətɪ] (n)

mineral ['mɪnərəl] (n)

factor ['fæktə] (n)


Exercise 5. Запишіть, під яким номером у завданні надані закінчені речення, до незакінчених речень напишіть кінцівку.

1. The milk acidified by the addition of lactic acid bacteria

2. The mill is separated from the whey

3. The lactic acid produced by the lactic acid bacteria

4. The time spent in ripening and aging the cheese

5. Cheeses are commonly graded as special, fancy, good, prime and common

6. People always derived the milk from cows, goals, sheep

Exercise 6. Визначте, якою частиною мови є підмет.

1. Curdling is the most important process in cheese production.

2. To produce cheddar type of cheese is to develop the lactic acid bacteria in great numbers.

3. The cheese flavours result from exposure of the cheese to bacteria, molds or yeasts.

4. The blue-green bread mold is one of the chief biological factors in Camembert cheese.

Exercise57. Визначте, якою частиною мови є присудок.

1. Before the rennet is added the milk may be tested for ripeness for curdling.

2. Swiss curd is to be cooked much longer, and at a higher tem­perature, than Cheddar.

3. Cream cheese is making from milk and cream by a special pro­cess.

Exercise 8. Визначте якою частиною мови є слово с суфіксом -ed.

1. Cheese is essentially a processed form of casein, or milk pro­tein, which contains butter fat.

2. The milk is separated from the whey which consists of water, milk, sugar, a little fat and minerals.

3. When coagulated within 45 seconds, the milk is ready for the addition of rennet.


Exercise 9. Look through the text. After your reading be ready to answer the following questions.

1. What is cheese?

2. By means of what substance is the milk generally acidified

3. What is the gradation of cheeses?


Cheese is essentially a processed form of casein, or milk protein, which contains butter fat. The milk is generally aci­dified by the addition of lactic acid bacteria and the curd or casein coagulated by a soluble ferment called rennet. It is then separated from the whey which consists of water, milk, sugar, a little fat and minerals. One part of rennet may coagulate as much as 250 thousand parts of milk. Before the rennet is added the milk may be tested for ripeness for curdling. For this test, a teaspoonful of diluted rennet extract is added to 4 ounces of milk and, if the coagulation takes place within 45 to 60 seconds, the milk is ready for the addition of rennet.

Sour milk cheeses owe their flavours chiefly to the lactic acid produced by the lactic acid bacteria. The characteristic flavours of other varieties of cheese are developed largely during later processing. These flavours result from exposure of the cheese to bacteria, molds, or yeasts that occur naturally or are added.

The striking differences in the flavour and consistency of cheeses may also be due to the type of milk used, e.g. whole milk, skimmed milk, cream, or a combination of milks.

The milk may be derived from cows, goats, sheep or it may be a mixture of these. The time spent in ripening end aging the chees determines the definite characteristics, e.g., for cheddar types the lactic acid bacteria are permitted to develop in great numbers before the rennet is added, whereas in Swiss, Camembert or Limburger cheese, they are not.

Also, in cheddar, the moisture content or whey, left in the curd is considerably less than that present in Camembert; this means that more fermentable milk sugar is present in Camembert. Emmenthaler (Swiss) curd is cooked much longer, and at a higher temperature, than cheddar. Camembert curd is not cooked at all. The amount of salt added to chesses, whether it is incorporated before or after pressing, the difference in temperature during ripening and intensification of the activity of bacteria, e.g. in Roquefort cheese, all vary for different cheeses.

Great skill, acquired only after long practice based on years of experience, is required for the regularly repeated pro­duction of a specific flavour and consistency. These depend, not on one but on several forms of minute microscopic life. For example, in Camembert, the chief biological factors are lactic acid bacteria, the ever-present milk mold, and a foreign Penicillium mold, the blue-green bread mold.

If the lactic acid bacteria are permitted to develop in too great numbers before the curdling, the consistency of true Camembert cannot be attained.

If the Penicillium overcrowds the milk mold the consisten­cy may be good, but the flavour is inferior.

Cheeses are commonly graded as special, fancy, good, prime and common.


Exercise 10. Look through the text. Find the answers to the following questions:

1. How can we determine the time when the rennet must be added to the milk?

2. What is the way of testing the milk for ripeness for curd­ling?

3. What do the flavours of cheese depend upon?

4. Does the flavour and consistency of cheeses depend on the type of milk?

Exercise 11. Learn the words from exercises 1, 2, 3. Repeat exercise 4


Exercise 12a. Find Ukrainian equivalents:

a). soluble b). вага
curdling аромат
coagulation зміст
flavour найдрібніший
occur розчинний
striking заквашування
content траплятися
fermentable згортання
weight здатний до бродіння
minute вражаючий

Exercise 12b. Fill in the blanks with one of the suitable words, given below.

cream, Camembert, whey, inferior, rennet, skimmed milk

1. The curd or casein in coagulated by a soluble ferment called … .

2. … consists of water, milk, sugar, a little fat and minerals.

3. The flavour and consistency of cheese depend upon the type of milk used, e.g. whole milk, …, … .

4. … curd is not cooked at all.

5. If the Penicillium overcrowds the milk mold the flavour is … .

Exercise 12c. Translate into the Ukrainian language in written form.

1. Great skill, acquired only after long practice based on years of experience, is required for the regularly repeated production of a specific flavour and consistency.

2. The term used to denote size and weight are fanciful expression such as Young America for small cheese of 9 to 11 pounds, and Long Horn, Daisy, etc. for larger specimens.

Exercise 13. Prove that you are an attentive reader. There are some statements and 3 of them do not coincide with the content of the text. Find them:

1. One part of rennet may coagulate as much as 350 thousand parts of milk.

2. After the rennet is added the milk may be tested for ripeness.

3. The characteristic flavours of cheeses are developed largely during later processing.

4. The amount of salt added to cheeses the difference in tempe­rature during intensification of the activity of bacteria vary for different cheeses.

5. In cheddar, the moisture content is considerably more than that present in Camembert.

Unit VI



Exercise 1. Read the words aloud several times and memorize them.

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