Т.А. Гуральник, В.Д. Шевченко

Т.А. Гуральник, В.Д. Шевченко


Планы семинарских занятий и задания

по курсу «Лексикология»


Составители:к.ф.н., доц. Т.А. Гуральник, д.ф.н., доц. В.Д Шевченко

Рецензент:д.ф.н., проф., зав. кафедрой иностранных языков СамГУПС М.М. Халиков

Отв. редактор:

Настоящие методические рекомендации по курсу «Лексикология» предназначены для студентов-бакалавров, обучающихся по направлениям 45.03.01 Филология, профиль «Зарубежная филология (английский язык и литература)» и 45.03.02 Лингвистика, профиль «Перевод и переводоведение».

Цель курса «Лексикология» заключается в систематизации теоретических знаний и практических навыков в области лексикологии английского языка, в формировании прочной лингвистической основы в структуре профессиональных компетенций бакалавров.

В связи с данной целевой установкой предлагаемая программа семинарских занятий включает обсуждение теоретических аспектов курса и выполнение практических заданий, предназначенных для закрепления знаний, полученных студентами в лекционном курсе «Лексикология», а также в процессе самостоятельной работы с учебными пособиями и теоретическими работами по основным проблемам формирования и развития словарного состава современного английского языка.

Основными формами контроля на семинарских занятиях являются: опрос по теоретическим аспектам курса, отчетность о выполнении практических заданий, подготовка теоретических сообщений реферативного характера.


English Vocabulary as a System

A. Points for discussion:

1. The object of lexicology. Theoretical and practical value of lexicology. Links of lexicology with linguistic and social sciences.

2. The word as the basic unit of lexicology. Paradigmatic and syntagmatic relations in the vocabulary.

3. Principles of vocabulary study: a) non-semantic morphological groupings; b) lexical and semantic fields; c) lexical-grammatical groupings; d) thematic and ideographic groups.

4. Territorial variation of the English language: lexical differences between British and American English.

5. Stylistic stratification of the English vocabulary. Lexical layers in English vocabulary: a) learned and official words; b) poetic words; c) colloquialisms and slang; d) neologisms, obsolete and archaic words;

Glossary: historical lexicology, descriptive lexicology, paradigmatics (paradigm), syntagmatics (syntagma), lexicon, vocabulary, word-stock, dialect, national variety

Recommended References:

Antrushina et al. English Lexicology. Chapters 1 & 2, pp.6- 21, 27-38.

Arnold I.V. The English Word. M.,1986., pp.9-12, 199-209, 216-220, 243-251.

Дубенец Э.М. Modern English Lexicology. Theory and Practice. М.: 2002, pp 4-5, 141-153.

B. Assignments

Exercise 1.a) Classify the following nouns into subgroups assuming that nouns can further be subdivided into N object, N action ®N instant action or N process, Nagent etc.

Abbey, alteration, ace, back, blame, bureau, circus, confession, cream, cut, day, division, dive, docker, fortune, gipsy, giggling, hurry, jump, knocker, laughter, maker, monument, person, process, run, satisfaction, shape, table, writer.

b) Divide the above nouns into 1) concrete 2) abstract; c) countable; d) uncountable

Exercise 2. Write collocations for the words “book”, “tree”, “girl”

e.g. the bark of a tree, girl’s book

approach, bark, big, boy, branch, cry, culmination, dress, exciting, green, grow, interesting, laugh, leaves, little, long, mischief, naughty, plot, pretty, run, smart, soil, style, sulk, tall, thick, write.

Exercise 5. Read the extracts below and decide which types of discourse they belong to. Underline key stylistically marked words which help you identify the discourse: terms, bookish/poetic words, officialese/literary words etc.


