По 3 юниту Objective proficiency

По 1 юниту Objective proficiency

1) Учим тематический словарь из моего раздаточного материала (school slang + фразовые глаголы) и проводим самоконтроль (решаем кроссворд)

!!! В кроссворде все словосочетания пишутся без пробелов.

!!! Для самоконтроля можно решить этот же кроссворд on-line (файл HTML в группе). При открытии файла может всплывать окно блокировки вверху экрана. Нужно выбрать опцию: разблокировать или разрешить запуск программы …

    1                       2         3
        4 5                            
7                               8      
                9   10                  
11                         12            
  15   16                                
  18                               19    
        20                       21      
    23               24                  

4. memorizing purely by repetition
6. do something extremely well
7. a profound change of outlook, opinion
11. an unexpected test
12. to play (a tune) tentatively, by or as if by ear
14. to be or cause to be on friendly terms with a person means … him/her
18. not to keep the secret
20. this expression is opposed to “fall behind with (one’s studies)”
21. study intensively for a short time
23. this expression means that your mind become empty when you look at the exam paper
24. tricks that help you remember something
25. to reduce something means to …. it
1. to put an end to the relationship
2. a notice of redundancy issued to an employee
3. to do the exams calmly and efficiently means …. them
5. that’s an adjective relating to policies or approaches that are standard and not tailored to individual needs
8. the person who buries itself in the books is a …
9. be expelled
10. know something completely
13. to abandon or give up
15. to keep on talking about something means … it
16. to make by sewing together quickly
17. this expression means to cut classes without any reason
19. a continual routine
22. if the test kills you it means that you … it

2) Готовим презентацию по теме «Перемены в нашей жизни». Для идей воспользуйтесь упр. 1 на стр. 12 (юнит 1). Будем презентовать сразу же, как я выхожу на работу (в начале октября)

!!! Таблица для оценивания наших презентаций

Критерии оценивания Баллы (10 максимум)
Структура презентации  
1.Наличие вступления и заключения
2.Соответствие теме, логичность построения презентации, полнота раскрытия темы
3.Контакт с аудиторией
4.Наличие аудиовизуальных средств
5.Активность на занятии (участие в дискуссии, вопросы, комментарии, исправление ошибок выступающих)
Лингвистическая компетенция  
6.Спонтанность речи, практически полное отсутствие ошибок
7.Умение исправить, допущенные в речи ошибки
8.Использование в речи тематического словаря

По 2 юниту Objective proficiency

Повторяем все времена с будущим значением. Можете воспользоваться моей презентацией (в прилагаемом файле) или Murphy (в документах группы) U19-24.

Для каждого примера презентации придумайте свои ситуации.

Например, можно ответить на ?:

What are your plans for the nearest future? (What are you going to do? What are you doing these weekends?)

What will you have done by the time you graduate from the university?

What natural sayings that can forecast the weather do you know (involving animals, birds, insects etc.)?

What are your predictions for our country development (domestic and foreign policy)?

Etcetera …


Упр. 1,2,3 на стр. 18 (юнит 2)

По 3 юниту Objective proficiency

Берем за основу лишь тему Strange behavior и выполняем нижеследующие задания.

1) English vocabulary in use: (upper-intermediate) U68 (What your body does), (advanced) U 65 (Manners: behavior and body language). Учим лексику, выполняем упражнения и проверяем себя по ключам.

!!! Книги в группе

2) Далее отрабатываем лексику + изучаем новую по моим заданиям (English through movies)

  По 3 юниту Objective proficiency - student2.ru  
По 3 юниту Objective proficiency - student2.ru
  По 3 юниту Objective proficiency - student2.ru  
    По 3 юниту Objective proficiency - student2.ru  


Study the following topical vocabulary “What your body does” and perform each gesture and movement.

mouth and breathing eating and digestion legs and feet
breathe yawn cough sneeze sigh hiccough snore burp rumble bite chew swallow suck lick squat / crouch kneel tiptoe kick hop skip stamp / tap one’s foot
nose lips and cheeks eyes
pick the nose blow the nose sneeze sniff sniffle snort   titter giggle chuckle grin beam smirk blush blink flutter one’s lashes wink frown raise one’s eyebrows glance /glimpse peer stare / gaze
hands and fingers body
finger tap pat stroke paw handle press grasp grab snatch pick up pinch scratch clench a fist punch bump fists   twist a finger point at smb snap fingers cross fingers rub fingers bend fingers to wag a finger to smb crack knuckles fold hands / arms wave a hand wag a hand / arm blow a kiss shake hands clap hands hug backslap   stretch bend bow nod a head crunch lean push pull drag crawl climb shrug shoulders stumble squirm tremble shiver flinch twitch / twinkle squirm perspire / sweat  

Be sure you know the difference:

sniff to inhale through the nose, usually in short rapid audible inspirations, as for the purpose of identifying a scent, for clearing a congested nasal passage, or for taking a drug or intoxicating fumes
sniffle to breathe audibly through the nose, as when the nasal passages are congested
snort 1) to exhale forcibly through the nostrils, making a characteristic noise 2) (of a person) to express contempt or annoyance by such an exhalation 3) to utter in a contemptuous or annoyed manner 4) (slang) to inhale (a powdered drug) through the nostrils
blink to close and immediately reopen (the eyes or an eye), usually involuntarily
wink to close and open one eye quickly, deliberately, or in an exaggerated fashion to convey friendliness, etc.
glance to look hastily or briefly
glimpse 1) to catch sight of briefly or momentarily 2) (usually followed by at) chiefly to look (at) briefly or cursorily; glance (at)
peer to look intently with or as if with difficulty
stare (often followed by at) to look or gaze fixedly, often with hostility or rudeness
gaze to look long and fixedly, esp. in wonder or admiration
beam to smile broadly with pleasure or satisfaction
grin 1) to smile with the lips drawn back revealing the teeth or express (something) by such a smile 2) to draw back the lips revealing the teeth, as in a snarl or grimace
titter to snigger, esp. derisively or in a suppressed way
giggle to laugh nervously or foolishly
chuckle to laugh softly or to oneself
smirk a smile expressing scorn, smugness, etc., rather than pleasure
tremble 1) to vibrate with short slight movements; quiver 2) to shake involuntarily, as with cold or fear; shiver 3) to experience fear or anxiety
shiver to shake or tremble, as from cold or fear
shake 1) to move or cause to move up and down or back and forth with short quick movements; vibrate 2) to sway or totter or cause to sway or totter 3) to clasp or grasp (the hand) of (a person) in greeting, agreement, etc.
twitch to move or cause to move in a jerky spasmodic way
flinch to draw back suddenly, as from pain, shock, etc.; wince
squirm 1) to move with a wriggling motion; writhe 2) to feel deep mental discomfort, guilt, embarrassment, etc.
tap to strike (something) lightly and usually repeatedly
pat 1) to hit (something) lightly with the palm of the hand or some other flat surface 2) to slap (a person or animal) gently, esp. on the back, as an expression of affection, congratulation, etc.
stroke to touch, brush, or caress lightly or gently
grasp to grip (something) firmly with or as if with the hands to grasp smb. by the arm
grab to seize hold of (something) She grabbed the child's hand and ran out of the room. She grabbed at the branch.
snatch to seize or grasp (something) suddenly or peremptorily He snatched the chocolate out of my hand.
squat 1) to rest in a crouching position with the knees bent and the weight on the feet 2) to crouch down, esp. in order to hide
crouch to bend low with the limbs pulled up close together, esp. (of an animal) in readiness to pounce

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