Hyperbole and antonomasia

Hyperbole is a figure of speech in which exaggeration is used for emphasis or effect

It is a deliberate exaggeration and intensification of one certain property of the object described. The exaggeration is carried to an illogical degree. Hyperbole may be the final effect of another SD – metaphor, simile, irony.

You could have knocked me over with a feather. A coffee shop smell was strong enough to build a garage on. His grey face was so long that he could wind it twice round his neck.

Hyperbole is mainly used to intensify physical qualities of objects and people – size, weight, color, quantity, age, etc. Her family is one aunt about one thousand years old.

Hyperbole makes qualities of people or things stand out by exaggerating them. The skin on her face was as thin and drawn as the skin of onion.

Hyperbole - we can witness the overflow of emotions.

Hyperbole in poetry is used to create common and humorous effect.

They are devided into genuine and trite. Trite: for ages, scared to death, I beg thousand pardons, etc

Functions and stylistic effects: to express the intensity of strong feelings, to show the overflow of emotions, to intensify one of the features of an object, to suggest the presence of the opposite quality, to create a humorous effect.

The opposite of hyperbole is understatement (meiosis). Lessening, reducing the characteristics of the object of speech. She wore a pink hat, the size of a button, Half afraid, rather strong, etc.

To eat a cow, hyper – beyond, bow – throw. It is only a scrap.


Solomon – wise man. It is based on the interaction between the logical and the nominal meanings.

Antonomasia is a substitution of any epithet or phrase for a proper name, such as the little corporal for Napoleon 1. This trope is of the same nature as metonymy, although it cannot be said to exhibit the idea more vividly. It consists in putting in place of a proper name, another notion which may be wither in opposition to it or predicated of it.

Its principal use is to avoid the repetition of the same name, and the too frequent use of the pronoun, The most frequent forms of it are naming a person from his parentage or country as Achilles is called Pelides, Napoleon Bonaparte, the Corsican, or naming him from some of his deeds, as instead of Scipio, the destroyer of Carthage, instead of Wellington, the hero of Waterloo. There are 2 types of antonomasia. 1) The use of the name for a common noun. It is the use of the name of a historical, literary, mythological or biblical personage applied to a person whose characteristic features resemble those of the well-known origin.

In making use of this trope such designations should be selected as are well know, or can be easily understood from the connection, and free from ambiguity – that is are not equally applicable to other well-known persons. 2) The use of a common name for a name. It is intended to point out the leading feature of a person or event, at the same time pinningn this feature as a proper name to the person or event (telling names)

The iron Lady or the leaderene for Margaret thatcher, mrs blue Eyes, Mr. Know all.

Son of Laertes or Man of Pain for Odysseus. The king of Pop for Michael. The queen of pop or the material girl for Madonna. Tarzan – wild, Solomon – a wise man, Casanova – a philanderer, the bard of avon – William Shakespeare, the dark knight – batman, Judas – betrayal, the philosopher –Aristotle, Becham – footballer, an Einstein – an intelligent man, Uncle Lenin – Vladimir Lenin, The king – Elvis Presley, Minnesota – Land of Lakes, Lordship – a nobleman.

Figures of speech such as antonomasia adds adornment, beautifies, colors, elegant variation, embellishment, embroidery, emphasis, exaggeration, exclamation, flourish, floweriness, irony, lushness and luxuriance to the English language.

Pun and zeugma

Pun is a play of words aimed at humor which involves the use of homonymy, polysemy, homograph. Diet slogan – Are you going the wrong weigh?

Kinds of Puns. There are typographic and visual. Typographic are devided into Homophonic and homographic.

Homophonic – they use homophones which are not synonymous. Example – why is it so wet in England. Because many kings and queens have reigned there.

Homographic – these kinds of puns are where words are spelled the same but have different meanings and sounds. You can tune a guitar, but you can`t tuna fish.

Homonymic – these words are both homographs and homophones. Bank and bank

Compound – that contains two or more puns in theh same sentence. Where do you find giant snails? On the ends of giants` fingers.

Recursive – in this case, the second aspect of the pun relies on the understanding of the first. Infinity is not in finity.

Visual puns – they are those which use non-phonetic writing.

Non-humorous puns were and are a standard rhetorical and poetic device in English literature. {uns and other forms of word play have been used by many famous writers, who is estimated to have used over 3,000 puns in his plays.


Is a figure of speech where a word applies to multiple parts of the sentence.

Prozeugma is a zeugma where the common term occurs at the beginning of the sentence. A mezozeugma is a zeugma where the common term occurs in the middle of the sentence and governs clauses on either side. A hypozeugma is a zeugma where the common word occurs at the end of the sentence. This may occur naturally in certain languages or may be used to creat suspense. A diazeugma is a zeugma where a single subject governs multiple verbs. A diazeugma where a single subject begins the sentence and controls a series of verbs was called a disjunction. The zeugma is sometimes utilized to creat drama, add emotion or produce some sort of shock value. While there can still be an underlying sense of confusion, generally a zeugma is used purposely.

К семинару взять – кухаренко. Практика по стилистике англяз. Флинт. Study onton, hyperboly, ex 5, стр 63-65, упр 7 стр 72-73, стр 55-57 упр 3

5 примеров pun, print them out to hand in.

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