Exercise 7. It is well known that lexical differences between British and American English are obvious in the vocabularies of the educational systems. Fill in the table with British and American terms. Consult Wikipedia, if necessary

Concept British English American English
государственная школа state school public school
директор школы    
детский сад    
начальная школа    
средняя школа    
класс (ступень обучения)    
cтаршее звено средней школы    
частная школа    
диплом (свидетельство, аттестат) об окончании средней школы    

Clues: principal, public school, grade, primary school, general certificate of secondary education (GSCE), sixth form, infant school, senior high school, headmaster/headmistress, elementary school, private school, mark, high school diploma, comprehensive school, mark, day nursery , form, middle &junior high school


A. Points for discussion

1. The origin of English words.

2. Causes and ways of borrowings.

3. Assimilation of loan words.

4. Loan words impact upon the English vocabulary.

5. Etymological doublets in English.

6. International and pseudo-international words in the English language.

Recommended References:

Antrushina et al. Ibid., Chapters 3 & 4, pp. 44-70.

Arnold I.V. Ibid. pp.252- 255, 259-261

Дубенец Э.М. Ibid., pp. 98 – 123.

Glossary: borrowing, loan word, etymology, etymological doublets, assimilation, international word, cognate

B. Assignments

Exercise 1. Subdivide the following words of native origin into a) Indo-European; b) Germanic; c) English proper.

daughter, woman, land, cow, moon, red, three, lady, always, bear, lord, nose, glad, heart, hand, night, to eat, to see, to make

Exercise 2. Explain the etymology of the following words. Write them down in 3 columns as a) fully assimilated; b) partially assimilated; c) unassimilated. State the type of assimilation (phonetical, graphical, lexical), if necessary.

pen, hors’d’oeuvre, ballet, beet, butter, skin, take, cup, police, distance, monk, garage, phenomenon, wine, large, justice, lesson, criterion, nice, coup’detat, sequence, gay, port, river, loose, autumn, low, uncle, lunar, bishop, regime, eau-de-Cologne


A. Points for discussion

1. The object of semasiology. The concept and definition of meaning.

2. Types of meaning in English: a) lexical meaning vs the notion; b) grammatical meaning and part-of-speech meaning; c) word meaning and motivation.

3. Word meaning and usage.

Recommended References:

Antrushina et al. Ibid. Chapters 7, pp.129-

Arnold I.V. Ibid, pp, 37-39, 42-47.

Дубенец Э.М. Ibid., pp.123-125.

Glossary: semasiology, lexical meaning, part-of-speech meaning, denotation, connotation

B. Assignments:

Exercise 1. Is there any lexical difference between day, day’s, days, days’? What is the grammatical meaning of these units? Proceeding from the working definitions of the concepts of lexical meaning and grammatical meaning explain the difference between them

1) tree, tree’s, trees, trees; 2) write, wrote, writing, written; 3) writes, sings, runs, goes; 3) boys, girls, students, teachers; 5) colour, colours; colours; 6) bead, beads; beads.

Exercise 2. Explain why the following words are treated as motivated or non-motivated. State the type of motivation (phonetic, grammatical, or semantic) where necessary:

splash, unanswerable, to winter, a bee (трудолюбивый человек), skin-deep, big, to read, baker’s dozen.

Exercise 3. Look up the italicized words in the English-English dictionary. Identify the denotative and connotative components of the meaning in the following words. Use the words in the sentences that follow. (Choose either (a) or ( b)

a) murmur, mumble, grumble, mutter, whine, scream

1. She _____ when she saw the snake. 2. The breakfast was spoilt; everybody was _______ the porridge was burnt. 3. The child was ____ for a toy. 4. “Do you really care for me,” Eve ______. 5. “I don’t know what the world is coming to”, he ____. 6. The stranger _____ something but so indistinctly that I could not make anything out.

b) walk, stroll, wander, stagger, shuffle, creep, slip, dash

1. The old man was ____ down the corridor. 2. For a long time he ___ about the town. He _____out of the room unnoticed. 4. He _____ towards the door, trying to make no noise. 5. He was bumped into by the women who ____ out of the shop doors with their purchases, without looking first to right or left. 6. Now I was quite content to ____ mile after mile through this silent moonlit wood. 7. He ____ towards the door clutching at his wound, and then fell to the door. 8. They ____ down the land hand in hand.

Seminar No.4

A. Points for discussion

1. The system of meanings in polysemantic words and types of polysemantic development.

2. Diachronic and synchronic approach to the study of polysemy. Historic changeability of semantic structure.

3. Extralinguistic and linguistic factors of semantic changes.

4. Results of semantic change: a) specialization and generalization; b) amelioration and deterioration of meaning.

5. Types of semantic change: a) metaphor, b) metonymy; c) other types

Recommended References:

Antrushina et al. Ibid. Chapter 8, pp.147 – 160.

