Задание №1.

Руководитель: Билявская Н.В.

Тема работы методического объединения начальных классов: Формирование творческого потенциала учителя в процессе совершенствования и поиска разнообразных методов обучения и воспитания, реализующих стандарты второго поколения.

Цель работы: Обеспечить освоение и использование наиболее эффективных приёмов, методов обучения и воспитания младших школьников на основе личностно – ориентированного обучения через освоение и внедрение современных педагогических технологий, учитывающих индивидуальный и дифференцированный подходы к обучению младших школьников.

Задачи методической работы:

1. Совершенствовать использование учителями начальных классов технологий, направленных на формирование компетентностей учащихся: технологию развития критического мышления, технологию проблемного диалога, технологию разноуровнего обучения, технологию коллективного взаимообучения, технологию сотрудничества.

2. Развивать самооценку учащихся, применяя технологию оценивания образовательных достижений.

3. Продолжить работу, направленную на индивидуализацию и дифференциацию образовательного процесса, активизировав внимание на работе с мотивированными детьми.

4. Продолжить изучение и внедрение в практику наиболее эффективных методов, форм и приёмов преподавания предметов в начальной школе.

5. Внедрять опыт творчески работающих учителей через мастер – классы, открытые уроки, обучающие семинары.



Formation of creative potential of the teacher in the process of improving and finding different methods of training and education, implementing the second generation of standards.

Objective: Ensure the development and use the most effective techniques, methods of training and education of younger schoolboys on the basis of personality - oriented training through the development and introduction of modern educational technologies, taking into account the individual and differentiated approaches to teaching younger students.

Tasks and methodical work:

1. To improve the use of primary school teachers technologies aimed at forming the competences of students: technology development of critical thinking, problem dialogue technology raznourovnego learning technology, collective mutual learning, cooperation, technology of technology.

2. Develop self-esteem of students, using technology evaluation of educational achievements.

3. Continue to work towards individualisation and differentiation of education process, intensifying focus on working with motivated kids.

4. Continue to study and practical application of the most effective methods, forms and methods of teaching subjects in primary school.

5. Implement experience creative teachers through the master - classes, open lessons, training seminars.

Задание №2.

Продублируйте на английском языке модель управления базовой школой.

Management model basic school

Control system - a set of actions necessary to implement the impact on the object of control and ensuring its movement in the direction of the target. A goal of any school to provide psychological and pedagogical, organizational, educational, social, educational and legal safeguards to full education.

School management is carried out on the basis of the RF Law "On Education", Charter Schools and local acts. The purpose of school is to control the formation of democratic institutions, educating well-rounded, socially adapted personality. Education, like any process of socio-economic system, can not and should not be formed spontaneously. This controlled process, and the effectiveness of the control depends on the quality of teaching and school viability and its competitiveness.

School management can not be carried out on a purely administrative basis. It requires the participation of all participants in the educational process. And for this it is necessary to have clear objectives of the control and a positive result for each participant of the educational process organization functioning.

Management of our school is based on the cooperation teacher, student and parent groups.

The control system of school № 1 is a personal (director, deputy directors, teachers, class teachers) and the collegial management bodies (Board of Governors, Board of Education, Methodological Council, Parliament).

At the beginning of the school year formed the administrative apparatus, shared responsibilities. 01.09.2011 issued an order number 10-1 on the delimitation of functional responsibilities and coordination between members of the administration. Deputy Directors have a small workload is not more than 10 hours, allowing them to fully implement the guidance and supervision of teaching the state, level and quality of students' knowledge.

Director of the school № 1 for 8 years is Shipulin Oleg. In 2006, it certified for the highest category on the position of "leader." Also top military and political education is a diploma of professional retraining program "Education Management".

In managing director carries out a number of specific functions: organization and planning of staff and activities of their own work; distribution of tasks and coaching subordinates, control over them; preparation of reports and reading; testing and evaluation of the results of the work; acquainted with all the novelties in the field of education, engineering and technology, the promotion and the consideration of new ideas and proposals; decision-making, when the director is looking for new ways to achieve the goals and taking responsibility for the risks associated with them; issues that go beyond the competence of the subordinates; interaction with the parent and non-governmental organizations, other educational institutions; familiarity with current correspondence; is the focal point; informant, providing reception, transmission and processing of various types of information; answering calls and receiving visitors; holding meetings; filling in the reporting forms; Negotiation; training.

School's administrative apparatus is distinguished business communication, professionalism, understanding of the role of science in modern conditions, the level of culture, honesty, character determination and at the same time, judgment, the ability to be in all respects a model for others, establish contacts with partners and authorities have successfully overcome internal and external conflicts.

The unity of views on the leaders to jointly solve teaching and educational tasks and ways of their implementation, common value orientations, the lack of fundamental differences in the general pedagogical approaches to solving the major problems of management and evaluation of teachers - all this provides the proper organization of the educational process at school.

A clear distribution of administrative responsibilities based on the knowledge of the director of individual characteristics of each deputy school allowed skillfully create a management team, and to organize its work effectively. Joint planning of activities, organization of control over the activities of deputies and constant evaluation of its effectiveness, analysis and evaluation of teachers' self-esteem and personal activities, deputies participate in those activities that are conducted by the director; exchange of experience and mutual information about the difficulties in the organization of personal work and teaching staff work; joint search for optimum right path to overcome them contributes to the success of activities the school administrative staff.

Analytical Materials Vice Director of OIA training periods for the results indicate their ability to adequately present the successes, achievements and problems in the educational process and the fact that the activities of all participants in the educational process carried out in accordance with the tasks.

The control system in the school provides the scientific validity of the educational process, the atmosphere friendly creative work, a healthy moral and psychological climate, putting the focus of the educational process, the identity of the student, the teacher, is for them a real possibility of realization of freedom of choice.

Managing the school system contributes to the mobilization of the material, social, psychological and pedagogical factors of education and training. The effort management system aimed at creating complex conditions of educational work: good material conditions of work and leisure environment for more physical exercise and sports, intellectual and meaningful leisure, recreational activities.

Effective management of the educational process in the school facilitates the achievement of educational goals, harmonizes positive factors and compensates for negative effects is predictive, operational and preventive in nature, activates and optimizes the innovation processes, provides technological correctness of the organization, provides for the use of student-centered management, allocates functions, information , staff support.

Managing school system realizes its activity in the principles of science, focus, planned, systematic, promising unity demands optimal and objectivity.

Задание №4.

1. Britannica Academic

2. Britannica E-Books

3. Britannica Escolar

4. Britannica ImageQuest

5. Britannica Library

6.Original Sources

7. Encyclopædia Universalis

Задание №5

1. https://www.theteacherscorner.net/collaboration-projects/

The teacher’s Cornet

Аннотация: На сайте представлены ресурсы для учителей. Советы для учителей, как правильно и эффективно провести классный час, как украсить ваш классный кабинет. Так же на сайте есть раздел «Проекты сотрудничества в интерактивном режиме». Там они изучают деятельность, которые обеспечивают взаимодействие между двумя или более классами.

2. https://nationalcareersservice.direct.gov.uk/advice/planning/jobprofiles/Pages/primaryschoolteacher.aspx

Primary school teacher

Аннотация: На данном сайте даются советы учителям начальных классов. Как правильно планировать уроки и готовить учебные материалы. Как правильно устанавливать время работы и условия.

Задание №6

Для меня задание было сложным, т.к. пришлось искать очень много ресурсов, чтобы найти нужный сайт. И также тяжело было в переводе многих терминов, которых я не изучала.

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