Thematic plan of practical training and Student’s independent work the teacher controlled (SIWTC)

Тopic The form of practical training Duration (hours)
The form of SIWTC
1. Acute and chronic respiratory diseases and pregnancy. The effect on the fetus. Algorithm for the diagnosis and management of pregnant women. Testing. The survey and discussion.    
Curation of patients
2. Features of acute and chronic diseases of the urinary tract in pregnancy. Complications of pregnancy and the postpartum period. Algorithm for diagnosis, treatment, prevention. The value of the hidden bacteriuria in pregnancy. Testing. The survey and discussion.    
Curation of patients
3. Genital herpes infection. Cytomegalovirus infection. Diagnostic algorithm, the management of pregnant women. Case study. The survey and discussion.      
Supervision of patients. Interpretation of the results of laboratory tests.
4. Some oncogenic viral infections. HIV. Algorithm for the diagnosis and management of pregnant women. The survey and discussion. The decision of situational problems.    
Case study
5. Chlamydial urogenital infection. Extragenital chlamydial disease. Mycoplasma infection. The survey and discussion.  
Bioassay taking skills from the cervical canal, urethra for PCR.
6. Viral hepatitis (A, B, C, D, E). Algorithm for the diagnosis and management of pregnant women The survey and discussion.    
Case study
7. Zootrop infections a) toxoplasmosis b) brucellosis b) Listeria Algorithm for the diagnosis and management of pregnant women Testing. The solution case studies  
Analysis of the history of the disease.
8. Bacterial vaginosis. Fungal infections. Algorithm for the diagnosis and management of pregnant women. The survey and discussion.  
Curation of patient
  Common Practical training 30 hours
SIWTC 30 hous

Тhe tematical plan of Students’ independent worky (SIW)

Topic The form of the work Duration (hours)
1. Review of the medical history of pregnant suffering from pulmonary tuberculosis Presentation
2. Review of the case of viral pneumonia in pregnant Presentation
3. Current treatment regimens of patients with chronic inflammatory diseases of the urinary tract caused by mixed chlamydia-ureaplasma-herpetic infection. Presentation
4. Measures to prevent the spread of sexually transmitted infections. Presentation
5. Annexes A, B, C, D, E of the Protocol MOH "Observation of physiological pregnancy" (Basic clinical protocols and orders of the MH PK in obstetrics and neonatology.-C29-45). Presentation
6. Orders MH PK on viral hepatitis, tuberculosis, HIV \ AIDS, "Rules of organization of inpatient care in health care organizations to protect the health of mother and child" Presentation review of the data orders
7. Lymphogranuloma venereum Abstract
8. German measles. Etiology pathogenesis. Clinic. Diagnosis. Impact on the course of pregnancy, the fetus. Abstract
9. Common   30 hours

Methods of teaching and learning

Topic Know- ledge Prac- tical skills Commu nication skills Patient advocacy skills SIW
1. Acute and chronic respiratory diseases and pregnancy. The effect on the fetus. Algorithm for the diagnosis and management of pregnant women.       Review of the medical history of pregnant suffering from pulmonary tuberculosis
2. Features of acute and chronic diseases of the urinary tract in pregnancy. Complications of pregnancy and the postpartum period. 1Algorithm for diagnosis, treatment, prevention. The value of the hidden bacteriuria in pregnancy.       Review of the case of viral pneumonia in pregnant
3. Genital herpes infection. Cytomegalovirus infection. Diagnostic algorithm, the management of pregnant women.       Current treatment regimens of patients with chronic inflammatory diseases of the urinary tract caused by mixed chlamydia-ureaplasma -herpetic infection.
4. Some oncogenic viral infections. HIV. Algorithm for the diagnosis and management of pregnant women Bioassay taking skills from the cervical canal, vagina for PCR     Measures to prevent the spread of sexually transmitted infections.
5. Chlamydial urogenital infection. Extragenital chlamydial disease. Mycoplasma infection.       Annexes A, B, C, D, E of the Protocol MH "Observation of physiological pregnancy" (Basic clinical protocols and orders of the MH PK in obstetrics and neonatologii.-C29-45).
6. Viral hepatitis (A, B, C, D, E). Algorithm for the diagnosis and management of pregnant women       Orders MH PK on viral hepatitis, tuberculosis, HIV \ AIDS, "Rules of organization of inpatient care in health care organizations to protect the health of mother and child"
7. Zootrop infections a) toxoplasmosis b) brucellosis b) Listeria Algorithm for the diagnosis and management of pregnant women       Lymphogranuloma venereum
8. Bacterial vaginosis. Fungal infections. Algorithm for the diagnosis and management of pregnant women. Bimanual examination. Curation of patient. The orders MH RK №№ 34, 722, 869 Protocols MH "Observation of physiological pregnancy" German measles. Etiology pathogenesis. Clinic. Diagnosis. Impact on the course of pregnancy, the fetus.

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