Arnold I.V. Ibid., pp.37-76.

Дубенец Э.М. Ibid., pp. 74 – 82, 125 – 127.

Glossary: polysemy, specialization, generalization, amelioration, deterioration (pejoration), metaphor, metonymy, irony, hyperbole

B. Assignments

Literal meaning

a. ‘__________,________, little star’ is a well-known nursery rhyme. It means the light of the star changes rapidly from bright to faint.

b. If car drives don’t dip their headlights at night, they can ____ you, and you can’t see anything.

c. This what the dying embers of a fire do. _________.

d. Sailors who are in difficulty fire these into the air to attract attention. ______

e. This is what lighting does. ______.

f. This what the sun does. _____.

g. This what diamonds do, or the sea on a bright, clear day. _____ .

h. A candle ______ in a breeze, and casts shadows round a room.

b) Tick the boxes to show the differences between the words to do with light. The first one has been done for you.

  bright dim on and off suddenly continuously
sparkle ü   ü    

c) Fill in the blanks with the above verbs of light (or their derivatives) in metaphorical meanings. Comment on the type of metaphor

i. The book got a ___________ review in the newspaper, so I went out and bought it.

j. He’s not much good at creative thinking, but he really ______ at anything that requires manual dexterity.

k. People say that just before death, the whole of your life ______ in front of you.

l. He prepared a gourmet meal, totally unassisted, in the ________ of an eye.

m. Violence has ______ up again on the island of Kroana, where the situation is bordering on civil war.

n. As soon as I saw her come on stage, I was ______ both by her beauty and performance.

o. When our eyes met, a _____ of recognition crossed his face, but he made no other sign that he remembered me.

p. The party was alright, but it lacked _____ . There was nothing very exciting or lively about it.

Exercise 3. Identify the type of meaning (direct or figurative) rendered in the following sets of words. Comment on the semantic change in each collocation:

SMART: clothes, answer, house, garden, blow, punishment

STUBBORN: child, look, horse, resistance, fighting, cough, depression;

SOUND: lungs, scholar, tennis player, views, advice, criticism, ship, whipping

ROOT(n) edible r., the r. of the tooth, the r. of the matter, the square r., cube r.

DRINK(v): milk, poison, wine, smb’s health, a toast to smb

SPREAD (v): butter, propaganda, cheese, an epidemic, rumours, jam, disease, gossip, a cloth


A. Points for discussion

1. Homonymy. Types of homonyms in Modern English. Classification of homonyms due to the type of meaning a) lexical homonyms; b) grammatical homonyms; c) lexical-grammatical homonyms.

2. Phonetic coincidence and semantic differentiation of homonyms: homophones, homographs and homonyms proper.

3. Diachronic and synchronic approaches to homonymy. Criteria of differentiation between polysemy and homonymy. Historical homonymy.

4. Semantic equivalence and synonymy. Types of synonyms and criteria of synonymity. Classification of synonyms.

5. Semantic contrasts and antonymy. Classification of antonyms.

Recommended References:

Antrushina et al. Ibid. Chapters 9,10, 11, pp.166- 175, 184-197, 209-219.

Arnold I.V. Ibid. pp.194-203, 203-215.

Дубенец Э.М. Ibid., 127-140.

Glossary: homonym, homophone, homograph, synonym, antonym, paronym

B. Assignments

Exercise 1 .а) Find homonyms proper of the following words:

band, seal, ear, cut, to bore, corn, fall, to hail, ray, draw

b) Write homophones of the following words:

heir, dye, cent, tale, steel, knight, sun, coarse, write, sight, hare

c) Find homographs of the following words:

to bow, wind, to tear, to desert, row, mow


A. Points for discussion

1. Lexical morphology and word building. Principles of morphemic analysis. Derived words.

2. Classification of morphemes according to their place in the word structure. Structural classification of morphemes (free, bound, semi-bound morphemes).

3. Derivative relations. Derivational bases. Stem types. Derivational and functional affixes.

4. Productivity and semantic properties of affixes.

Recommended References:

Antrushina et al. Ibid. Chapter 5, pp. 78-86.

