Curved TV and Smartphones: Gimmick or Gadget Godsend?

Moviegoers have long been familiar with the benefits of viewing content on a curved screen. The screen’s curvature equalizes the distance that light from the projector must travel, enhancing resolution and brightness while eliminating distortion. A handful of gadget makers including LG and Samsung have latched onto this phenomenon in recent years to differentiate their increasingly homogenous electronics. This week’s International Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas puts their latest curved-screen efforts on display, including LG’s latest bowed handset and high-end TVs that can change shape on command. Are these gadgets simply a solution looking for a problem, or a true breakthrough in how users interact with their devices?

The consensus points to the latter—curved screens do improve the viewing quality of content viewed in smartphone and TV screens. The biggest question is whether consumers will pay a premium for such a breakthrough or wait until the prices come down.

The second generation of curved smartphones arrived earlier this week when LG introduced its G Flex 2 at CES. The device has a 5.5-inch full high-definition polymer OLED (P-OLED) display featuring a 23-degree arc and a higher resolution than its predecessor (1080p, compared with the predecessor G Flex’s 720p). The G Flex 2 has plenty of other features—faster processor, improved battery life and scratch-resistant protective coating, to name a few—but the curved body is really what sets it apart. It’s not clear how much the G Flex 2 will cost or when it will be available, but AT&T and Sprint have signed on to offer the phone in the U.S. when it’s ready. LG also dialed up the competition in the curved TV arena, showing off a 77-inch 4K ultra high-definition (UHD) OLED that can flex and flatten at the push of a button. The idea is that the TV could be returned to a less intrusive (flat) shape when not in use. LG says the TV will go on sale this year but didn’t say when or how much it would cost. TV makers have been pushing expensive “4K” TVs for the past several years at CES, playing up the fact that they improve picture quality by processing four times the picture information as regular high-definition screens. offers useful background information for understanding the differences between Ultra HD and 4K. Rival Samsung likewise introduced a number of curved-screen UHD TVs this week at CES. The major difference is that Samsung’s TVs use less expensive LCD screens (more mature technology but lower picture quality than OLEDs), and the largest new offering will be 88 inches. Samsung also showed off a model that flexes on demand, but that 105-inch prototype isn’t expected to go on sale this year.

Curved-screen devices, whether handheld or mounted in the living room, are far from the norm today. Still, LG and Samsung’s decisions to expand their offerings in the coming year raise questions about whether curved screens are the future or another fad, like 3-D TV was at CES a few years ago. Apple earlier this week received a patent for a flexible device electronic device, something that could tip the scales in favor of curved consumer electronics. LG’s only real competition for fans of curved phones thus far is Samsung, which makes the Galaxy Round. TV makers have long competed primarily in terms of screen size, resolution and pixels per inch (as well as price, or course). In 2013, the TV market reached a turning point when companies began introducing models that featured quantum dots and curved/flexible displays that improved color accuracy and lowered reflectance for better screen visibility. One key feature of quantum dots is that light is supplied on demand, which makes for a more efficient display.


1. What do you know about present-day curved LCDs?

2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of curved displays?

Критерии оценивания

Оценивается адекватность перевода, фонетическая, лексическая и грамматическая правильность речи.

Оценка «5»

- наблюдается глубокое и прочное усвоение программного материала;

- даются полные, последовательные, грамотные и логически излагаемые ответы;

- студент свободно справляется с поставленными задачами;

- студент принимает правильно обоснованные решения.

Оценка «4»

- демонстрируется хорошее знание программного материала;

- грамотное изложение, без существенных неточностей в ответе на вопрос;

- правильное применение теоретических знаний.

Оценка «3»

- наблюдается усвоение основного материала;

- при ответе допускаются неточности;

- при ответе присутствуют недостаточно правильные формулировки;

- нарушение последовательности в изложении программного материала.

Оценка «2»

- не знание программного материала;

- при ответе возникают ошибки.

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