Профессиональное мастерство, искусство- workmanship

The processes of conservation and restoration

Trying to encompass the whole narrative of

paintings conservation in a single volume

might seem an impossible task

David Bomford

Art restoration is related to art conservation. To successfully care for cultural heritage, conservators must have an extensive understanding of the complex material and historical nature of objects.

Conservation involves the care and preservation of works of art, all of which are, over a period of time, subject to alteration and deterioration. This may be due to several factors: chemical, physical, and biological changes which occur through the inherent instability of the materials of an object, or result from faulty technique; accelerated decay as a result of poor environmental conditions, mishandling, or accidental damage and deliberate intervention by owners or restorers. Changes in the states of materials are largely inevitable and irreversible but deterioration can be reduced by proper conservation treatment. This, however, demands sound knowledge of the historic and artistic value of the object, as well as its chemical and physical structure.

There are reversible and irreversible changes, among the last we can single out such as craquelure(French: craquelé, Italian: crettatura), yellowing, pentimenti (alterations in a painting, evidenced by traces of previous work, showing that the artist has changed his or her mind as to the composition during the process of painting), color changes.

Proper storage, out of direct sunlight, and with controlled temperature and humidity, is the only thing that can slow the aging process. Preservation is important because shifts in color and opacity change the way we perceive paintings. Illusions of depth and three-dimensional form depend on subtle transitions in color and tone that are often obscured, and sometimes lost as a painting ages.

2.The three dimensional reality- три пространственных измерения

The Italian development of a thorough system of the three dimensional reality of landscape was known all over Europe around the end of the 15th century, which allowed large and complex views to be painted very effectively.

Carved from stone-вырезанный из камня

“Woman from Willendorf” or “Venus of Willendorf” is a sculpture carved from stone, which depicts a woman with exaggerated female attributes; it is remarkable in its roundness.

Mounting- установка, набивка, монтаж

Mounting of doors is very necessary while repairing of an apartment.


The novel's plot is multilayered.


Me and Snegana, we cast in the same mold.


Fiberglass insulation is dangerous to breathe.

Эко-дизайн- eco-design (or ecodesign; “sustainable design”, “green design”)

Eco-design is an approach to designing products with special consideration for the environmental impacts of the product during its whole lifecycle.

Дизайн интерьера- interior design

We have been studying an interior design for eight years, since 2008, and I find this field as an art of the 21st century.

Гончарное дело, изделия, керамика-pottery; ceramics

Evidence of early pottery, ceramics, and the construction of megaliths appeared in the Neolithic.

Cовременное искусство - modern art, contemporary art

Modern art and contemporary art are two very close, but different terms: the former is a term that refers to artistic works produced during the period extending roughly from the 1860s to the 1970s; the last can be defined variously as art produced at this present point in time or art produced since World War II.

Профессиональное мастерство, искусство- workmanship

I have been dreaming of my life, full and happy one, where there are no illness of people around me, but plenty of energy, persistence, achievements of art goals, and of course, life with studying of workmanship from great artists, writers, and designers.

The Grammar Test.

1. ________breakfast yet? - Yes, I______.

A) did you have, have

B) had you had, have

C) have you had, have

D) do you have, had

2. I ______ a new car last week, but I_______ my old car yet.

A) bought, haven't sold

B) buy, don't sell

C) have bought, sold

D) had bought, didn't sell

3. I _________ all the questions since I began working оn this test

A) am answering

B) answer

C) have answered

D) had answered

4. I was late. The teacher________ a test when I ________to class.

A) has already given, got

B) had already given, got

C) has already given, get

D) was already giving, get

5. Tomorrow at this time, I_________ school

A) will attend

B) will have been attending

C) will have attended

D) will be attending

6. I_____ very busy lately.

A) was

B) was being

C) had been

D) have been

7. The new highway_________ sometime next month.

A) Completed

B) completes

D) will complete

C) will be completed

8. You ________have a passport if you want to travel abroad.

A) have to

B) can

C) may

D) might

9. Have you heard anything from Ted? Is he still in Africa? – He _________be, or he____ be on his way home. I'm just not sure.

A) could, must

B) must, could

C) could, could

D) must, must

10. I can't speak French. I wish I________.

A) Can

B) Would

C) could

D) had been able

11. The doctor suggested ______ two aspirin.

A) Taking

B) he took

C) to take

D) that he take

12. The teacher wanted to know whether ________the homework.

A) would I prepare

B) if I prepared

C) I had prepared

D) did I prepare

13. When I ________ translating the text, I'll go the cinema.

A) will finish

B) will have finished

C) have finished

D) am finish

14. If it _____ raining yesterday, we _____ the game.

A) hadn't been, would have finished

B) wasn't, will finish

C) weren't, would have finished

D) weren't, would finish

15. How old_______ now if you ____ born in 1900?

A) will you be, had been

B) would you be, were

C) are you, were

D) would you be, had been

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