Arnold I.V. Ibid. pp.81-67.

Дубенец Э.М. Ibid., pp.5-21

Glossary: derivation, base, morpheme, suffix, prefix, free morpheme, bound morpheme, ultimate constituents, immediate constituents

B. Assignments

Exercise 1. Analyze the morphological structure of the following words: a) reduce the words to immediate constituents and point out the stem type and word building means; b) reduce the word to ultimate constituents.

e.g. a) one liner (n)(остроумный ответ) → affixation: one line (noun stem) + er (suffix)

b) one (numeral stem) + line (noun stem) + er (noun suffix)

all-nighter, open-mindedness, disappointment, unknown, handbook, well-dressed, black, morphologically, superman, good, readable, classification, theatre-goer, accordingly, high-priced

Exercise 2. Define the particular word-building process by which the following words were made. Point out derivational affixes

writer, disappointment, unknown, handbook, well-dressed, black, morphologically, superman, good, readable, classification, theater-goer, accordingly, high-priced.


A. Points for discussion

1. Affixation. Structural and semantic properties of the English affixes.

2. Conversion as a productive type of English word building. Semantic relationships in conversion. Partial conversion.

4. Composition as means of word building. Structural analysis of compounds. Criteria of compounds. Semantic properties of compounds. Compound derivatives.

5. Shortening. Semantic and stylistic correlation of shortened word and its prototype. Types of shortened words: clippings, blends, acronyms, abbreviations.

Recommended References:

Antrushina et al. Ibid, pp. 66-72.

Arnold I.V. Ibid.

Дубенец Э.М. Ibid, pp.5-21.

Glossary: affixation, composition, conversion, blending, compound, exocentric compounds, endocentric compounds, shortening, abbreviation, acronym

B. Assignments

Exercise 1. Definethe particular type of word formation

a mike, to babysit, to buzz, a torchlight, theatrical, old-fashioned, to book, unreasonable, merry-go-round, V-Day, BBC, to bloodtransfuse, a go, to quack, eatable, NATO, Anglo-American, to murmur, a pub, okay, NIMBY, to thunder, a.m., earthquake, to dilly-dally, fatalism, zoo.

Exercise 2. Divide the following compounds into two groups: a) idiomatic; b) non-idiomatic

Cabman, necklace, earthquake, medium-sized, highway, wolf-dog, blackberry, light-hearted, looking-glass, bluebell, lazy-bones.



A. Points for discussion

1. Phraseology as a branch of lexicology. Similarity and difference between phraseological units and words.

2. Criteria of distinguishing set-expressions (phraseological units) from free word groups.

3. Classification of phraseological units by A.A.Vinogradov, A.I.Smirnitsky, N.N.Amosova, A.V.Koonin.

4. Synonymy and antonymy in phraseology.

Recommended References:

Antrushina et al. Ibid. Chapters 12 & 13, pp.173-199.

Arnold I.V. Ibid.

Dubenets. Ibid.

Glossary: phraseological unit,set phrase, free word group, idiom, idiomaticity, phraseme

B. Assignments


to go to one’s long rest as plain as a pikestaff

as weak as a cat – to shut up

a heart of gold – to sail in the same boat;

to have a head on one’s shoulders – to join the silent majority

to hold one’s noise – as weak as a water

to row in the same boat – a heart of stone

as clear as a day – to have one’s head screwed on right

b) Match the phraseological units in column A with those in column B to make up pairs of antonyms:

as heavy as lead spring chicken
as rich as Croesus a far cry
old bird as hard as nails
as gentle as a lamb as poor as a church mouse
at close quarters as light as a feather
as drunk as a lord foul play
fair play as sober as a judge


English Lexicography

A. Points for discussion

1. The object of lexicography. Methods of lexicographical research.

2. British and American lexicographical tradition. Linguistic and encyclopedic dictionaries.

3. General and specialized dictionaries. Methods of compiling monolingual and bilingual dictionaries.

4. Problems of lexicography: selection of lexical units, principles of arranging entries, principles of sense definitions, etc.

5. Types of Learner’s dictionaries and principles of their compiling.

Recommended References:

Минаева Л.В. English Lexicology and Lexicography. М.: АСТ «Астрель», 2007, cc.115-143.

Гвишиани Н.Б. Современный английский язык. Лексикология. Гл.6.1.

Федорова И.В. Учебная лексикография. Теория и практика. М.: Академия. 2006.

Glossary: dictionary, lexicon, glossary, thesaurus, entry word, definition, label, quotation

B. Assignments

Dictionary Quiz

1. Examples showing how words are used are given

a) in brackets____

b) in italic type ___

2. Phrasal verbs are

a) printed in thick type___

b) shown by a symbol____

3. Information about place names is found

a) in Appendix____

b) on special pages____

4. Are there any study pages

a) yes ___

b) no ____

5. Where will you find additional information on the usage of words?

a) in notes___

b) on colourful pages____

6. Labels are printed

a) in brackets____

b) in italics____

7. Idioms are

a) printed in bold type____

b) shown by a symbol ____

c) shown by a label

8. Are compounds within the entry

a) printed in bold type____

b) shown by a symbol___

c) shown by a label___

9. Is grammatical information

a) shown by a code within the entry ___

b) in grammatical notes in the extra column___

shown by means of examples and patterns within the entry____

10. Is there any information on related words

a) yes___

b) no ___

Exercise 2. Compare dictionary entries of LANGUAGE and CLIMATE in a general purpose English dictionary, in an encyclopedic dictionary and in a learners’ dictionary . Explain the principles of defining the lexical items in these dictionaries.


Lexical Field of “MADNESS”


of unsound mind

not in full possession

possessed neurotic




demented unbalanced


bereft of reason MAD bananas

non compos mentis bonkers

mental crackers


cuckoo round the bend

gaga off one’s chump


potty etc.

loony nuts

daft crazy

Stylistic Differentiation of English Vocabulary Т.А. Гуральник, В.Д. Шевченко - student2.ru


1. Антрушина, Г. Б. Лексикология английского языка : учебник для бакалавров / Г. Б. Антрушина, О. В. Афанасьева, Н. Н. Морозова — 8-е изд., перераб. и доп. — М. : Издательство Юрайт, 2013. — 287 с. — Серия : Бакалавр. Базовый курс.

2. Арбекова Т.И. Лексикология английского языка (практический курс). – учеб.пособие для II-III курсов ин-тов и фак.иностр.яз. – М.: «Высшая школа», 1977. – 240с.

3. Aрнольд И.В. Лексикология современного английского языка. – учеб.пособие. М.:Флинта: Наука. 2012. – 376 с.

4. Гвишиани Н.Б. Современный английский язык. Лексикология: учебник для бакалавров. М.: Юрайт, 2013. -273 с.

5. Дубенец Э.М. Лексикология современного английского языка: лекции и семинары. Пособие для студентов гуманитарных вузов. – М.: «Глоса-Пресс», 2002. – 192 с.

6. Дубенец Э.М. Лингвистические изменения в современном английском языке. Спецкурс. – М.: «Глосса-Пресс», 2003. – 256 с.

7. Елисеева В.В. Лексикология английского языка. – учеб.пособие – Спб.: Филологический факультет СпбГУ, 2006. – 80с.

8. Заботкина В.И. Новая лексика современного английского языка. – учеб.пособие для ин-тов и фак. иностр.яз. - М.: «Высш.школа», 1989. –126 с.

9. Кобозева. Лингвистическая семантика. – М.: «Эдиториал УРСС», 2000. – 352 с.

10. Кронгауз М. А. Семантика. М.: «Изд-во Российского гуманитарного университета», 2001. – 399 с.

11. Кубрякова Е.С. Типы языковых значений. Семантика производного слова.— М.,1981

12. Кунин А.В. Курс фразеологии современного английского языка. Учеб. для ин-тов и фак.иностр.яз. –М.: «Высшая школа», 1996. 381с.

13. Медникова Э.М. Практикум по лексикологии английского языка. –учеб.пособие для ин-тов и фак.иностр.яз. – М.: «Высш.школа», 1978.

14. Мешков О.Д. Словообразование современного английского языка. – М.: «Наука», 1976.

15. Мешков О.Д. Семантические аспекты английского словосложения. - М.: 1986.

16. Минаева Л.В. Лексикология и лексикография английского языка. М. АСТ-Астрель, 2007.

17. Никитин М.В. Курс лингвистической семантики. – М.: «Научный центр проблем диалога», 1996.

18. Смирницкий А.И. Лексикология английского языка. – М.: «Высш.школа», 1998.

19. Ступин Л.П. Лексикография английского языка. Учеб. пособие для студентов институтов и факультетов иностр. яз. – М.: «Высшая школа», 1985. – 167с.

20. Телия В.Н. Коннотативный аспект номинативных единиц. – М.: 1986.

21. Федорова И.В. Учебная лексикография. Теория и практика. М.: «Академия», 2006.

22. Харитончик З.В. Лексикология английского языка. Минск, 1992.

23. Швейцер А.Д. Американский вариант литературного английского языка: пути формирования и современный статус. – Вопросы языкознания. - №6. – 1995. – С.3-16.

24. Швейцер А.Д. Литературный язык в США и Англии. – М.: УРСС, 2003.

25. Шпет Г.Г. Внутренняя форма слова. – М.: Комкнига/ URSS, 2006.

26. Arnold I.V. The English Word. – M.: 1986.

27. Barber Charles. The English Language. A Historical Introduction. CUP, 1995.

28. Crystal David. The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the English Language. CUP, 1995.

29. Lipka Leonard. English Lexicology: Lexical Structure, Word Semantics & Word-formation. Tübingen, 2002.

30. Partridge , Eric. Usage and Abusage.

31. Readings in Modern English Lexicology. Английская лексикология в выдержках т извлечениях. Пособие для студентов педюин-тов (на англ.яз). Л., «Просвещение», 1975. – 238 с.

32. Soars John and Liz. Headway. Workbook. Advanced. OUP, 1994.

Internet resources

33. www.onelook.com – dictionary search engine, more than 1000 online dictionaries

34. www.etymonline.com – Online Etymology Dictionary

35. www.merriam-webster.com – Merriam Webster Dictionary and Thesaurus

36. www.thefreedictionary.com – theworld's most comprehensive freeonline dictionary, thesaurus, and encyclopedia with synonyms, definitions, idioms, abbreviations, and medical, financial, legal dictionaries.

37. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/9781444302851.gloss/pdf - Glossary of Linguistic terms (Wiley Online Library)

38. http://www-01.sil.org/linguistics/GlossaryOfLinguisticTerms/ - Glossary of Linguistic terms (Summer Institute of Linguistics)

39. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/subject/code/000075 - Wiley Online Library – Language and Linguistics

40. http://grammar.about.com/od/words/a/Etymology-Exercise.htm - Etymology Exercise

41. http://www.universalteacher.org.uk/lang/etymolquiz.htm - English Etymology Matching Exercise

Т.А. Гуральник, В.Д. Шевченко


Планы семинарских занятий и задания

по курсу «Лексикология»


Составители:к.ф.н., доц. Т.А. Гуральник, д.ф.н., доц. В.Д Шевченко

Рецензент:д.ф.н., проф., зав. кафедрой иностранных языков СамГУПС М.М. Халиков

Отв. редактор:

Настоящие методические рекомендации по курсу «Лексикология» предназначены для студентов-бакалавров, обучающихся по направлениям 45.03.01 Филология, профиль «Зарубежная филология (английский язык и литература)» и 45.03.02 Лингвистика, профиль «Перевод и переводоведение».

Цель курса «Лексикология» заключается в систематизации теоретических знаний и практических навыков в области лексикологии английского языка, в формировании прочной лингвистической основы в структуре профессиональных компетенций бакалавров.

В связи с данной целевой установкой предлагаемая программа семинарских занятий включает обсуждение теоретических аспектов курса и выполнение практических заданий, предназначенных для закрепления знаний, полученных студентами в лекционном курсе «Лексикология», а также в процессе самостоятельной работы с учебными пособиями и теоретическими работами по основным проблемам формирования и развития словарного состава современного английского языка.

Основными формами контроля на семинарских занятиях являются: опрос по теоретическим аспектам курса, отчетность о выполнении практических заданий, подготовка теоретических сообщений реферативного характера.


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